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Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 74%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  117115
Submitted:  Jul 18 2006
Updated:  Feb 16 2007


Domino is a style with a soft look. It allows to fine adjust the shininess of the widgets by customizable color gradients.

* new option for indented / non indented menu items
* new option for highlighted tool button icons on mouse over
* the button look for tool(bar) buttons is now optional
* new rubberband options
* smaller tabWidget margins
* respects Gwenview's / Kicker's taskbar applet / Konversation's own mousewheel handling for scrollviews
* clipped popup menu edges, for a better look with KWin's shadows (Beryl seems not to support it).
* fixes pixmaps on PowerPC architecture
* fixes functionality of some popup QToolButtons and adapts their look and behavior to KToolBarButtons
* the content of popup menus with a side pixmap is visible again (Amarok, Digikam)
* adapts KMenu's section header style
* fixes Kickoff's tab icon alignment
* fixes possible crash with enabled text effect
* lets apps using their own label colors on tabs (if they're not defaulting to a fixed color like konsole)
* decoration: option "dark window frame" draws a darker frame
* decoration: borders are hidden when in maximized mode and moving / resizing of maximized windows is not allowed.

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 need help

 by bubuzzz on: Jul 6 2008
Score 50%

i just switched for ubuntu to kubuntu 8.04 and i really don't know how to install theme in kde. i used the terminal with ./configure --prefix=/usr but after that, i got the error :

checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!

My system is up-to-date and i also install build-essential. Any suggestion, please T_T

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 i got it

 by bubuzzz on: Jul 6 2008
Score 50%

never mind. I just install kdebase-dev and it works ^_^. phew

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 by TheRob on: Jul 30 2008
Score 50%

Well first, Amazing theme/style you
have created... the only one I ever used
on kde 3!

I really liked everything with it, how
the toolbar buttons blend together and
how the tabs work!

So now that people are starting to use kde4,
I'm wondering, are we gonna see domino
style for kde4?

I really can't put it into words how much I have enjoyed
using kde with the domino style!

really man! 10/10 stars!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Question....

 by dax918 on: Aug 2 2008
Score 50%

Hi Rob, the original author is no longer involved on Domino but I worked on a port for a couple of months. Porting the decoration was pretty much straight-forward, but the style has proven to be quite a challenge. A real though one. I tried my best but doing things properly takes a lot of time and knowledge I don't possess. Unless some C++ programmer with good knowledge of QT4 gives me a hand there won't be much progress on that area I'm afraid. I'll skip KDE 4 till 4.2, if someone manages to create a template/base I might be able to build the code on top of it and speed things up by then. Details, I can do, but the overall structure is too complicated for me.

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 Re: Re: Question....

 by TheRob on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%

Hi daX!! Very glad to hear other people
are sharing my interests in getting this
over to kde4... If I had any skills in
C++/Qt4 I would help you!

I'm sure this is one of the harder styles
to port since it has features none of the
other styles for kde 3 has...

That is why I am so interested in this personally.

I personally have no programming skills but
I looked at some of the code for domino
and my jaw simply dropped,, I knew there was
no way I could ever understand any of it :D

All the best!


PS. I also thought I'd wait for like 4.5 or
something like that... after trying 4.1 beta... I was hooked! ;D

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 by riepernet on: Aug 21 2008
Score 50%

Hi there,
what a theme! i really like it and gonna use it until update to KDE4.
However, i strongly dislike borders around the windows (12" screen and other reasons).
Is there a way to eliminate these (or make them just 1px thin)?
I had a look at the source, but feel not expirienced enough to do this on my own. Could someone provide me with some help?
thnx a lot

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 Re: BorderSize

 by dax918 on: Aug 21 2008
Score 50%

Hi, I don't truly understand to which particular borders you are referring to, (I can think of at least 3 of them) here's how mine used to look
http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=72811. I used to tweak the code a lot, so basically that is as thin as it gets. For the moment I don't have access to a linux machine to test the code properly so all I can give you now are some pointers, I rewrote parts of the code so is now different to the one available here. But you don't need to rewrite anything, just find some values and adjust them, it is a trial and error approach but is not complicated, search for a client directory and a file named dominoclient.cpp, here are the most relevant lines:

namespace Domino
const int titleEdgeTop = 3;
const int titleEdgeBottom = 1;
const int titleGradientHeight = 15; // original value was 10
const int bottomBorderHeight = 8;
const int borderWidth = 2; // original value was 5

Try those settings first, edit, compile, test, uninstall, edit further if necessary. I still could be missing something here, like I said I haven't worked on Domino for a while, but everything revolves around those variables, thankfully the author named them properly. Hope this helps.

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 Re: Re: BorderSize

 by riepernet on: Aug 21 2008
Score 50%

wow, thnx a lot for the fast and useful reply.
i mean the left/right/bottom borders around the windows.
anyhow, i will try a bit and check back later, when some problems occur ;)

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 Amarok problems with domino?

 by pejakm on: Oct 4 2008
Score 50%

When they will be fixed? At least, may we have a patch? I'm talking about problems described here:

http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=42804&forumpage=31 (first comment)

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 Re: Amarok problems with domino?

 by dax918 on: Oct 4 2008
Score 50%

The KDE 3.5 version has been discontinued by its author a long time ago so unless someone locates where these bugs are the answer will be never I'm afraid. The truth is that only a limited handful of people are interested but none of them can cooperate with the programming needed.

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 Re: Re: Amarok problems with domino?

 by pejakm on: Oct 4 2008
Score 50%

I think I have something!

The problem is in domino.cpp, at the very bottom of the file. For example, I've changed:

void DominoStyle::toolPopupPressed() {
QToolButton* tb = (QToolButton*)sender();
if(!tb )
if(tb->popup() && tb->isEnabled() && tb->isDown()) {
popupButton = tb;
connect(popupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupToolMenu()));
popupTimer->start(0, true);

into this:

void DominoStyle::toolPopupPressed() {
QToolButton* tb = (QToolButton*)sender();
// if(!tb )
// return;
// if(tb->popup() && tb->isEnabled() && tb->isDown()) {
popupButton = tb;
connect(popupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupToolMenu()));
popupTimer->start(0, true);
// }

and one problem in Amarok is gone!

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 Re: Re: Re: Amarok problems with domino?

 by pejakm on: Oct 4 2008
Score 50%

Actually, I only needed to change the line "popupTimer->start(600, true);" to "popupTimer->start(0, true);" :D

I'm still looking how to fix other two problems...

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 by swalker23 on: Nov 7 2008
Score 50%

Hope for a KDE4 version. Its in the intrepid package manager but it doesn't show up in styles.

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