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Mini Audio Applet


KDE4 Brainstorm

Score 76%
Mini Audio Applet

Link:  http://
Downloads:  412
Submitted:  Feb 5 2006


Many times I receive an email with an audio attachment, or open a CD containing pictures, audio files...

I like to listen to music with amaroK and I don't want to empty my playlist just to preview an audio file, so now I have those possibilities:

- "Open with" Kaboodle or other simple player (Kmail doesn't let me choose so may be not possible, and I don't like to open a music player just to preview a song).

- Mouse right click - "Action" - "Add to Amarok Playlist" (many "clicks" and I don't want to pollute my playlist, so I don't like this way).

- Mouse right click - "Properties" - "Preview" (too much complicated).

- Mouse right click - "Open in a New Tab" (this is not intuitive and I don't want to open a new tab just to preview a song).

So, I propose this idea for KDE4:

- If I do double click in an audio file in Konqueror (local, remote, http...), in a Kmail audio attachment or in any app there will appear a small applet in the panel called "Playing Audio Files".

- It will show audio file tags (if it has) as "Band" and "Song Title", a pause button, time bar and close option.

- It includes too a button to add the current song to amaroK playlist (or other predetermined player) and the option to empty or not the playlist.

In this way I don't need to open another app or pollute my playlist and it could be usable and intuitive.

The picture is based on the excellent proposal of Eriol for KDE4:
and the "Extender Mockup" of Caaz:

It could be an uniform style for KDE4.

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 There needs to be

 by hachaboob on: Apr 16 2006
Score 50%

an audio applet for changing sound devices if there is more than one installed. I have a one for speakers and one for headphones. I know I could get a splitter and just use the one but I am locked in a cage and can't go to the shops.

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 mouse over

 by sparxxxie on: Nov 16 2006
Score 50%

why not just have the song start playing via a mouse-over? i remember i had KDE doing this once before, but i don't get previews anymore with sound files. that way you don't have to open it out of the email application.

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