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Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source


KDE Screensaver

Score 54%
Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Fireworks (OpenGL) - Source

Link:  http://
Downloads:  12195
Submitted:  Jul 31 2002
Updated:  Aug 7 2002


The second release of a nice fireworks screensaver, incorporating all the changes by koral in Fireworks3D

Planned for the next version:
* Leaves and daisys :-)

Please report any bugs or suggestions.
Note that the screensaver requires a fairly powerful OpenGL compatable graphics card, it may also crash some systems with small amounts of RAM.

To compile:
make install

Mandrake users should run "update-menus" as root afterwards

Enjoy :-)


Wed Aug 07 2002 - David Sansome
o Improved bottom fire
o Fireworks leave trails
o Setup dialog

Sat Aug 03 2002 - KoRaL
o Bi-colored fireworks
o 'Sparkling' fireworks
o Quadratic curve to fade out debris
o Better coloring

Fri Aug 02 2002 - KoRaL
o Fixed a couple of lines
o Added the third (z) axis. z points to the top, x to the right and y to the back of the monitor
o Added perspective projection and better coloring
o Added particle size representation

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 by Markus on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

Can't handle the following with my knowledge:

kfiresaver.cpp: In method `KFireSaver::KFireSaver(QWidget * = 0, const char * = 0)':
kfiresaver.cpp:37: `srand' undeclared (first use this function)
kfiresaver.cpp:37: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
kfiresaver.cpp:37: for each function it appears in.)
kfiresaver.cpp: In method `void KFireSaver::resizeGL(int, int)':
kfiresaver.cpp:88: warning: unused variable `GLfloat h'
kfiresaver.cpp:87: warning: unused variable `GLfloat w'
kfiresaver.cpp: In method `void KFireSaver::paintGL()':
kfiresaver.cpp:111: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
kfiresaver.cpp:163: warning: enumeration value `FireWorkWakeParticle' not handle d in switch
kfiresaver.cpp:166: `rand' undeclared (first use this function)
kfiresaver.cpp:166: `RAND_MAX' undeclared (first use this function)

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 Re: Oops?

 by davidsansome on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

Thanks for your bug report.
I've (hopefully) fixed this now - try downloading again.

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 Next one...

 by Markus on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

particle.cpp: In method `void Particle::setValues(Particle::ParticleType, Particle * = 0)':
particle.cpp:33: `rand' undeclared (first use this function)
particle.cpp:33: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
particle.cpp:33: for each function it appears in.)
particle.cpp:33: `RAND_MAX' undeclared (first use this function)
particle.cpp:98: warning: enumeration value `FireWorkWakeParticle' not handled in switch
particle.cpp:98: warning: enumeration value `KdeLogoParticle' not handled in switch

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 Re: Next one...

 by davidsansome on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

Ok, fixed it - that was the last problem of that type (I checked :-)) so it should work ok now...

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 more opengl

 by aliceoutchains on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

Finally we get some more opengl. The linux community should get more active at ogl as it's probebly the future of computing as we know it

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 by ZennouRyuu on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%
LinuxEvoluti on, LLC

I agree, the fact is, the likelyhood of M$ one day saying "Hey here is direct X for linux have fun guys" isnt too great. So we as a community need to really get in gear and make some really great OGL stuff.

Way to go

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 by Markus on: Jul 31 2002
Score 50%

The best screensaver available on KDE-Look! Do I need to say more? I love it! Especially those "special rockets".

The picture can't give a lifely impression how beautiful this looks on the screen.

More! More! ;-)

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 Still Doesnt Work???

 by jasonmch on: Aug 1 2002
Score 50%

Ok, Running RedHat 7.3 went to compile and here's what I get...

kfiresaver.o: In function `KFireSaver::initializeGL(void)':
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x267): undefined reference to `glDisable'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x273): undefined reference to `glEnable'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x281): undefined reference to `glBlendFunc'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x28d): undefined reference to `glShadeModel'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x29e): undefined reference to `glHint'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x2b2): undefined reference to `glHint'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x3d8): undefined reference to `glTexParameterf'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x3ef): undefined reference to `glTexParameterf'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x3fb): undefined reference to `glEnable'
kfiresaver.o: In function `KFireSaver::resizeGL(int, int)':
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x425): undefined reference to `glViewport'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x431): undefined reference to `glMatrixMode'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x436): undefined reference to `glLoadIdentity'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x465): undefined reference to `glOrtho'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x472): undefined reference to `glMatrixMode'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x477): undefined reference to `glLoadIdentity'
kfiresaver.o: In function `KFireSaver::paintGL(void)':
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x4ae): undefined reference to `glClear'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x4b3): undefined reference to `glLoadIdentity'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x4ed): undefined reference to `glTexImage2D'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x51e): undefined reference to `glLoadIdentity'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x52f): undefined reference to `glTranslatef'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x549): undefined reference to `glColor4f'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x553): undefined reference to `glBegin'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x566): undefined reference to `glTexCoord2d'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x5c1): undefined reference to `glVertex2f'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x5d1): undefined reference to `glTexCoord2d'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x62e): undefined reference to `glVertex2f'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x63e): undefined reference to `glTexCoord2d'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x69b): undefined reference to `glVertex2f'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x6a8): undefined reference to `glTexCoord2d'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x707): undefined reference to `glVertex2f'
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x70c): undefined reference to `glEnd'
kfiresaver.o: In function `KFireSaver::resizeGL(int, int)':
kfiresaver.o(.text+0x495): undefined reference to `glTranslatef'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [kfiresaver.kss] Error 1

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 by Markus on: Aug 1 2002
Score 50%

This looks to me as if you haven't installed OpenGL properly. It can't link to the needed library if I see this correctly.

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 by jasonmch on: Aug 1 2002
Score 50%

Well I have installed the proper GLX and kernel for my Nvidia GEForce 2... Am I missing something?

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 Try this...

 by davidsansome on: Aug 1 2002
Score 50%

Try editing the file kfiresaver-0.1/kfiresaver/Makefile.am - change line 4 from
kfiresaver_kss_LDADD = -lkscreensaver
kfiresaver_kss_LDADD = -lkscreensaver -lGL

Save, and do the make again. If it works for you, I'll update the file here.

Good luck :-)

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 This works

 by PovMan on: Aug 7 2002
Score 50%

Thanks for that.
Anybody running rh7.3 should do what the man tells you to, ok.

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 Editing Makefile.am

 by g1gsw on: Aug 7 2002
Score 50%

This has worked in as so much it compiles but it will not display anything all other GL savers work fine on my RedHat 7.3 box.

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 Does not work

 by jsheedy on: Aug 31 2002
Score 50%

I also have a redhat 7.3 system. I made the change in the Makefile.am file to get it to compile.
i do as follows.
./configure --prefix=/usr
make clean
make install

shows up as option but does not work.

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 by Markus on: Aug 1 2002
Score 50%

"locate libGL" should reveal a whole bunch of libraries that have to be additionally installed.

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 Open GL

 by netgate10 on: Sep 25 2002
Score 50%

if 'locate libGL' shows you the additional files you need...how, and where do you get them?
I have RH 7.3 kernel 2.4.18-3

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