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Plasma Theme

Score 87%


Link:  http://
Downloads:  49733
Submitted:  May 20 2008
Updated:  Feb 15 2010


This is a glassified Plasma Theme.

Version 4 should be ready and compatible with the latest KDE SC 4.4.
If you can find problems or bugs. tell me please.

See also:
Glassified Splash

Glassified KDM

I hope you like it and leave a comment if you want!



- modified shutdowndialog
- fixed bug in analog_meter (thanks to youngmug)
- converted/compressed all files from svg to svgz


- added lineedit
- modified viewitem
- modified frame and dragger
- changed busywidget (uses the default one but in white)


- modified lancelot-theme (modified and updated most parts and color theme)
- modified scrollbar
- removed overlay from background and translucentbackground (theme looks better without it, i think)


- modified frame- and dragger-margins (fixed cutted fonts in tabbar)


- added toolbox, line, slider
- added busywidget (for now using the oxygen one)
- added overlay to background and translucentbackground
- modified systemtray and fifteenPuzzle
- many small changes at nearly all parts of the theme to fit better into plasma's specs


- fixed bar-meter-horizontal and bar-meter-vertical (fixed size-bug)


- modified viewitem, dragger, extender-dragger and frame (keep consistent to the previous theme-modifications)
- modified shutdowndialog (added shadow to the background and fix button-sizes)
- removed all opaque svg's, except the shutdowndialog (Maybe i will re-add a new opaque-theme in the near future, which will look quite better than the old one. Also i hope that the kde-team will find a way to keep translucency when composition is turned off)


- modified background, dialog-background, tooltip, krunner, lancelot-background and panel (more decent shadow and smaller borders to reach more space-saving)


- modified panel-background (a little bit polished and better support for thin panels)

(Glassified (old style))
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 Lancelot menu not transparent

 by debz on: Aug 17 2009
Score 50%

I have kde 4.3 on kubuntu and when I use glassified theme, I can't get lancelot to have transparent background. Is there a way to fix it ? Am I missing something here ?

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 Re: Lancelot menu not transparent

 by KDesk on: Aug 18 2009
Score 50%

This is a Kubuntu package problem.
To have transparent background Lancelot has to be compile with libXcomposite, libXrender and libXdamage development files.


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 by dummy on: Oct 24 2009
Score 50%

I have Kubuntu 9.10 and Lancelot is transparent here.

This theme has the potential to be the default one for KDE 4.4! Ik like it more than the default one now. It's more mature and stylish.

personal website: (nederlands)

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 Re: Lancelot

 by painkiller101 on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

Thank you for that comment!

Let me show you the world in my eyes.
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 Glassified and KDE 4.4

 by Jinidog on: Dec 22 2009
Score 50%

just tried Glassified with the KDE 4.4 Beta - and it has some problems. For example it crashs plasma when being selected or unselected. But that I consider a plasma problem.

However, in the new widget chooser in the quicksearch line edit the text color is wrong. I cannot see what has been typed.
The other widgets are doing it right, so I suspect that Glassified is defining a new text color wrong. Can you fix that?

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 Re: Glassified and KDE 4.4

 by painkiller101 on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

Hello and thank you for your comment.

It's fixed with the new version.
And it shouldn't crash plasma anymore since beta2, i think.

And sorry for my late reply.

Let me show you the world in my eyes.
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 Panel shadow

 by madsheytan on: Dec 26 2009
Score 50%

Hi, i'm using you theme and i love it! But there's one thing i really miss - shadow under panel. Is it possible to add them? I'm using a panel on top, so shadow would be really great :) Thanks ;)

Be free to have a choice.
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 Re: Panel shadow

 by painkiller101 on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

Thank you for your comment.

Until v.2 or something like that, there was a larger shadow under the panel, but other users didn't like it because of a small space between a window and the panel. So i decided to make the shadow 1px small and most of them where happy with it.
So maybe in a later version i will bring the larger shadow back with other possibilities in plasma.

Sorry for my late reply.

Let me show you the world in my eyes.
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 Re: Panel shadow

 by TheRob on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%

use this plasmoid:


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 by Izo on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

This is superb craftmanship as always. As you're an expert plasma themer, I have a question for you. I'm currently developing the plasma theme for the Bongos Social Desktop project and I'm using your glassified theme as a base. However, I know that themes made purely for 4.4/trunk (like Tibanna) don't work for KDE4.3. So could you tell what's changed in plasma theming so I can make my theme 4.4 ready?


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 Re: =)

 by painkiller101 on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

Hi and thank you for your nice comment.

I'm not 100% sure, but i mean that there aren't many changes between 4.3 and 4.4 plasma theming. They added a "lineedit.svg(z)" to get a more "plasma-native" look for inputs. I also had to modify "frame.svg" to get a good-looking tabbar. Otherwise you better name the files "*.svgz" instead of "*.svg", which seems to be more important now.

I would say that's it.
I hope I was able to help you a little bit.

Let me show you the world in my eyes.
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 Re: Re: =)

 by Izo on: Jan 8 2010
Score 50%

Right OK thanks for that I shall bear that in mind when I'm saving my SVG files. At the moment, I can't seem to render the background widget properly, the top and topright elements aren't appearing, yet they're named correctly. Plasma theming is so complicated.


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 Re: Re: Re: =)

 by TheRob on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%

howdy! hmm, I have recieved word that
tibanna works fine in 4.3.4... now I
dunno nothing about stable and what version
is the one ppl are using now... but maybe
you should give it a try?

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: =)

 by Izo on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%

How odd, stable is 4.3.4, but it doesn't work on mine.


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 by Saleel on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%

on kde 4.4 beta 2, all the background object seem to have an outline: http://i.imgur.com/QRVLf.png

is this a bug?

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 Re: Bug?

 by painkiller101 on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%


I use RC1 with openSUSE 11.2 and this doesn't happen to me.
In beta2 there weren't all parts set correct but not that heavy.
I would say that you could try to delete the cache folder inside your kde4-dir of your home-partition and then restart plasma. if you upgraded from KDE4.3 this could be the problem.

Let me show you the world in my eyes.
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