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GDM Theme

Score 77%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  33900
Submitted:  Apr 8 2006
Updated:  Apr 9 2006


My second GDM theme, hope you like it.

The archive contains two versions of the background image, one in 4:3 and one in 5:4 (like 1280x1024). You can choose which one you like by creating a symlink.

Thanks for all the feedback. =)

This one was heavily inspired by the Avio-GDM theme (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=37395) created by Tobias Oelgarte. The background image haZeblue (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37195) was created by Franziska Frannerts.


Version 0.2:
- "Username:" prompt now changes to "Password:"

Version 0.1
- initial release

(Relaxing GDM theme, 1.2 MB)
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 nice work

 by nunsta on: Apr 9 2006
Score 50%

I don't suppose you're considering a whole theme to compliment this....

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 Re: nice work

 by nagilum on: Apr 9 2006
Score 50%

I'm afraid not, sorry. I only know (roughly) how to theme GDM and Metacity and everywhere I hear/read that GTK is way worse. Besides, I don't really have an idea what that theme should look like.

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 small problem

 by kikuman on: Apr 17 2006
Score 50%

I like ur theme, but i ran into a problem...i tryed different gdm themes with user list, but none of them displays user avatars(though i set them in "About me" section).

good morning every1 ;>
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 Re: small problem

 by nagilum on: Apr 18 2006
Score 50%

That's strange, my avatar is displayed properly. The screenshot does not show it as it was taken with the gdmthemetester which ignores the avatars. Maybe it's because I set my avatar manually by copying the image to ~/.face and not with the "About Me" dialog (and my avatar does not show up in that dialog).

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 Re: small problem

 by tobain on: Apr 19 2006
Score 50%

i do not know how it is called in "english" but in "german" it is under:

System -> Systemverwaltung -> Einrichtung des Anmeldebildschirms -> Sicherheit -> Benutzeralbum

It may be translated to:

System -> Systemmanagement -> Greeter Configuration -> Security -> User album

(This works for me under ubuntu brezy)

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 Re: Re: small proble

 by nagilum on: Apr 19 2006
Score 50%

In english it's:

System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup -> Security -> Show Face Browser

Although this has no effect on the Themed Greeter, only the Standard Greeer.

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 Great Work!

 by ksk-tom on: Apr 19 2006
Score 50%

This theme is my alltime-favorite...

similar to MTV Car-Pimping let me say:
Please pimp my Desktop!

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 Nicest looking theme

 by nalmeth on: Jun 2 2006
Score 50%


Running Ubuntu Dapper Drake, originally on my PC it wouldn't install. I then installed manually, but GDM wouldn't allow it to work, and reverted me to my original theme. The avio looked similar, so I'm using that on my PC.

On my laptop, also running Dapper, it install's fine, and work's with GDM. Friggin' nice looking. One problem though, configuring GDM through this theme doesn't work properly. It keep's restarting GDM before you can make any adjustments.

Not sure what the problem is, can anyone else confirm this?

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 Re: Nicest looking t

 by nagilum on: Jun 3 2006
Score 50%

Hm, works fine on Dapper for me. I tried it on 3 different Dapper systems, 1 laptop and 2 regular PCs, without any of the problems you described. The only thing that occured to me is that the entry field is a few pixels further down the screen than in a previous version of GDM (Breezy), but that's all.

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 by lordpolvo on: Jul 29 2006
Score 50%

hey nice gdm i like it its what i use now thnx :)

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 can i have the source files?

 by jamwaffles on: Dec 27 2008
Score 50%

i really like this theme, but i'd like the source code to change the background to something more futuristic. is that ok if you email it to jamwaffles@googlemail.com. if not, then dont worry its still a really cool gdm and i use it all the time

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 Re: can i have the source files?

 by nagilum on: Feb 28 2009
Score 50%

Oops, didn't see your comment until now. If you want the source just download the package, it's in there. GDM themes are just plain XML files, nothing has to be compiled.

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