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already there
May 21 2007  on content regexp for konq/dolphin

Konqueror already supports the * and ? wildcards. I do think expanding on that would be a nice idea, though. Maybe not in Dolphin though - don't want to scare away the noobs ;)

Mar 30 2007  on content Azurite (more colors ;-)

My jaw dropped when I saw this... Fantastic work!

Cool idea
Feb 22 2007  on content use mouse wheel for font size adjusting

So there's be toolbar buttons that act as hotspots, where the mouse wheel could be used to change different settings.. Not only font sizes.

It could really help with one handed useability!

Re: ok
Feb 20 2007  on content Icon size depends on number of files CWD

You can already make the icons in konqueror bigger and smaller with Ctrl+mwheel or Ctrl+plus/minus. :)

Same with text size is web browser mode.

Excellent idea
Feb 17 2007  on content smooth kopete-like scrolling

I really like the scrolling in Kopete, and it would be great for things such as Konqueror's tree panel on the left.

I think it would have to be an application specific thing, rather than a global setting though - it wouldn't be very nice on a long Amarok playlist, or in KWrite for example.

Maybe right clicking a scroll bar would be a good way to toggle it, and perhaps have the scroll bar change appearance slightly to indicate which mode it's in.

Thumbs uo!
Nov 25 2006  on content Natural Gentoo

Fantastic splash, exactly what I've been looking for :)

Strange bug
Aug 28 2006  on content Lipstik

There's some problem with this style not applying to 32 bit gtk apps on a my 64 bit Gentoo system using the qt gtk engine. (gtk-engines-qt-0.7)

Plastik and other themes seem to work fine, and the only error I see when starting these apps is:

KThemeStyle cache seems corrupt!

Middle click
Jul 29 2006  on content Tab (window) browsing

I don't know about FF, but in Opera, middle click closes a tab. I'd be quite happy if the taskbar let you close apps by middle clicking their button.

Removing the border & title bar for maximised windows is a good idea.


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