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Re: A short explanation
Feb 26 2011  on group

at the moment microsoft is bragging about their marvelous work. they claim that: if a program crashes on windows 7, you can always start another program. well that doesn't solve the problem of an crashing program! they've just made it so you can run more problems at the same time!

games games games!
Feb 26 2011  on group Linux Gamers

shouldn't you all add lgdb.com?
LGDB is the Linux-Game-Data-Base!
it contains almost every linux game, you can filter out the paid ones if you like.

Re: why?
Sep 29 2010  on group

well you can customize linux till the fullest! if you don't like it, change it, that makes linux the PERFECT OS. you can't complain about a button that's placed wrong because you can replace it right! at windows you CAN'T do this. isn't that strange? you PAY for adding blockades to your system. you PAY for not letting you customize anything. well that just sucks...

Re: Re: Re: @KarmicBastler
Jul 24 2010  on group

huhummm. thanks to ubuntu i know A lot of software i've never heard about. also ubuntu has great japanese learning tools...
it's not just showing off with the themes, it's the complete picture, the user-friendlyness etc.
i install ubuntu on pc's of handicapped people so the can browse the web without getting e-mails from their provider that their pc is sending spam! handicapped people don't know about all this virus shit and don't want to know! they just want to browse the net. with ubuntu i provide a stable and secure system to them.
so again, it is not about showing off a shining theme! it's the complete picture of ubuntu that makes it perfect!
and the perfect picture just needs a theme!!

people often ask me why my pc has all those effects and why i change them every month.
my answer: BECAUSE I CAN!!! in windows you don't have the freedom to show off with a shiny theme because it's blocked!
if you want to change your theme in windows you have to use one of the many hack-tools to unlock it!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some joke
May 19 2010  on group

no i only want to make clear that some programs run better under linux than under windows

also that windows is more overflow-sensitive than linux. and apart from the stability. i still choose linux just because i don't get those fuckin "please-update-this" and "new-version-of-blahblahblah-available" linux just updates EVERYTHING with a single click.

and yes I admit linux sometimes freezes, but it's still better than having to reinstall windows over and over again, my record is 7 windows-installations in under 2 weeks!!! just because it crashed that much!

so, you don't get a better firefox on linux, but the same firefox will run better on an better OS.

Re: Re: Re: Some joke
May 19 2010  on group

well... linux is more stable even in desktop environment

try to overload firefox on ubuntu 10.04 It won't crash!!! even with about 10000 tabs open it DOESN'T crash!
on windows i've managed to overload firefox many many times.

Re: Re: Re: :-|
Apr 30 2010  on group

sorry but I'm using ubuntu and i'm not always using the point-and-click method. simply because the terminal is in some ways quicker. but hey when you use slackware you might learn more about linux but, reccomending slackware to a noob is not a good idea! because he would say that you have to use that terminal over and over again. in ubuntu things are made simple for people who want it and things are challeging and more advanced for the people who need it.
and ubuntu isn't better because it's free. its better because of its stability, speed, community, its ease-of-use and its flexibilaty! on ubuntu i can move my menu-buttons where I like them to be. on windows the start-butten has only 1 position, the place where bill gates THINKS we want it to be. also if you want another theme on windows you have to hack the whole system! some examples: uxtheme,dll name-hack. super turbo tango patcher for the icon-theme. resource-hacker for the bootscreen etc. etc. etc. you cannot customize windows without hacking it! and it will still suck because, even with hacking, you cannot get the flexibility of ubuntu.

Re: :-|
Apr 29 2010  on group

it is true that linux might have some vurnerabilities, but on the other hand. linux has got apparmor, the rights management system, the package manager and all other stuff that protects it from attacks.

a few weeks ago i read in linux-magazine an article about an hackers-confrence.
a group of hackers tried to infect as many pc's as they could in just under a month. windows 7 failed after 6 hours. macbook air failed after 3 days, but during the whole event the ubuntu-laptop couldn't be hacked.

so i won't claim it's impossible to hack it, but it's very very difficult to hack an up-to-date linux.

linux is getting more marketshare over the years. so, when the time is there that linux conquers the world, nearly all the security-holes will be plugged.

so don't say it would be the same as windows. linux would contain some virusses, but it won't be as bad as XP is and it will never be as bad.

Apr 9 2010  on group The 1 Million Tux Project

linux rocks in any-way
that most companies don't build progrmas for linux is due those lazy companies!
it is not linux its own fault!

windows and spam
Mar 24 2010  on group

nowadays, 90% of the internet usage is SPAM. spammers infect A computer with a virus and let that computer send it, so they wouldn't get caught. but what would happen if all OS-ses get equal market share. for the software developers it wouldn't make much of a difference. you can compile your sourcecode on ANY os, so it would be fine.

but for the spammers it will be a total nightmare! They have to write a dosen virusses for EVERY OS. you have to find security-holes in EVERY OS. Building a botnet will be as hard as it's gonna get. so the spam will decrease!

so it's for everyones sake to switch OS!
microsoft might be the greatest thread to our security ever!!!!


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