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Re: Re: Re: Re: Enable Kvantum theme in Plasma 5
Feb 10 2015  on content Kvantum

Yes, I have them both and everything works fine. Now I just wish I had more time to make my own theme :)

Re: Re: Enable Kvantum theme in Plasma 5
Feb 9 2015  on content Kvantum

Nevermind, solved. I'm using ArchLinux packages. I had installed kvantum-tools-qt4-svn instead of kvantum-tools-qt5-svn.

As soon as I installed the right tools package Kvantum appeared into Plasma 5 systemsettings.

Thank you.

Enable Kvantum theme in Plasma 5
Feb 8 2015  on content Kvantum

How should I enable Kvantum from plasma 5 (5.2)? In systemsettings -> application style -> widgets style there is no Kvantum.

Am I doing something wrong or Kvantum is not (yet) integrated with systemsetting from Plasma 5?

Many thanks for your work :)

Config UI and windows decoration?
Feb 7 2015  on content Virtuality

Hi, thank you for developing a Qt5 theme.

I just installed everything in a Plasma 5.2 system. I see no configuration GUI or windows decoration. Could you please confirm that this not an installation mistake on my part and that these things have not yet been developed?

"Shell" text too low
Oct 20 2014  on content Breeze-Thin

Hi, thanks for the skin. What do you think about raising the "Shell" a bit? As it is now, if your shell has a name with a "p", or "g" or "j" inside, you can't actually see the part below the baseline because the text is very near to the bottom border.

Maybe you could consider raising or centering vertically.

No-tiling desktop permanent?
Oct 18 2014  on content Tiling

If I disable tiling in desktop A, then switch to desktop B and then again to A, desktop A has tiling enabled again. Is this normal?

dark version
Aug 7 2014  on content Dynamo Plasma

Do you plan to port the dark version of the Plasma 5 theme too?

Apr 20 2014  on content Window Decoration Theme for Plasma Next

Hi, sorry for the OT, what font are you using in the screenshots?

icon size problem?
Apr 10 2014  on content Flamini

Hi, thank you for the great work!

In kmail, when an email has an attachment, the attachment icon is very very big, I assume because the theme is missing some icon sizes. I understand this is a Beta, but still wanted to point this issue to you.


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