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Qt Sound Application

Score 75%



Homepage:  Link
Mailinglist:  Link
Downloads:  3280
Submitted:  Feb 22 2010
Updated:  Apr 1 2011


Clementine is a modern music player and library organiser.
It is inspired by Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for
searching and playing your music.

Features include:
* Search and play your local music library
* Listen to internet radio from Last.fm, SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo and Icecast
* Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists
* Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX
* Visualisations from projectM
* Lyrics and artist biographies and photos
* Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC
* Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music
* Download missing album cover art from Last.fm
* Cross-platform - works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
* Native desktop notifications on Linux (libnotify) and Mac OS X (Growl)
* Remote control using a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line
* Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player
* Queue manager


Version 0.7.1:
* Fix several compilation errors under GCC 4.6.0.
* Fix a regression that broke gapless playback between certain songs.
* Fix the behaviour of --seek-by and --seek-to commandline options.
* Fix a crash when the visualisation window was resized to 0x0 pixels.
* (Linux) Fix the behaviour of the InsertUrls DBUS method.
* (Mac OS X) Fix a crash on startup on machines without X11 installed.
* (Mac OS X) Fix a bug that would make Clementine try to update to an
earlier version.

Version 0.7:
Major features:
* Brand new "Edit track information" dialog. You can now edit more fields,
change multiple songs at once, change album cover art and view song
statistics. Added an option to identify songs and fill in their tags
automatically using information from MusicBrainz.
* Add support for .cue files. Songs in a cuesheet appear in the playlist
and your library as separate tracks.
* Add "Duplicates only" and "Untagged songs only" views to the library that
help you find and correct badly tagged music in your library.
* Add an option to show album covers in the library view. This is on by
default, but you can turn it off again in the Preferences dialog.
* Add an option to load cover art directly from a URL.
* Clementine now gracefully handles deleted files by skipping them on
playback attempt and greying them out in the playlist view.
* Add a "Full library rescan" option which should rescan your library much
more thoroughly than before (but will take longer).
* Add a "Show in file browser" option to the library and playlist menus.
* Add a fancy tooltip to the track seek slider, showing the position that
you're about to jump to and its distance from the current position.
* Add support for network proxies. Clementine will use your system's proxy
by default, but you can configure a different one in the Preferences
* The "Kittens" extra now fetches even fluffier kittens.
* Hypnotoad: now available in fullscreen HD.

Other features:
* Load embedded cover art from ogg files.
* Add a backspace shortcut to the files view.
* Pressing ESC will clear and focus the search box. Typing in the playlist
view will focus the search box and start searching.
* Pressing space in the playlist will play/pause the current track.
* Add global shortcuts for rating songs.
* Add global shortcuts for all of the repeat and shuffle modes.
* Middle-clicking a song now enqueues it into the playlist.
* Download higher resolution images from last.fm.
* Add options to the now-playing widget's menu to change the album art.
* Dragging an image file onto the now-playing widget will now set that
image as the cover art for the album.
* You can now tell the library scanner which filenames it should prefer
when looking for album cover art.
* Add a configurable timeout when searching for song and artist info.
* Add tooltips to the album cover manager that show the artist and album
* Improve the options in the context menu for adding tracks to the playlist
from the library. Default behaviours are now configurable in the
Preferences dialog.
* You can now use "file path" when creating dynamic playlists.
* The search box in the album cover manager now searches in artist names
as well.
* Move the clear button inside search boxes.
* Make the pretty OSD snap to the center of the screen when dragging.
* Add a text alignment setting to playlist columns.
* The scroll wheel now scrolls through images in the artist info view.
* You can now drag songs onto empty space in the playlist tab bar to add
the songs to a new playlist.
* Fade out the currently playing song when exiting Clementine.
* Centre on the last played song when restoring a playlist.
* Add a menu item to change analyzers' framerate.
* Add an option to hide dividers in the library view.
* Ability to use either a "time left" timer or a "total time" timer for songs.
* (Windows) Add support for automatic updates. The second time you start
Clementine you are asked whether you want to check for updates
automatically. You can check manually at any time in the Tools menu.
* (Windows 7) Add playback buttons to the Windows 7 taskbar icon.

* Fix several issues loading files with non-ascii characters in their
* Fix several crashes when loading malformed tags from MP3 files.
* Fix a crash when clicking the "cancel" button on a dynamic playlist while
the preview is still being loaded.
* Fix a crash when skipping quickly through tracks while the Artist Info
tab was open.
* Fix a crash on exit if you have the Magnatune list open.
* Fix a crash when closing a playlist that has songs still loading.
* Fix a crash when removing the first, active playlist.
* Fix a race condition on startup that might lead to two instances of
Clementine being started.
* Fix a display bug in the "Last played" column for songs that haven't been
played in the last week.
* Improve the sorting of untagged songs loaded from directories.
* Fix a build failure on ARM.
* Do library initialisation in the background - fixing a GUI freeze when
loading large collections.
* Fix a bug where columns would sometimes not appear in the playlist.
* Fix some graphical bugs when resizing the sidebar when it is blurred.
* Hide the score and comment columns by default, increase the size of the
* Fix a database error when searching for " characters in the library.
* Fix an issue when trying to sign in to last.fm with a username containing
special characters.
* Fix the "date" and "rating" smart playlist comparisons.
* Update statistics properly when playing songs shorter than 30 seconds.
* Don't re-read tags from files when loading a playlist if those songs are
already in the library.
* Make it possible to disable all lyric providers.
* Make it possible to delete the active playlist.
* Add a workaround for broken XML entities in ASX playlists.
* Sort playlist tabs properly when closing and re-opening Clementine.
* (Windows) Fix MP3 transcoding.
* (Windows) Better error handling when parts of the Windows Media Device
Manager SDK aren't installed (like on Windows Server).
* (Windows) Fix a crash on startup when a device was connected that gave
Clementine an invalid icon.
* (Linux) Various MPRIS2 fixes.
* (Mac OS X) Increase the maximum file descriptor limit so larger
collections can still be monitored for changes.

Build system changes:
* Remove the old xine, VLC and Phonon backends. These weren't maintained
any more and didn't have as many features as the GStreamer backend.
* Make Last.fm optional.
* Clementine now builds correctly with Clang.
* Don't run tests for features if those features are disabled.
* (Linux) Make DBUS optional.
* (Windows) Upgrade to Qt 4.7.1.
* (Mac OS X) Switch the HTTP gstreamer plugin to soup instead of neon.

Ubuntu(Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit)
Ubuntu(Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit)
Fedora(Fedora 13 32-bit)
Fedora(Fedora 13 64-bit)
MS Windows(Windows)
Mac OS X(Mac OS X)
Ubuntu(Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit)
Ubuntu(Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit)
Debian(Debian Squeeze 32-bit)
Debian(Debian Squeeze 64-bit)
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 Gnome dependencies?

 by CryAngel on: Feb 26 2010
Score 50%

I'm want append. When i try build on linux, i notice it depend on libnotify, which depend on GTK. Sure, is not bug, but have dependencies to two same libs is not cool. Sorry for bad english.

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 mac package

 by lucian1900 on: Mar 2 2010
Score 50%

The OS X package seems to be corrupted. I've downloaded it several times and it fails the checksum. I've tried ignoring that, but it fails at copying out of the .dmg

Great work btw! Amarok 2 is way too dependency heavy on OS X, a Qt-only player would be perfect.

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 Re: mac package

 by davidsansome on: Mar 2 2010
Score 50%

Can you check the m5sum of the file you downloaded? It should be: 89e2436ffe5cc4f1e46a4c0ab86f9c5d

Also try downloading the .dmg directly from Google Code:

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 Re: Re: mac package

 by lucian1900 on: Mar 2 2010
Score 50%

md5sum is 224c494bb67c86e671d32bff266aa593 for both files from Qt4-apps and Google code. I downloaded each several times.

It may also be worth to mention that the file gets downloaded instantly, the whole 19MB.

I've also tried clementine 0.2 beta from google code, I also get "codec overrun" (checksum failed) and the md5sum is 54ba80322a07dacb0d00f59754bcbc17. If I mount it ignoring the checksum error, it also fails when I copy it out of the image.

I've also tried downloading the files with Firefox (I was using Chrome), but I got the same results.

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 Re: Re: mac package

 by lucian1900 on: Mar 5 2010
Score 50%

It worked now, with wget.

Did you replace the package? While it would be possible to get errors because of my ISP, I find it unlikely that two browsers would get the exact same corruption (since the two corrupted files had the same md5).

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 Re: Re: Re: mac package

 by davidsansome on: Mar 7 2010
Score 50%

Nope we didn't change anything on our end, must've been a temporary problem somewhere.
Glad you got it working eventually :)

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 by STiAT on: Mar 3 2010
Score 50%

Is there a reason to base clementine upon xine-lib, or was this just not ported to phonon (yet?).

Ability is nothing without opportunity.
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 Re: xine-lib

 by dglent on: Mar 3 2010
Score 50%

May be it is the only way to make crossfade between the songs (??? i hope)

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 Re: xine-lib

 by davidsansome on: Mar 3 2010
Score 50%

We used the xine audio engine from Amarok because it supports fading and the animated scope you can see at the bottom of the window. Phonon doesn't seem to be able to do either of these things well, and actually doesn't appear to be maintained very well inside Qt - I don't think it's received any new features since it was first included.

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 Re: Re: xine-lib

 by STiAT on: Mar 4 2010
Score 50%

You are probably right, phonon seems badly maintained at the moment, thinking on the kde patches still waiting for their merge.

Fade-In Fade-Out is quite easy with phonon, there's even a reference implementation in JuK, but you need to use two objects (actually, one which you played where you fade out, and the one for the new song you fade in).

I must say, I don't understand what is meant by "animated scope".

Ability is nothing without opportunity.
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 by hosein-mec2 on: Mar 3 2010
Score 50%

dont waste your time ! Amarok 2.3 Rocks ... !!

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 Re: ???

 by STiAT on: Mar 4 2010
Score 50%

Some people don't want those features of amarok 2. Amarok 2 eats (at least on my system) a lot of ressources, and generally feels "slow", probably due to all the gui stuff and my slow graphics card though.

Ability is nothing without opportunity.
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 Re: Re: ???

 by Diablo82 on: Mar 5 2010
Score 50%

Last time I checked it out...Gnu/Linux was "about choice".
I really like Amarok >2.2, but I'm keeping an eye on this project...'cause this one aims be feature complete yet "lightweight".
And by the way it runs fine also on my Windows machines, while Amarok would be a pain in the... 'cause of it's tons of deps.

Linux...giving Microsoft a taste of mortality.
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 Re: Re: ???

 by Diablo82 on: Mar 5 2010
Score 50%

Last time I checked it out...Gnu/Linux was "about choice".
I really like Amarok >2.2, but I'm keeping an eye on this project...'cause this one aims be feature complete yet "lightweight".
And by the way it runs fine also on my Windows machines, while Amarok would be a pain in the... 'cause of it's tons of deps.

Linux...giving Microsoft a taste of mortality.
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 Re: ???

 by dglent on: Mar 24 2010
Score 50%

there are many users that wait from clementine to be like amarok 1.4 because amarok 2.0 is the definition of regression. There are consumed millions of kilobytes of discussions in the net for this.
So your comment is not valable and id like to encourage the clementine's developers to continue with the support of the users.

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 translations are included ?

 by dglent on: Mar 24 2010
Score 50%

i have greek localisation but i still have clementine in english. The new translations are included or not yet ?

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 Old Amarok!

 by morsik on: Mar 26 2010
Score 50%

Great to see "old Amarok" in Qt4! Ressurection project is good, but visulations isn't working on Windows (that next to play controls).

Linux is not technology, Linux is FUTURE!
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