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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  68435
Submitted:  Aug 5 2007
Updated:  Apr 10 2008


This is a port of the imetal OSX theme by AndyBlac . It uses the pixbuf engine so it's a little slow, but i couldn't make an accurate port without it.

Now that Azel is finaly completed and released, i managed to update imetal too ... There is only one theme now, if you want to use globalmenu with it , just open the gtkrc file found inside the theme folder and change the line (it's near the end) :
include "Tweaks/tweaks.rc"
include "Tweaks/globalmenu-tweaks.rc"
and reload the theme.

In order to extract the archive , change the suffix to tar.gz .


v0.99 :
- Fixed a bug (introduced in v0.98) where the panel notifications are black.
- Network applet's wireless progressbars fixed.

v0.98 :
- Fixed a bug (introduced in v0.97) where empty lists had a blue color.
- Evolution vertical mail preview mode list headers fixed.
- Thunar home toolbar button is now properly skinned.

v0.97 :
- Tooltips color changed to blue.
- Some list header fixes.
- Banshee song tittle background fixed.

v0.96 :
- Now the same theme works with or without the globalmenu. Just change
include "Tweaks/tweaks.rc"
include "Tweaks/globalmenu-tweaks.rc"
if you are using the globalmenu applet and hack.
- Added shadows to arrows.
- Combobox and optionmenu now look completely the same.
- Spinbuttons comboboxes and optionmenus now have the same arrows for a more consistant look.
- Toolbuttons changed.
- Metacity themes now have allot less aliasing and wider left and right borders in order to make resising easier.
- The selected tab on a notebook is no longer taller than the rest.
- Panel buttons are now the same as the regular buttons.
- Changed some shadows (shadow out).
- Menubar menuitem selector changed.
- Panel menu icon size redused.
- Mplayer skin added.

v0.86 :
- Removed the clearlooks versions from the pack.
- Most of the tweaks for individual apps are now allot more specific in order to speed up the theme.
- Fixed a bug that caused the right side of Thunar address bar to become larger than the left when using certain icon themes.
- Changed the Thunar toolbar icons spacing.
- Gnumeric now looks as it should.
- gFTP now has full gradients.
- Fixed volume control sliders background color.
- Inkscape now has gradients. I still can't skin every Inkscape toolbar individualy (and i don't think it's possible) but if you hide one of the top 2 toolbars it should look ok.
- Changed the color of the rulers for the imetal-gradient version.
- Gnumeric, File Roller , Evolution and Synaptic non continuous gradient with imetal-gradient fixed.
- Epiphany has a round searchbox.
- Two new firefox skins with round adressboxes have been added.

v0.80 :
- Thunderbird skin added (a modification of Crossover X by riz).
- Fixed a bug where the panel sliders inherited the panel background.
- Fixed a bug where some scrollbars weren't drawn properly (mainly Gimp scrollbars).
- The Evolution New button now has a normal blue highlight instead of a grey/blue one.
- Evolution Task buttons changed from rounded to squared.
- Fixed a Nautilus bug with the toolbar and the non macmenu version.
- Fixed File Roller Toolbar for the non macmenu version.
- Changed the round addressbars.
- Included different rc files for toolbars with no text beneath icons. In order to use them, open the gtkrc file and
find the 'include "nautilus-tweaks.rc"' line near the end of the file. Change it to include "nautilus-tweaks-notext.rc" (only the macmenu version needs this change) and do the same for the 'include "epiphany-tweaks.rc"' line.

v0.76 :
- Evolution no longer looks like Silvester Stalone.
- Reduced Epiphany address bar height.
- Increased list header height.

v0.75 :
- Create Launcher no longer inherits the panel background.
- Epiphany address bar no longer contains another address bar.
- Epiphany Search the Web and Find textboxs are now rounded.
- Thunar toolbar buttons are now placed more symmetrically. They are nearer the left side of the window and have less space between them.
- Thunar adress bar height reduced, width increased.

v0.73 :
- Fixed a bug that caused the right side of the Thunar address bar (the visited locations drop down menu button) to look like the left side of the address bar after pressing it. The button now always looks like the round end of the address bar (even when pressed).
- Changed the Thunar address bar arrow icon (see 1st screenshot).
- Slight change to the panel background.

v0.72 :
- The menu bar applet and other panel applets that have a menubar now properly inherit the panel background.

v0.71 :
- Fixed some problems with the xfce panel and applets. It should now be fully skinned.

v0.70 :
- Removed stretching for the gradient to make the skin more speedy (IF YOUR MONITOR'S RESOLUTION IS GREATER THAN 1200 READ THE README FOR INSTRUCTIONS).
- Added metacity decorators (rounded and squared).
- Added macmenu applet with fake default menu for xfce.
- Improved shadows.
- Added panel buttons.
- Fixed the font configurator buttons.
- Changed the default background colors.
- Changed the notebook to have a more consistent look with the rest of the theme.
- Skinned the panel buttons.
- Made the round address boxes of Nautilus and Thunar exclusive to their toolbars (no round misshapen text entry dialogs anymore).
- Firefox download windows now have full gradients.
- Firefox skins are a little lighter (use less pixmaps).

v0.50 :
- Abandoned grey variant.
- Moved fully to pixbuf engine.
- Added gradients.
- Everything skin element is now a port of the osx version.
- New firefox skins (a regular one and one for use with the menubar hidden)
- New emerald theme.
- Added a modified version of the macmenu applet that displays a fake main menu (label) when there isn't another menu displayed on the panel.

v0.30 :
- This is the first version of the theme.
- Modified the Tish clearlooks theme by adding pixmap scrollbars panels and menubars.
- Created emerald and metacity decorations.

As this is a port, i can't choose a license myself. I've acquired permissions for every piece of work in this pack that isn't (or part of it isn't) mine. If you want to use code from anything in this pack, please feel free to do so. If you want to use pixmaps though, please contact AndyBlac, the original author of the theme for OSX to get permission first.

(imetal theme pack)
(Openbox theme by envyouraudience)
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 by jefrazie on: Aug 7 2007
Score 50%

for some reason it says when i try to install that its invalid file type....
i notice its a .gz, how should i install??

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 Re: ????

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Aug 7 2007
Score 50%

Deviant Art renames the files for a reason i can't comprehend . Change the file's suffix to tar.gz and extract it somewhere. Open the folder and read the readme for instructions on how to set everything up. The skin on the pics is the gradient variant.

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 Nice work Dude!

 by Tsega on: Aug 9 2007
Score 50%

The screenshots look great. I'm going to try them right now and I'll post back.

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 by arkangel on: Aug 12 2007
Score 50%

I love this , really kind to my eyes

I cant install the firefox theme , any idea ?

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 Re: :)

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Aug 13 2007
Score 50%

Sorry for the late response , i was away for a few days. Go to the ff main menu , goto tools -> Addons , and drag the ff skin to the addons window. If you want to have a menuless ff, drag the imetal-gradient variant and the personal menu extension. Press the use theme button under the imetal-gradient entry on the themes tab and restart firefox. Open the Addons dialog again , goto extensions and press preferences under personal menu. Navigate to the miscellaneous tab and press settings. Check the Hide Menubar Option and also select on the right side which menu entries do you want to have on the toolbar context menu.
If you don't want to hide the ff menu, just skip all the steps about the personal menu extension and install the imetal-gradient-menu skin instead.

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 Progress bar theme

 by Bunchofmails on: Aug 15 2007
Score 50%

How do I change the progress bar to match the scrollbars? The progress bar still is like Clearlooks.

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 Re: Progress bar the

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Aug 15 2007
Score 50%

You are probably using the old clearlooks version of the skin. Just go to theme preferences and select imetal-gradient (or imetal-gradient-macmenu if you are using the macmenu gtk hack).

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 middle screenshot

 by khd on: Aug 23 2007
Score 50%

How did you get nautilus to look like it does in the second shot ?

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 Re: middle screensho

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Aug 23 2007
Score 50%

if you are using the gradient version of this theme and nautilus doesn't look like that for you, please tell me what looks different and also send me a screenshot if you can.
If you simply want to know how i skinned nautilus to look like that , have a look at the nautilus-tweaks.rc file .

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 gray theme

 by greno on: Aug 24 2007
Score 50%

wow!! this is a piece of linux art!! can you post same theme with gray colors? i think that gray is most professional look in a desktop.
great job

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 Re: gray theme

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Aug 24 2007
Score 50%

I may do a gray variant but not before October, September is going to be full of exams for me :( .

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