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Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source


KDE Screensaver

Score 54%
Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Link:  http://
Downloads:  12195
Submitted:  Jul 31 2002
Updated:  Aug 7 2002


The second release of a nice fireworks screensaver, incorporating all the changes by koral in Fireworks3D

Planned for the next version:
* Leaves and daisys :-)

Please report any bugs or suggestions.
Note that the screensaver requires a fairly powerful OpenGL compatable graphics card, it may also crash some systems with small amounts of RAM.

To compile:
make install

Mandrake users should run "update-menus" as root afterwards

Enjoy :-)


Wed Aug 07 2002 - David Sansome
o Improved bottom fire
o Fireworks leave trails
o Setup dialog

Sat Aug 03 2002 - KoRaL
o Bi-colored fireworks
o 'Sparkling' fireworks
o Quadratic curve to fade out debris
o Better coloring

Fri Aug 02 2002 - KoRaL
o Fixed a couple of lines
o Added the third (z) axis. z points to the top, x to the right and y to the back of the monitor
o Added perspective projection and better coloring
o Added particle size representation

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 ebuild for portage

 by petu on: Sep 7 2002
Score 50%


I made an ebuild for kfiresaver which can be found at http://pietila.info/gentoo

The ebuild only works with kde-3.0.2 and above

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 Trying to install

 by Deathwing on: Sep 7 2002
Score 50%

Running Mandrake 9.0rc1 and KDE 3.0.3 at the moment, with a Radeon 7000 card....And so far, configure goes fine, but whenever I get to the "make" part of installing, it bombs out with this:

In file included from kfiresaver.cpp:25:
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qgl.h:73:21: GL/glu.h: No such file or directory
kfiresaver.cpp: In constructor `KFireSaver::KFireSaver(QWidget*, const char*)':
kfiresaver.cpp:64: warning: passing `float' for argument 1 of `int QObject::startTimer(int)'
kfiresaver.cpp: In member function `int KFireSaver::selectColourScheme()':
kfiresaver.cpp:313: warning: initialization to `int' from `double'
kfiresaver.cpp:313: warning: argument to `int' from `double'
make[2]: *** [kfiresaver.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/shinigami/kfiresaver-0.4/kfiresaver'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/shinigami/kfiresaver-0.4'
make: *** [all] Error 2

If anyone could help as to what i'm missing/doing wrong, etc.,i'd be greatful :)

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 Re: Trying to install

 by hungsquirrel on: Mar 12 2003
Score 50%

I too am running Mandrake 9 with KDE 3 (not sure which exact version number). I've got an Athlon (i686) and a GeForce3 Ti200 with all OGL drivers installed and working. I get the same error report when I 'make' and 'make install'.

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 Hey, looks great...

 by coolman7 on: Oct 26 2002
Score 50%

Yo. Screensaver looks nice dude. Only one problem. It doesn't seem to want to run for me. :( I have gotten it to build and install. (With some minor tweaking, addressed in some earlier comments.) But every time I try to run it, it pops up with a window for an instant, then goes away with "Aborted" on my console.

I've tried everything I know to try. What now?

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 Oh, by the way...

 by coolman7 on: Oct 26 2002
Score 50%

I'm running RedHat 7.3 right now. (In case it matters.)

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 works, kinda...

 by jose on: Dec 4 2002
Score 50%

when i run it a box comes up and it begins, but everything is rendered as hi-color boxes exploding.
also, i can't get it to show up in the "configure desktop" screensaver tab under mandrake. any help?

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 same problem

 by kristoffer on: Dec 18 2002
Score 50%

I've also got the same problem!
It runs at normal speed and everything but theres only boxes!
I can play every opengl-game I've tested and there was no error when I configured and compiled the screensaver.
Anyone else with the same problem!!??

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 I shouldnt bother...

 by hungsquirrel on: Mar 17 2003
Score 50%

...but I get the following error when I 'make' on FreeBSD 5.0 with KDE 3.0.2 (may be wrong on the KDE version).

main.cpp:26:29: kfiresaversetup.h: No such file or directory
main.cpp: In function `QDialog* kss_setup()':
main.cpp:48: syntax error before `(' token
*** Error code 1

Stop in /root/kfiresaver-0.4/kfiresaver.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /root/kfiresaver-0.4.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /root/kfiresaver-0.4.

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 2D blocky, 3D o.k.

 by LigH on: Oct 15 2003
Score 50%

I successfully compiled both savers under SuSE 8.1 with KDE3 using the option "--prefix=/opt/kde3".

The screensavers finally got installed well into /opt/kde3/bin (binaries) and /opt/kde3/share/apps/kfiresaver (the 4 data files).

kfiresaver3D v0.6 successfully finds the bitmap "particle.bmp" as well as the PNGs - the fireworks look just great, exploding KDE and TUX logos appear. As expected, it also complains if the files cannot be found in this data directory mentioned above - fine.

kfiresaver 0.4 works fine in general, but seems not to use the "particle.bmp" at all: The fire effect is blocky. But it complains if it cannot find the particle bitmaps in this data directory mentioned above. Very strange...

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