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   1.0.4 - 2.0  

Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 74%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  200894
Submitted:  Aug 20 2005
Updated:  Feb 17 2009


Widget style + kwin decoration both aimed to be a good balance between eye candy and simplicity


-some fixes in build files, links less stuff
-fixed icons on tabbars
-fixed a bug in kcalc

2.0 beta2
-built with cmake is a kstyle, built with qmake is a plain qt style
-some fixes here and there
-corrected a crash with qt webkit
-corrected a graphical glitch with textboxes in Plasma

Polyester 1.0.5:
-compiles with gcc 4.3

Polyester 1.0.4:
-Corrected some visual glitches in ksnapshot

Polyester 2.0 Beta1:
-some graphics fixes
-some build system fixes
-translations should be ported

Polyester 1.0.3:
-Polish translation by Tomek Argasiński
-Italian translation

Polyester 1.95:
The widget set it's more or less complete, there are still some issues and i didn't tried all the combinations of configuration options, so some of these can still be broken :)

Polyester 1.90:
This is the first public releases of the qt4/kde4 port of polyester, some important notes:
-First of all it must be considered a very early alpha quality code not intended for everyday use, it could blow up your computer or eat your cat, use at your own risk :P
-as i said is not very stable and probably not all configuration option works
-at the moment there is only the style, i don't know if or when i will port the window decoration
-it can be compiled with cmake (and you will need a kde4 snapshot o do so) typing
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=whathever you want
make install
-or with qmake (you will need only qt4 with devel package, but you won't get the configuration dialog)
in order to use qmake you must go in the style subfolder and type:
qmake qmake.pro
make install
-probably i won't release another release tarball for quite some time, but if you're curious there is a bazaar repository at http://launchpad.net/polyester

Polyester 1.0.2:
-corrected a bug in the configuration dialog (centered tabbars)

Polyester 1.0.1:
mostly a bugfix release
-corrected a build problem with automake 2.6+
-better management of the menu stripe width
-another hack for gtk-qt: the menu stripe is always off (yeah, it's a broken solution but it was managed too bad...)
-when both toolbar separators and menubar emphasis with border are turned on don't draw an extra line under the menubar
-when the focus policy is set to "focus follows mouse" the bad flickering should be done (need some testing)
-corrected a bug that caused the windows not being completely painted when kcompmgr is activated

Polyester 1.0:
This will be more or less the final version for Qt3/KDE3, apart some fixes for the garzillions of terrible bugs I'm sure that are still there :)
-With colored scrollbars option turned off, the scrollbar handle has colored extremities on mouse over (similar to the Ubuntu theme)
-In the configuration dialog "Menus and toolbars" was misleading, now it's "Advanced"
-nice circles instead of asterisks in password lineedits. Idea from Daniel Molkentin http://daniel.molkentin.de/blog/index.php?/archives/59-Password-shadowing-Pimp-My-Plastique.html (will probably be the default in KDE 3.6 btw)
-default button highlight when animations are disabled
-alphablending (yes, fake of course:)) at the corners of the popup menus
-corrected a bug in the sliders aspect
-titlebar buttons icons have a cleaner aspect

Polyester 1.0_rc1:
-less (and bigger) dots on QSplitters
-button like menuitems works with transparent menus
-menu stripe works with transparent menus
-entirely redesigned the configuration dialog (should be more usable)
-a lot of code cleanups in the configuration code
-light gradient in the progressbar blank area
-corrected an ugly rendering bug in the QGridView headers
-corrected a rendering bug in the slider with reverse layout
-minor cosmetic changes to the following widgets:
-default buttons contour
-inactive tabs
-better mouse over highlight with checkboxes and radiobuttons
-border of buttons and other 3d widgets

-option to make rectangular titlebar buttons (at the moment is the default)
-antialiased titlebar buttons border
-redesigned the configuration dialog to be similar to the style configuration
-added svg sources of the titlebar buttons icons so it's easier to make modifications
-some code cleanups
-drawing of titlebar buttons follows the global contrast settings

Polyester 1.0_beta2:
-Now Gentoo ebuild should work
-Nicer animation on buttons when the mouse cursor leaves them
-Shadowed text of buttons and menubar configurable separately
-Fixed a bug in the rendering of scrollbar handles
-Don't render dots on scrollbar handle when the handle is too little
-Optimization: lot useless loops in the animation code (i.e. deactivating the QTimer when is not needed :))

-More Fitts' law friendly: titlebar buttons works also when the mouse cursor is at the top edge of the screen
-No longer draws the round border if the window is maximized
-Uses 16x16 icons in titlebar where available instead of scaling down bigger icons

Source(Polyester 2)
SUSE(Polyester 1 rpm suse 10.3)
SUSE(Polyester 2 rpm suse 10.3)
FreeBSD(FreeBSD port)
Fedora(Fedora i386 rpm)
Slackware(Slackware/Zenwalk tgz from TheReplaced)
Ubuntu(Kubuntu package by shulato)
Mandriva(kde3 and kde4 rpms by incubusss)
other(Sources easier to build on openbsd 4.1 by Cu Khoai)
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 More than one file?

 by 5er on: Aug 29 2007
Score 50%

How did you upload more than one file?

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 Re: More than one file?

 by mart on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

can be uploaded only one file, the others are external links

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 Oh... My... God...

 by Sebien on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

Yeah, you've done it!

From the KDE 4 preview screenshot, I've seen you've made it: you included the table header borders with the table borders itself!

It's amazing. There is no other word. I always dreamt about that. And I even mailed you, I think, with a mockup. It's so cleaner!

If Oxygen is not maturing we will at leave have a decent theme.

Any chance you can merge the left border of areas with left scrollbars too?
The same way you merged header borders and table top border.

It will be cleaner too, while still keeping advantage of Fitt's law.
I hate that GNOME-like mode to have scrollbars outside the scrollable area. They seams flotting around nowhere, not related to the area itself.

Keep up the good work.

Author of
BasKet Note Pads: http://basket.kde.org/
Kirocker Music Display: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=52869
Glossyk: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Glossyk?content=40797

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 Re: Oh... My... God...

 by mart on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

Hi Sebien :)
it has been not so easy and a little bit hacky to unite the borders, but i think it's worth the effort :)
as for the scrollbars, that gnome like aspect it's the way at the moment it looks less broken, due to the way i've united the headers with borders (and made the sadows)
i'm currently investigating a way to fix this in a not too ugly way

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 Re: Oh... My... God...

 by maximtel on: Aug 31 2007
Score 50%

Yes, you are completely right. A lot of words have been told about this. All of us long waited when KDE will get a clear look without gui noise.

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 Re: Oh... My... God...

 by mart on: Sep 2 2007
Score 50%

state of the works....

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 Re: Re: Oh... My...

 by Sebien on: Sep 5 2007
Score 50%

Oh yeah...

You rock!!

Do you know that? ;-)

It's sublim.

Author of
BasKet Note Pads: http://basket.kde.org/
Kirocker Music Display: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=52869
Glossyk: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Glossyk?content=40797

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 by cyb3rj on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

VERY nice.

Reply to this



 by rocketpcguy on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

i tried the qt4 version. it is completely amazing, and goes REALLY well with my dark color scheme that i set in qtconfig-qt4.


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 by Superstoned on: Aug 31 2007
Score 50%

we want background gradients and animations for KDE 4 ;-)

seriously, very nice work on that one! Do you use Blitz?

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 Re: Qt4/KDE4

 by mart on: Aug 31 2007
Score 50%

no,no the gradients nooooo :)
btw, at the moment i don't use particular extra libraries, also because there isn't any particular clever math calculations here :)

Reply to this


 please help!!!

 by florinn005 on: Sep 2 2007
Score 50%

polyester.h:34:25: error: kdecoration.h: No such file or directory
polyester.h:35:32: error: kdecorationfactory.h: No such file or directory
polyester.h:73: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
polyester.h:77: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘KDecoration’ with no type
polyester.h:77: error: ‘KDecoration’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
polyester.h:77: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
polyester.h:217: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
polyester.h:220: error: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
polyester.h:236: error: ‘Position’ does not name a type
polyester.cc:78: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
polyester.cc:106: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
polyester.cc: In member function ‘virtual bool polyester::polyesterFactory::reset(long unsigned int)’:
polyester.cc:123: error: ‘SettingDecoration’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:123: error: ‘SettingButtons’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:123: error: ‘SettingBorder’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:126: error: ‘resetDecorations’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc: In constructor ‘polyester::polyesterButton::polyesterButton(polyester::polyesterClient*, const char*, const QString&, polyester::ButtonType, int, bool, bool)’:
polyester.cc:186: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘widget’
polyester.cc: In member function ‘QImage polyester::polyesterButton::getButtonImage(polyester::ButtonType)’:
polyester.cc:372: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘maximizeMode’
polyester.cc:372: error: ‘KDecorationDefines’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:382: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isOnAllDesktops’
polyester.cc:392: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isShade’
polyester.cc:402: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘keepAbove’
polyester.cc:412: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘keepBelow’
polyester.cc:425: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:425: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:425: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isActive’
polyester.cc: In member function ‘virtual void polyester::polyesterButton::drawButton(QPainter*)’:
polyester.cc:447: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isActive’
polyester.cc:452: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:452: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:455: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘maximizeMode’
polyester.cc:455: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘MaximizeFull’
polyester.cc:455: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:473: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘icon’
polyester.cc:473: error: incomplete type ‘QIconSet’ used in nested name specifier
polyester.cc:473: error: incomplete type ‘QIconSet’ used in nested name specifier
polyester.cc: In member function ‘void polyester::polyesterButton::genButtonPix(bool)’:
polyester.cc:569: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:569: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:569: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isActive’
polyester.cc:698: error: ‘class polyester::polyesterClient’ has no member named ‘isActive’
polyester.cc: At global scope:
polyester.cc:720: error: expected `)' before ‘*’ token
polyester.cc: In member function ‘void polyester::polyesterClient::create_pixmaps()’:
polyester.cc:792: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:792: error: ‘ColorTitleBar’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:793: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:793: error: ‘ColorTitleBlend’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:804: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:805: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:824: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:825: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:832: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:833: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:865: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc:866: error: ‘KDecoration’ has not been declared
polyester.cc: In member function ‘virtual void polyester::polyesterClient::init()’:
polyester.cc:899: error: ‘WResizeNoErase’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:899: error: ‘WRepaintNoErase’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:899: error: ‘createMainWidget’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:900: error: ‘widget’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:904: error: ‘NoBackground’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc: In member function ‘void polyester::polyesterClient::_resetLayout()’:
polyester.cc:942: error: ‘widget’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:967: error: ‘isPreview’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:980: error: ‘isModal’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:980: error: ‘isResizable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:982: error: ‘options’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:985: error: ‘isModal’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:985: error: ‘isResizable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:987: error: ‘options’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc: In member function ‘void polyester::polyesterClient::addButtons(QBoxLayout*, const QString&, int)’:
polyester.cc:1024: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1033: error: ‘isOnAllDesktops’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1041: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1048: error: ‘providesContextHelp’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1052: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1059: error: ‘isMinimizable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1063: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1070: error: ‘isMaximizable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1071: error: ‘maximizeMode’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1071: error: ‘MaximizeFull’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1079: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1086: error: ‘isCloseable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1090: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1102: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1114: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1121: error: ‘isShadeable’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1122: error: ‘isSetShade’ was not declared in this scope
polyester.cc:1130: error: ‘connect’ was not declared in this scope

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 Re: please help!!!

 by mart on: Sep 2 2007
Score 50%

it looks like the kde development packages are not installed or the compiler can't find them...

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