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Jono Bacon: Ubuntu Accomplishments 0.3 Released!
It has been a little while since I last talked about Ubuntu Accomplishments, but there has been ferocious work going on in the project. The new release includes a number of important features and refinements. The goal of the 0.3 has been to focus on quality. Our intention here was to raise the reliability and quality of the core system and provide another good solid iteration towards a 1.0 release. As such many of the features in this release are not particularly visible, but you can really feel the improvement in quality. Let’s first take a look at the end-user improvements. Firstly, we improved the My Trophies view to include filtering to show you the different collections as well as which trophies you got most recently: A core philosophy with the project is to keep our interface clean and uncluttered. These new filters make it much easier to navigate your trophies when you have a large collection. It also makes the client feel more dynamic when displaying trophies in chro...
Sep 29 2012 via RSS  

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Philip Newborough: All your base are belong to Canonical

Why are you telling Amazon what I am searching for? We are not telling Amazon what you are searching for. Your anonymity is preserved because we handle the query on your behalf. Don’t trust us? Erm, we have root all your base are belong to us. You do trust us with your data already. You trust us not to screw up on your machine with every update. Sorry, I could not help myself. Seriously though, Mark Shuttleworth’s argument is technically correct, but I think he could have made it i...
Sep 24 2012 via RSS  

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Application – Rocket for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

    Twitter client for MeeGo. Features: 7 picture upload services Username auto-completion Home, Mentions, Messages “Undo tweet” Search, Conversations, Favorites, Lists Block user Dark and Light themes Font size customization Change user profile Mentions, Messages notification Save URLs for reading later View user’s following list/profile/tweets/photo/website View tweet...
Sep 19 2012 via RSS  

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Ubuntu App Developer Blog: Announcing the Ubuntu App Showdown community winners

The community has spoken, applications have been published in the Ubuntu Software Centre and we’ve got final list of 3 winners. Each one of them will get an awesome Nokia N9 smartphone as a prize, ...
Sep 18 2012 via RSS  

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[A-6038] QTGZManager: Ένα εύκολο εργαλείο διαχείριση ς πακέτων στο Slackware [pkgtools]

OSARENA Το QTGZManager είναι ένα frontend για το Slackware pkgtools που μπορεί να συγκρίνει τις εκδόσεις, την εγκατάσταση, επανεγκ...
Sep 15 2012 via RSS  

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Andrea Grandi: Leaving Finland (and Nokia), coming back to Italy!

After a very pleasant experience in Finland (Tampere), I've finally come back to Italy. I had the opportunity to work for three months in Nokia as "Qt Expert" in "Nokia Developer For...
Sep 13 2012 via RSS  

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Application – 3D Tris for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

    3D is a one vs one tris game. The game has three floors which are filled with marks. The player who gets more marks aligned wins. This game is more challenging as the game is 3D and give...
Sep 10 2012 via RSS  

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Application – Klippr – Client for Kippt.com for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

    Klippr is a meego client for Klippt.com. With http://kippt.com you can organize, archive and search your links. It features also a “Read Later” option, similar to instapape...
Sep 10 2012 via RSS  

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All aboard – Flying Towards Qt 5.0

    Lars Knoll has published a post on what is on the horizon with Qt 5.0 and his move to Digia as part of the transition of Qt from Nokia to Digia following the recent acquisition. The rout...
Sep 8 2012 via RSS  

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David Sugar: Ubuntu, MinGW, and GIT vendor repositories

It has been known that I tend to do some cross-platform development, including for software that runs on Microsoft Windows. For me the most logical approach has been to make use of MinGW (Minimal GNU ...
Sep 6 2012 via RSS  

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