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Goodbye, for now
Feb 16 2013  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I just thought I'd let you all know that although I am still just as exited about the project as ever, I may not work on it for a long time :( I'm just too busy and this isn't at the top of my priorities.

I loved the conversations that went on here, and I will keep them tucked in the back of my mind until I have another chance to make this project a reality :) I hope to be back really soon!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Prototype
Sep 19 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

It works fine in either Chrome or Firefox. You will want it fullscreen so you can access the auto-hide menu on the right. Right now it doesn't do too much, but it does show that making a UI with HTML and CSS is possible.

Re: Re: Prototype
Sep 11 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I don't know about frame buffers, but we don't need a browser to run this. In fact, I made a small 10-line python script that allows it to run in a blank X-screen through webkit. In the future, we could even fork webkit or gecko and add more advanced features.

I need to find out if I can communicate between a application and the HTML interface. Obviously, even though HTML5 apps are great, they are no replacement for a real C application. I'm probably going to use a scripting language to receive signals that will be emitted by a program. So the next step from here is engineering how the applications will work.

I'm surprised by how ridiculously simple a desktop environment like this would be; it seems too good to be true. But, Windows 8 did it, and it works wonderfully. (I'm not talking about the terrible UX here, just the fact that it works)

Sep 11 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)


Read the blog post, then check out the prototype :)

A clearer draft for the goal of the project
Jun 4 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I'm going to be a good example, and start using the SF forum. Click here to read my post: https://sourceforge.net/p/fluide/discussion/general/thread/4fab5dde/

General plan ideas
Apr 21 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

Maybe for a general plan, we should stop worrying about the GUI. When we focus on that, we won't focus on really improving the way computer interaction works. (I'm very guilty of this, so I'm not putting anyone down) I think our goal should simply be to create the ideas that would go behind the GUI. For example, the idea that programs are simply puglins to the OS, doesn't need a GUI to make sense. Then, once we have the platform figured out, making a GUI that fits would be a very easy task.

I am just brainstorming, so feel free to say something if you don't agree with what I wrote here ;)

Re: DE - Taskbar, Groups and Desktops
Apr 13 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

This idea sounds great :) It's very similar to KDE's activities feature, but better, I think. The idea could be improved, mainly the UI layout, but the functionality is excellent. The idea of organizing apps into groups is my favorite part. I would do most of the organizing in a application manager, rather than the taskbar, though. Of course, grouping could be done in the "dock" also, and the interface you came up with for that looks cool!

One part that seems missing is tabs(multiple instances of applications). This should somehow be integrated with the application list, or in another way. There are lots of ways to do this, the two that come to mind are the Win7 way and the Opera collapsible tabs way.

I'll think about this more, and write again.

By the way, (I'm not putting you down, so please don't get mad) the GIF animation was hard to watch. It might be easier to follow it if it was simply a very long image that could be scrolled through. Just a suggestion for future mockups ;)

Re: Some thoughts
Apr 11 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

Yes, I've played with TinyCore! (and MicroCore, the smaller version, too) It's hard to belive, but I actually have a laptop that is to old to even run it xD But yes, I'd agree we need to make the DE fast and light, which would enable it to run on almost anything ;)

I've thought about cross-DE apps before, but you wrote it down very nicely :) The ideal progam, I think, would simply be a backend, kind of like a programming library. (I think we have brought this up before) Then, a interface could be created for it. Unfortuately, most programs don't work this, but we can encourage others to do this when they code. Maybe it could be forced. Python used strict rules, and as a result all code is styled the same. Maybe the DE should require certian programming practices, which would result in a perfectly uniform user experience. With this sort of model, a script could be used to control how applications were rendered, allowing easy customizing.

The text-based DE is interesting. Lots of ideas come to mind, one being that X applications could run in a low-resolution text-based screen. Or, it could simply mean a more complete linux shell. Either way, it would be a good way to prototype less graphics-dependend ideas.

Registered on SF!
Apr 10 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)


We've got to set everything up now, but we are registered! We have a git repository, forms, a wiki, and lots more :) There are options to set up different tools and delete the current ones. For example, we could use SVN instead of Git, or set up a mailing list. So we aren't stuck with the options I chose!

We need to come up with a description on the project. Why don't we all write what we think the goals should be, and then compare them? Then we will know what we agree on.

I also added a subdomain, so we have an empty website at http://fluide.sourceforge.net.

I'm not sure how everything works yet, but I'll add you to the project if you let me know your SF username.

The reply from SourceForge: Good news!
Apr 10 2012  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

Someone from SourceForge wrote back, and although I think he misunderstood me, he doesn't say we can't have a project with no code temporarily. He answers our question when he says we are not forced to release code until we are ready. So I'm fairly sure that we are ok to register!

This is the reply to my email that asked if an open-source project could collaborate before code was released:


We do not support private projects or repositories. We certainly can't force you to release the code before it's ready, but we don't really have a mechanism on our site for you to manage the development if it's not being done publicly.

Note that even if you're developing the code privately, once you release a binary, you must release the code for it as well. So, don't release any binaries until the corresponding source is ready as well.


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