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Ubuntu App Developer Blog: Announcing the Ubuntu App Showdown community winners

Published Sep 18 2012 via RSS

The community has spoken, applications have been published in the Ubuntu Software Centre and we’ve got final list of 3 winners. Each one of them will get an awesome Nokia N9 smartphone as a prize, sponsored by our friends at the Qt Project.

Presenting the Ubuntu App Showdown community vote winners:

First place: Ridual

As the application with higher score, Ridual gets the top position as the piece of software most loved by the voters. Ridual brings us back a classic in modern form: a dual-pane file manager especially designed for Ubuntu. As such, it sports a simple interface yet well integrated into the Ubuntu desktop. Will it be the next worthy successor of Midnight Commander?

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Second place: Orthcal

Those following Eastern Orthodox beliefs or simply interested in hagiography will find our silver winner a very handy tool to stay up to date with the daily Eastern Orthodox Feasts. As a bonus, this indicator app supports the old Julian and the new Revised Julian calendar.

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Third place: Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish is one of those apps that immediately catch the eye for their innovation on the desktop space. With it, you can set up events to automatically perform actions on your desktop triggered by the occurrence of a stimulus, that is, an event that can be predefined , such as unplugging a USB device. Give it a try and let Cuttlefish’s tentacles control your system to simplify your digital life!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

With this, we’re wrapping up this first edition of the Ubuntu App Showdown. It’s been a fun ride, with lots of excitement, a spree of cool new apps made with astonishing quality for a 3-week contest, and as usual, also areas for improvement. We’ve heard your feedback in the contest survey and soon we’ll be publishing the results and what we’ll be improving in the next edition. Yes, next edition, as given its success, we do want to repeat the contest!

Thanks go to all participants, to the judges, to the Ubuntu App Review Board and to everyone who supported the contest by promoting it, talking about it and providing their feedback.

If you are interested in knowing how your app did in the vote, or which were the runner-ups, you can get the Ubuntu App Showdown Community Vote results.

So long for now and see you in the next Showdown!

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