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Why there is so much Ubuntu artwork.
Nov 9 2011  on content iKons 0.6 for KDE2/3

Something I haven't seen addressed is why. You may be angry that there isn't artwork catered to other operating systems, but that is due to the fact that most people creating the artwork are using Ubuntu or want to create for the most popular OS. Looking at your profile skull-y, I can't see a single piece of artwork you've added to the community.

If you don't like it, change it.

I will agree that the overwhelming amount of "artwork" with an Ubuntu logo slapped on top of it is starting to get out of hand. If you're referring to the themes present on the site, a majority are catered to the GNOME desktop, hence the name "Gnome-Look".

Why there is so much Ubuntu artwork.
Nov 9 2011  on content iKons 0.6 for KDE2/3

Something I haven't seen addressed is why. You may be angry that there isn't artwork catered to other operating systems, but that is due to the fact that most people creating the artwork are using Ubuntu or want to create for the most popular OS. Looking at your profile skull-y, I can't see a single piece of artwork you've added to the community.

If you don't like it, change it.

I will agree that the overwhelming amount of "artwork" with an Ubuntu logo slapped on top of it is starting to get out of hand. If you're referring to the themes present on the site, a majority are catered to the GNOME desktop, hence the name "Gnome-Look".

Why there is so much Ubuntu artwork.
Nov 9 2011  on content iKons 0.6 for KDE2/3

Something I haven't seen addressed is why. You may be angry that there isn't artwork catered to other operating systems, but that is due to the fact that most people creating the artwork are using Ubuntu or want to create for the most popular OS. Looking at your profile skull-y, I can't see a single piece of artwork you've added to the community.

If you don't like it, change it.

I will agree that the overwhelming amount of "artwork" with an Ubuntu logo slapped on top of it is starting to get out of hand. If you're referring to the themes present on the site, a majority are catered to the GNOME desktop, hence the name "Gnome-Look".

Why there is so much Ubuntu artwork.
Nov 9 2011  on content iKons 0.6 for KDE2/3

Something I haven't seen addressed is why. You may be angry that there isn't artwork catered to other operating systems, but that is due to the fact that most people creating the artwork are using Ubuntu or want to create for the most popular OS. Looking at your profile skull-y, I can't see a single piece of artwork you've added to the community.

If you don't like it, change it.

I will agree that the overwhelming amount of "artwork" with an Ubuntu logo slapped on top of it is starting to get out of hand. If you're referring to the themes present on the site, a majority are catered to the GNOME desktop, hence the name "Gnome-Look".

Jun 19 2011  on content Slickness Green

Best theme I've seen on here in a LONG time! Love it, very refreshing.


May 3 2011  on content Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Ubuntu Unity?

I see Ubuntu going down a destructive path. They are trying to stay at #1 so they designed Unity which is horrible and I can only see appealing to tablet users.

They need to go back to their roots and keep creating high-quality releases with fresh artwork, themes, and bullet-proof design.

After using both Gnome Shell and Unity I would have to vote for Gnome Shell over Unity (although I dislike both). I wish they had just used something like Cairo-Dock for the quick launcher and maybe Enlightenment as the window manager.

Awesome theme!
Oct 22 2010  on content QflashingLights (GTK)

I've always loved dark themes and the purple works great! I don't understand why anyone would complain about the progress bars, they work just fine for me. A recommended wallpaper for this theme would be: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ball-lnx?content=133545

Voted Up!
Oct 16 2010  on content Linux Mint Wallpaper

By far one of the most amazing wallpapers I've ever seen! A perfect clone to the original as well, blends perfect with my Mint installation.

What fonts did you use? (specifically the one for "Linux Mint")

=) I'd love to see more of this for different distros (Fedora, Suse, Debian, etc)

Oct 10 2010  on content Fall Drops, Ancient Light - modified

Hope to see more like this!

Great Job!
Oct 10 2010  on content Triangle to Star

Very elegant. Keep up the good work =)


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