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user public
Name:Konrad Mosoń (m)
Birthday:May 31 1992
Job status:working
Country:Bochnia, Poland
- Polish
- English
Programming languages:
- SH
- C++
- Perl
- Python
Favourite movies:
- Star Wars I - The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars II - Attack Of The Clones
- Star Wars III - Revenge Of The Sith
- Star Wars IV - A New Hope
- Star Wars V - The Empire Strikes Back
- Star Wars VI - Return Of The Jedi
- Convoy
Favourite games:
- Open Arena
- Warzone 2100
- Enemy Territory: Wolfenstein
Email:Contact morsik
Messenger:Jabber morsik@darkserver.it
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:morsik
Registered:Sep 29 2007
Last visit:May 26 2016
Operating System:
- Arch Linux

Fedora Users
Polish Linux

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Nov 16 2014 18:55morsik posted a comment "Nice"
Jun 2 2014 18:53morsik has updated the profile page.
Jun 2 2014 18:50morsik voted content "Evolvere Icon theme" up
Jun 2 2014 18:50morsik posted a comment "Unusable download"
Feb 23 2013 09:37morsik has updated: "GNU/Linux"
Feb 23 2013 09:36morsik voted content "Bespin simple theme" up
Mar 31 2011 15:36morsik has updated the profile page.
Nov 10 2010 14:41morsik voted content "Qt Media Player" up
Nov 10 2010 14:40morsik posted a comment "Description"
Nov 10 2010 14:27morsik and Emdek are now friends.
Nov 10 2010 14:20morsik voted comment "Sources" up
Nov 10 2010 14:15morsik voted content "QSkinStyle--QT App Skin" down
Nov 10 2010 14:15morsik voted comment "Propietary licence" up
Nov 6 2010 15:49morsik voted comment ":/" up
Nov 6 2010 15:36morsik voted comment "Re: Re: Re: it's excellent " up
Nov 6 2010 15:36morsik voted comment "hmm" up
Nov 6 2010 15:36morsik voted content "AYA" down

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