Warning: session_start(): open(/tmp/sess_8kp56tjaid9d2e4abfna1duip3, O_RDWR) failed: No space left on device (28) in /www/H01/htdocs/lib/base/lib_base.php on line 280
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   1.4 (1.4.0)  

KDE Business Software

Score 76%

Link:  Link
Downloads:  1553
Submitted:  Feb 20 2007
Updated:  Mar 4 2009



- Address management, unlimited Directories can be created
- Stock management
- Order management and Inventory
- Documents can be created (Offers, Order confirmations, Delivery notes and Invoices)
- a simple financial module
- Message module
- multi user

- require MySQL Database
- require LaTeX to create documents

For Templates, Language-Files, SQL-Initfile or additional informations please visit http://first4.procopio.ch.

Please report Bugs on: https://developer.berlios.de/projects/first4/

You can download the latest snapshot with SVN:

svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/first4/trunk

- or -

svn checkout http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/first4/trunk


first4 Final (1.4.0)
- German translation updated
- Currency now loaded from DB
- fixed some layout bugs

first4 RC2 (1.3.97)
- New Binaries available

first4 RC2 (1.3.97)
- Fixed Bug #14423
- first4 will now be installed in /usr/local
- Changes in doceditfrm
- new design for mainframe
- Binaries will be updated in the next days

first4 RC1 (1.3.96)

- Fixed Bug #14041, #14029, #14042, #14114
- Limits for accountdata
- Complete Database can be locked. e.g. for maintenance

*New binary packages available

first4 beta3 (1.3.95)

- CSV import and export of adresses
- vCard import and export of adresses
- CSV import and export of datatables and stocks
- MT940 import for bancaccounts
- Serverconnections can now be directly edited in the login window
- German translation updated
- Fixed some bugs

first4 beta2 (1.3.94)

- Open Entries will now be locked to prevent multi editing
- Un-Lock possibility for the Administrator
- New DB-Update-Module
- Lot of bugfixing ;-)

first4 beta1 (1.3.93)

- New Message module
- All templates are now stored in database
- German translation updated

first4 alpha3 (1.3.92)

- New Financemodul
*IMPORTANT* You need to update your database via Config-Window and fdb file (included in Package)
- Account-Management
- Incomes and Expenditures management
- ESR-Import and CVS Export

first4 alpha2 (1.3.91)

- New Ordermodule
- New Database-Wizzard

- solved issue with procfrm.h


- solved issue with procfrm.h


- Document module
Now it is possible to create Offers, Orderconfirmations, Deliverynotes and Invoices (You need to update the DB)
- Plugin module
ChMaster implemented a Plugininterface. Thanks.


- Inventory module
- German translation updated
- Fixed Bugs

Ubuntu(Ubuntu 8.04 x86)
Ubuntu(Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64)
SUSE(openSuSE 10.3 x86)
SUSE(openSuSE 10.3 x86_64)
Fedora(Fedora 9 x86)
Fedora(Fedora 9 x86_64)
Mandriva(Mandriva 2008 x86)
Mandriva(Mandriva 2008 x86_64)
Source(Nightly snapshot)
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 import export von da

 by sisqonrw on: Jan 3 2008
Score 50%

kann man irgendwie adressen importieren exportieren?

wie sieht es mit artikel aus? kann man die importieren exportieren?

gibt es so eine funktion?

Reply to this


 Re: import export vo

 by oprocopio on: Jan 3 2008
Score 50%

hi sisqonrw,

die import und export-funktionen wurden leider noch nicht portiert, stehen daher nicht zur Verfügung.

du müsstest direkt in die DB importieren.

bis zur stable Version müsste es jedoch wieder integriert sein.



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 by wrohr on: Jul 29 2008
Score 50%

unter (k)ubuntu 8.0 und opensuse 11, immer das gleiche. die installation läuft durch, das programm wird gestartet, eingelogt und sobald man eine adresse anlegen will oder auf eines der icons klickt, weg ist das programm.


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 Re: Absturz

 by oprocopio on: Aug 17 2008
Score 50%


sorry für die verspätete Antwort, war im Urlaub.

also, unter opensuse 11 oder kubuntu 8 habe ich first4 noch nie installiert daher im Moment keine Ahnung.

aber ich schau mir das ganze mal an und gebe bescheid.

danke und gruss


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 Re: Absturz

 by oprocopio on: Aug 17 2008
Score 50%

sorry, noch eine frage: hast du die rpm/deb's benutzt oder via sources installiert??


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 Re: Absturz

 by oprocopio on: Aug 19 2008
Score 50%


nach einigen Tests kann ich bestätigen dass unter (x)ubuntu 8.04 first4 (beta3) problemlos funktioniert.



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 Re: Re: Absturz

 by wrohr on: Aug 23 2008
Score 50%

danke für die auskunft. (komme auch gerade aus dem urlaub zurück).

ich werde einfach einen anderen rechner aufsetzten, kubuntu neu installieren und dann wirds wohl funktionieren.
vermutlich habe ich irgend welche (beta) kde bibliotheken noch laufen.


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 problems by creating a mysql d

 by sisqonrw on: Sep 27 2008
Score 50%

i have installed first successfully.

but i have problems to create a mysql database.
i dont know what i have to type as host.

who can help me?


Reply to this


 Re: problems by creating a mysql d

 by oprocopio on: Sep 29 2008
Score 50%


the host is "localhost" if you have the application and the database on the same computer.

you must install the mysql-server package from your distribution.

which distribution do you use?


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 Re: Re: problems by creating a mysql d

 by sisqonrw on: Sep 29 2008
Score 50%

hi have installed mysql-server-5.0. Should i install mysql-server also?

i am using Kubuntu (KDE 4) 8.04 (Hardy Heron).

ok let me now what i have to type there.


Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: problems by creating a mysql d

 by oprocopio on: Sep 30 2008
Score 50%

mysql-server and mysql-server-5.0 is the same (i think so :o)

try to open a shell (konsole) and enter:
mysql -u root

probabliy you don't need a passwort for the root user.

if you can connect retry the wizzard and enter:
host: localhost
user: root
password: <"leave this field empty">

if you need more help, just write.
there is also a forum (see link above)


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 Re: Re: Re: Re: problems by creating a mysql d

 by sisqonrw on: Sep 30 2008
Score 50%

ok i created successfuly a database.
now when i want to log me in as root or user
he report me: unable to connect to database server
access denied for user "@localhost" to database "first4db"
QMYSQL:Unable to connect

whats wrong?

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: problems by creating a mysql d

 by oprocopio on: Sep 30 2008
Score 50%

the connection-settings are stored in the following file:



or something similar. check if everything is ok and paste your config in the next comment.


Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: problems by creating a mys

 by sisqonrw on: Sep 30 2008
Score 50%

hi this is my config data:


is it ok?

what i have to do to start and use first


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: proble

 by oprocopio on: Sep 30 2008
Score 50%

configuration is ok.

try from a shell:

mysql -u first4 -h localhost first4db

to check if you can connect to the database.

still the same problem when you start first4?



 error report

 by sisqonrw on: Oct 3 2008
Score 50%

i get this report form the terminal:

salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ mysql -u first4 -h localhost first4db
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'first4db'
salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ sudo mysql -u first4 -h localhost first4db
[sudo] password for salsero:
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'first4db'

whats wrong?

Reply to this


 Re: error report

 by oprocopio on: Oct 4 2008
Score 50%

hi sisqonrw,

try: mysql -u root

and then in the mysql-shell check if the first4-DB exists:

use first4db

only if the DB doesn't exist: CREATE DATABASE first4db;

set the permissions for the first-user:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON first4db.* TO 'first4'@'%';

if it is ok then exit with: exit

try to connect with first4.


Reply to this


 Re: Re: error report

 by sisqonrw on: Oct 5 2008
Score 50%

here the report:

salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7
Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use first4db
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> CREATE DATABASE first4db;
ERROR 1007 (HY000): Can't create database 'first4db'; database exists
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON first4db.* TO 'first4'@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit

after first4 login i get this:

unable to connect to database

what can i do?

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: error report

 by oprocopio on: Oct 6 2008
Score 50%


on the login window you have settings-button in the corner above the login-button.
- delete the connection.
- create a new one:
- connect to an existing DB
- set as host: localhost
- User: first4
- Password: leave empty

then press check and select the first4db.

press next and then finish.


Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: error report

 by sisqonrw on: Oct 6 2008
Score 50%

should i create a new DB or create a new DB?

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: error repo

 by oprocopio on: Oct 7 2008
Score 50%

you don't need to create a new DB. But just a new DB-Connection to the existing DB.

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: error repo

 by sisqonrw on: Oct 10 2008
Score 50%

hi here a video. whats wrong?


 Unable to connect to database

 by Paul82ism on: May 24 2009
Score 50%

Hi there, when adding a db i get following error:

Unable to connect to database server!

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13) QMYSQL: Unable to connect

Thanks for helping!

Reply to this


 Re: Unable to connect to database

 by Paul82ism on: May 24 2009
Score 50%

I solved the problem.
But now I'm getting the error "Query error" when I try to login.

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Unable to connect to database

 by oprocopio on: May 25 2009
Score 50%

- it's your first installation of first4 or an upgrade?

1) you can check if the admin user was created

form konsole mysql -u <first4user> -p <db-name>
and then "select * from users;"

2) you can try to create an other db but you must choose an other db-name


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