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dum di dum dii
Jan 29 2016  on content Flouressence

I tried this Gnome shell thingy, bloody hell after fighting to customize something and partially successing it started to crash every time I started firefox.

So still using KDE 3.5.10 Release 284 - 2016

plasma 5 is out, would I dare to try it...

The new ones are crap
Jan 29 2016  on content Flouressence

I tried this Gnome shell thingy, bloody hell after fighting to customize something and partially successing it started to crash every time I started firefox.

So still using KDE 3.5.10 Release 284 - 2016

plasma 5 is out, would I dare to try it...

And still
Feb 16 2015  on content Flouressence

I haven't change my kde 3.5.10 to four series ^^
Why should I?

Re: Re: nostalgic
Apr 30 2013  on group I love KDE 3.5x

I won't switch. KDE4 give me weird stability issues on my laptop when on for "longer" period of time like week. Also logout takes ages like +30sek.
And this is no "your hw is old" -> ProBook series and everything woks just nicely, everything just works even better on KDE3 \o/

If I switch I'll build some flux/openbox custom combo, no new Gnome or KDE for me

Re: Still...
Feb 16 2013  on content Flouressence

How to delete?
(in totally wrong place...)

Feb 16 2013  on group I love KDE 3.5x

I still think kde3.5.10 is better than plasma-desktop.
ProBook 4530s 4GB memory with OpenSuSE 12.2 I still feel that kde4 is sluggish and bloated. No matter that I have disabled almost every eyecandy I can find. Those dolphin folder animations annoy me... where can you disable them?

By sluggish I just mean that personally kde3 stiiiill feels more responsible -> maaaaybe because those useless and slow fade out and animations that kde4 has by default, they only waste my time.

Colorpicker wastes space on horizontal panel because it thinks the picker and color ball should always be on top each other.

Networkmanager applet is piece of bloarware as well, I only need a list of available wlans... nothing more.

Also they should have taken example of the Kmenu search that opensuse had while it used kde3.5 series. Ok ok we have the alt+f2 menu for searching things.

And why can't I store my password in insecure storage with kmail anymore if I choose so? Bloody annoying to have kmail prompting for password every time it checks mail jsut bicooos I don't tolerate the kwallet prompting password way too often.
(kwallet, wlan password loop thingy I had with the old laptop made me ditch the kwallet totally)

Also, is the horizontal split coming back anytime soon for the dolphin? ( ctrl+t ctrl+l in kde3 dayz )

Also if they want improve the KDE4 usability they really should add "disable ALL Window/Desktop/Plasma-Desktop Manager animations"

Feb 16 2013  on content Flouressence

I still think kde3.5.10 is better than plasma-desktop.
ProBook 4530s 4GB memory with OpenSuSE 12.2 I still feel that kde4 is sluggish and bloated. No matter that I have disabled almost every eyecandy I can find. Those dolphin folder animations annoy me... where can you disable them?

By sluggish I just mean that personally kde3 stiiiill feels more responsible -> maaaaybe because those useless and slow fade out and animations that kde4 has by default, they only waste my time.

Colorpicker wastes space on horizontal panel because it thinks the picker and color ball should always be on top each other.

Networkmanager applet is piece of bloarware as well, I only need a list of available wlans... nothing more.

Also they should have taken example of the Kmenu search that opensuse had while it used kde3.5 series. Ok ok we have the alt+f2 menu for searching things.

And why can't I store my password in insecure storage with kmail anymore if I choose so? Bloody annoying to have kmail prompting for password every time it checks mail jsut bicooos I don't tolerate the kwallet prompting password way too often.
(kwallet, wlan password loop thingy I had with the old laptop made me ditch the kwallet totally)

Also, is the horizontal split coming back anytime soon for the dolphin? ( ctrl+t ctrl+l in kde3 dayz )

Also if they want improve the KDE4 usability they really should add "disable ALL Window/Desktop/Plasma-Desktop Manager animations"

Feb 5 2013  on content Flouressence

I still think kde3.5.10 is better than plasma-desktop.
ProBook 4530s 4GB memory with OpenSuSE 12.2 I still feel that kde4 is sluggish and bloated. No matter that I have disabled almost every eyecandy I can find. Those dolphin folder animations annoy me... where can you disable them?

By sluggish I just mean that personally kde3 stiiiill feels more responsible -> maaaaybe because those useless and slow fade out and animations that kde4 has by default, they only waste my time.

Colorpicker wastes space on horizontal panel because it thinks the picker and color ball should always be on top each other.

Networkmanager applet is piece of bloarware as well, I only need a list of available wlans... nothing more.

Also they should have taken example of the Kmenu search that opensuse had while it used kde3.5 series. Ok ok we have the alt+f2 menu for searching things.

And why can't I store my password in insecure storage with kmail anymore if I choose so? Bloody annoying to have kmail prompting for password every time it checks mail jsut bicooos I don't tolerate the kwallet prompting password way too often.
(kwallet, wlan password loop thingy I had with the old laptop made me ditch the kwallet totally)

Also, is the horizontal split coming back anytime soon for the dolphin? ( ctrl+t ctrl+l in kde3 dayz )

Also if they want improve the KDE4 usability they really should add "disable ALL Window/Desktop/Plasma-Desktop Manager animations"

Re: OldFart
Jul 29 2012  on poll Do you like or dislike Ubuntu Unity?

KDE3 is still more snappier, configuable and less bloated than gnome3 and KDE4 joined together. Only downside is that those hipster idiots can't except this fact and keep developing this new shit.
ps: yes, I'm still using Amarok 1.4 with alsa backend. http://www.trinitydesktop.org/ http://www.lunar-linux.org/


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