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Communist Victory


GDM Theme

Score 64%
Communist Victory

Link:  http://
Downloads:  10129
Submitted:  Jun 26 2005
Updated:  Mar 5 2007


For those of you who wish to celebrate the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War, here is just the GDM theme for you: the Red Flag being raised over the ruins of the Reichstag in 1945.

Слава, товарищи!

This is based on the CleanLinux GDM theme. The wallpaper is by Masonic at http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6216452/


1.1 Bugfix - inserted password prompt text and removed extraneous text from username prompt, 4/3/07 (or 3/4/07 if you're of the American persuasion). Many thanks to miqster for the patch.

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 by linuzzz on: Dec 14 2005
Score 50%

many thanks for the most beautiful theme in gnome-look.org. this is actually the default gdm theme in a lot of machine i have installed...

never mind about people that doesnt know what communism is, never mind for people thinking that stalin or mao is communism.

in china or urss there were no communism at all, but i know that explaining these simple economic theory to people living in those places is difficult.

our governement and our schools try to tell us that communism is a danger...but growing up and starting using the brain by ourselves it's easy to understand that communism is not a danger but the only hope for a future without wars and poors.

sorry for my poor english and thanks again for the gdm theme

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 too late...

 by matwis on: Dec 18 2005
Score 50%

It is 100 000 000 millions of victims and almost 100 years too late to say about "good communism".

Communists are right in one point. When they say that in no country "true communism" was established. But.... why? In many countries, including the biggest and most rich in natural resouces country (Russia), and most populated country (China), in the world, communists reached the rule. They had power, possibilities, and time. So, why they did not established that "ideal system"? Why they did not make people free, rich and safe?

You tell that communism is not a danger but it is "hope for a future without wars and poors". So, if it is true, why when communists tried to establish that system it was resulted by artrocities, genocides, crimes, powerty and backwarding? There was no peace but wars. Not freedom, but bloody regimes. Let's compare East and West Europe, North and South Europe, China and Taiwan. Results of communistic work are clearly visible. WHY it happened?

If communists are right, why communistic governments couldn't exists without censorship, monopoly in media, and imprisoning oposionists in prisons and camps (or just murdering them)?

If communistic ideology, that cost at least 100 000 000 of victims (much more that two world wars!) is not dangerous, what is dangerous in this world? I know that one of greatests communistic idols said: "death of one person is tragedy, death of million of people is just statistics", but for normal people it is ja great genocide. Maybe they does not use their brains and cannot uderstand ideas of great genius?

If communism is just simple economic theory, why it does not work, give me just one example where it just works "correctly". Where it gave to people what it promised to give?

If Mao and Stalin were not communists, who was "true communists"? Why communists in all world were supporting Stalin, even when he was in alliance with Hitler, when he invaded and occupied other countries also when suppported nazi invasions in Europe? And what about Lenin, also responsable for many artrocities?

Communists cannot answer difficult (?) questions, instead they repeat that it is "imperialistic propaganda", as you can see in comments to that theme. It is not suprising. Communists always, and everywhere, built their "ideal system" on lies, so they cannot accept truth. But, unfortunatelly, it is not propaganda, mass graves really exists, many people lost their life in communistic camps, prisons, during tortures, died due forced famines, civil wars... much more last their freedom, health and properties. And many, many people still remember that. It is the cause why "explaining these simple economic theory to people living in those places is difficult". They just know what it is worth.

In XX century two criminal ideologies: communism and nazism caused one world war, more less wars and resulted in many millions of victims. Many nazists were on trials (eg. in Nurenberg) and punished. But only few of communists, however responsable for more victims than nazis, payed for their crimes. We couldn't see something like Nurenberg trial for communists. Most of people know what was Auschwitz, but much less may call at least one name of soviet camp. Everybody heard what was holocaust, but how many people know that few years before at least comparable number of people died in Ukraine during forced famine caused by communists? Germans cut off from nazi past, but in some communistic countries, and even in some of the countries where if officially communism was finished (like in Russia), governments try to keep in secret terrible past, and from time to time glorify communistic "achievements" and even bandits (like Stalin). Maybe it is one of the causes why still communists may find such many naive people that believe in their lies about "good communism".

It is strange, but even now, when more and more facts are commonly known, more and more mass graves are found, more and more documents that proves communistic crimes are found, many commies repeats the same lies that were produced by commies propaganda many years ago and repeated by "useful idiots" (check what that term means, and who used it, its not mine) in all world.

At least....if in USSR there were not communism, why do you, as I guess communist, like that theme? You should not like Soviet regime that was something completelly opposite to "good communism". If USSR was not communistic country it was not communistic victory. Can you explain that?

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 by datagrrr on: Dec 26 2005
Score 50%

Where did you learn the history? I tell you who resisted Stalin.. They were the socialists, communists, anarchists from all over the world. In Ukraine they were the Makhnovist anarchist peasants who resisted Stalin's Red Army. How so? They beat the Capitalists White Army and then Stalin came to dominate these peasants.
In Spain they were the anarchists again. Also the Trotskysts.. Long before 2nd W.W All european leaders just watched the tragedy in Spain. When fascist franco declared war to the republican spanish people they were just sittin on their a*s.
But people from a lot of country came in spain to defeat the fascism. Who were they? They were the 'COMMUNISTS' which you read from your school books?? I may give you much more examples but its not necessary when there is prejudice.
Really you should 'open your mind'.

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 by matwis on: Jan 2 2006
Score 50%

Who resisted Red Army? First, of course all other than bolshevics forces in Russia, including whites, Makhno, Petlura, greens, mienshevics, normal workers, peasants, patriots etc, etc, etc, many, many of Russian people and members of other nations included in russian empire. Communists wanted to have total control, so everybody, doesn't matter if socialist, anarchist or capitalists was enemy for them. But opposition in Russia was destroyed. Bolshevics wanted widesperad their revolution (and terror) in all Europe and later in all world. Fortunatelly, they were stopped by Poles (that was capitalist country) in 1920. (BTW: When Makhno was fighting at rule was Lenin not Stalin.)

It is really difficult to understand from your post how anarchists and socialists were fighting against Stalin when they were fighting against Franco (and Hitler who supported Franco). Hitler and Stalin were not in the alliance yet. They were allied since 1939.

But... it is a piece of true in that... Many people, including socialists and anarchists were going to Spain to fight against Franco, but also Stalin supported republicans, and sent some support including NKVD officers (so really COMMUNISTS). Controlling Communistic Party of Spain they tried to overtake total rule in the Spain. Again, they were fighting with offcial enemies, but also repressed trockists, anarchists and other people who were in theory allied, but by communists treated as enemies. During that war many spanish people, including several thousants of children, were evacuated to USSR. Try to find what was their later fate. Many of them were later arrested, tortured (one of spanish teacher was tortured during 2 years (!!!), and finally she was murdered). 40% of 5000 evacuated spanish children died.

Many of socialists (and anarchists etc, etc) who were fighting in Spain against Franco, when saw communistic methods, opened their eyes (and minds). One of them was George Orwell who, inspired by communistic methods and behaviour, later wrote "Animal Farm" and "1984".

After the WWII soviet army that "liberated" several countries in East/Central Europe, was resisted by different forces who were figting for independancy of these countries. Later... read about uprising in Hungary (1956), about Prague in 1968, about Solidarity in Poland (1980/81) and finally fall of communists goverments since 1989. People of different point of views, some of socialists, anarchists but also capitalists, liberals, catholics, protestants etc... were against communists.

And what is also, and maybe most important, during several dozens of years after WWII, soviet army was stopped mainly by USA. It is difficult to call Americans as socialists or anarchists, don't you think?. Also soviet invaders were bitten in Afghanistan (who were also rather not socialists or anarchsts). Finally, SU lost cold war and soviet system was bancrupted.

But... in many countries there were and are still are many peoples who defends communism and communists. Lenin (some sources claims that Stalin) called them "usefull idiots" (try to guess why?). When Stalin lived they defended him and his system (eg GB Shaw), later, some of them cut off from Stalin but still were and are talking about "good communism". Fortunatelly also many, also socialists, when saw the truth, changed their point of view and stopped to glorify one of the most criminal system in history and... supported the falldown of system created by communists.

And finally... to all who wants glorify or defend communism and communists (if I understand you, you don't want to do it). Please, read some books about that subject, at least try to find some information in internet before you will put your effort to defend people and ideology who is responsible for death of such many millions of people, abd before you advise somebody to "open his mind". It is not funny thing. Many, many people suffered, died, were tortured, imprisoned... it is not funny neither for them, nor for their families. If you want to wear t-shirt with red star, try to imagine that you are Jew and you see someone with swastika. Try to imagine that you see a computer with GDM theme containing nazi symbols.

That's all from me.

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 by datagrrr on: Apr 15 2009
Score 50%

I had little English before I understood you very wrong :) So I'm very ashamed now.. and very sorry for my immature message, i hope its not late (4 years?!)

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 Re: great!

 by supermike on: Jul 13 2006
Score 50%

OMG this is so wrong in so many ways that I am speechless. By the way, did you make that image by yourself or did you force a bunch of disinterested people to draw it for you for next to nothing in wages and no chance of promotion?

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 funny guy....

 by russianGhost on: Dec 27 2005
Score 50%

im sorry that u cant seem to understand as to why countries that have/had comunism are bad. They are bad not because of the political system but because of the ruler its sad that olmost no one has the qualities to not be selfish and greed for money. Now thats wy people like you will never understand i see u guys cant take responsibility u always have to blame somthing other than yourself. let me tell u somthing democracy isnt good ithere there are so many things that are happening behind you without u iven knowing look at boosh war in iraq b/c of oil well u know now but before you thought of it being somthing els, its haleriuse b/c u can not do much about now as far as the theme goes great work ;).

peace to all of my russian friends that i heven seen in a long time
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 Re: funny guy....

 by matwis on: Jan 2 2006
Score 50%

Responsibility is possible when you have choice. What choice had people whos country was invaded by other armies that brought new goverments that was established by force and crimes, and nobody asked these people if they want to live in that system or not?

Let's imagine that one day someone burns your home, murder your familly, steal all your money, and imprison you during several years (you lost your job and friends). Later he lets you free and says: "Sorry, don't complain, you cannot blame anybody, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your fate".

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 Oh no

 by stagger82 on: Jan 1 2006
Score 50%

Ideologies are for people who lack the right combination of faith and brain power. So please work on both and don't use gnome-look as a platform for your childish pseudo-educational "I'm right, you're so blind and stupid" flamewars. Thanks.

I'd like to see the emblem a bit higher. Why are the edges so rough? Can you make a plain red logo with sharp edges? Could you please make one of a swastika, too?

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 Re: Oh no

 by Potemkin on: Feb 20 2006
Score 50%

"I'd like to see the emblem a bit higher. Why are the edges so rough? Can you make a plain red logo with sharp edges? Could you please make one of a swastika, too? blah blah blah blah...."

I'm a Commie. We only ever make one brand of anything. Every Soviet citizen wore the same kind of shoes, drove the same kind of car, lived in the same kind of apartment, and used the same kind of GDM theme. You'll use this GDM theme as it is and like it, comrade. ;-)

And no, I won't make one of a swastika.

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 by magoseitor on: Oct 1 2006
Score 50%

Ohh yeah... sure... living in a country where you can have computers, internet, cars, PRIVATE PROPERTY.. sure.. i could be a commie too.

Have you ever tried living in a country where NOTHING is truly YOURS?? where you can get in jail just for having internet or even? or being disposed of your computer for just made a wifi network for gaming? and most imortant.. a country that has (or claim to have) a COMMUNIST REGIME??? over a SOCIALIST SYSTEM?

I pretty sure you don't know what is that. And tell you for Nth time...come to my home, i'll be happy to un-wash your brain with the truth just taking you for a ride around the whole city and country.

now keep playing to the wise commie.

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 Re: ....

 by milanSPK on: Nov 10 2006
Score 50%

i can imagine worst things than not having private property. and i am sure we will live one day in a world without it. this theme is a provocation and i like it. even that is better then believing in stupid things such as "the end of history".

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 Re: Re: ....

 by magoseitor on: Nov 11 2006
Score 50%

Ohh.. you imagine it..
Well, we live it,.. and like you say, yeah.. they are really worse things going on.
And that day ain't about to come....you already have it.. HERE!! hell yeah!! long live f*cking communism in 2k6!


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 thanks :)

 by milanSPK on: Nov 11 2006
Score 50%

i am from serbia, ex-yugoslavia, so i lived in communism (well, luckily not stalinism) part of my life. now we have hard-core privatization, corporations buying cheap property after nato bombing. also being forced to join nato and change laws as wto and world bank "proposes" and i can tell you it is not a nice sitution when people around me feel like the only choice they have is between tribalistic-nationalism and capitalism. i believe there is an alternative and i read this kind of provocation as a reminder to that. after years of antiwar and social activism i identify more and more myself as anti-state communist (anarcho-communist) which is a kind of surprise even to myself because when i was younger i also connected communism only to stalinism and state communism - the communist party.

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 Re: !!

 by loveoo on: Dec 1 2006
Score 50%

Yep,I'm from China .I just visited the page by chance and registered a ID to reply this topic ......

Eh..three point to say:

1.Everybody has belief and everybody lives in a different way , thank U!

2.I love my country , wherever I was born .

3.Welcome to China !

ME!!_abc_beginner + IBM T23 + 2631 + 8820 keyboard + Razer krait + burn hell + Ubuntu 6.06 + Gnome
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 by Mad-DeviL on: Jan 6 2007
Score 50%

It Is ReallY Awsome GDM
For Any GDM Wallpaper Extract The File And Youw ill Fime The Wallpaper Into The Extracted File Sorry Poor Engliesh :(

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