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Re: last update for today
Sep 4 2008  on content Kumblr

Gah, why haven't I gotten any emails about your comments! I'll update Kumblr as soon as possible.

Re: ease of use
May 10 2008  on content Kumblr

True, so true. I'll write a small readme/install.

Photos, audio and video is gonna be supported when the underlying library supports it.

Re: Re: Thanks + install
May 24 2007  on content Bookmarkbar

Same thing here, a manual copy solved it though. There must something missing in Makefile or similar, but I don't have the knowledge to find out..

Re: Uploads and copyrite
May 7 2007  on Discussion

If you look at the page where you add content you can read:
Distributing content where you don't have the permission from the copyright holder is illegal!
I ensure that this content does not violate any existing copyright, law or trademark.

So no, you are not allowed to upload a logo for amiga if that is copyrighted.

Re: Re: Too many kon
Apr 15 2007  on content audiokonverter (also for KDE4)

Replying to an almost three years old comment, nice;-)

The problem with k3b and mp3 had something to do with mixing debs from woody and broken backports, or something, so you know.

Re: Re: Mak use of captcha?
Apr 3 2007  on news Spam and Google Bombing

You are just talking about image based captchas, there are other types of captchas that suits impared people better. I've got a text based captcha at my site that says stuff like:
Enter the sum of 10 + 6, or the comment will be rejected
This way you just stop people that can't count;-)

Re: Already exists
Mar 8 2007  on content Special Stack for Selecting Items

Ah, just saw that you mentioned this, so ignore my comment;-)

Already exists
Mar 8 2007  on content Special Stack for Selecting Items

This already exists, take a look at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=52738
and for an implementation you have to look at some older comments at that page (but the dropdown seems to be broken for the moment).

It's Tigert
Feb 5 2007  on content Selection Eyecandy

It's Tigerts mockup for Nautilus, http://blogs.gnome.org/view/lucasr/2007/01/15/0


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