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Re: My opinion
Jun 9 2011  on group Gnome-Shell Alternative

I totally feel where you're coming from. What it boils down to, for me anyhow, is tradition. I am usually not much for traditions, but when you have a classic form for something like a desktop environment, it's very much one of those "ain't broke - don't fix" situations. The way everyone hounds on the "Notification Tray" as this big, evil, confusing mess is just annoying, at this point. I feel like they've used the Notification Tray as a scapegoat to have an excuse for shaking things up. There are lots of ways to rethink that whole situation but instead everyone just wants to kill it entirely and pretend like they're the ones who invented this new, touch-oriented environment. Then we pretend like being touch-oriented is not THE factor in the change. The most annoying part to me is how similar Gnome-Shell and Unity are with eachother. People are given this false impression that the two projects are somehow competing, when at the end of the day, Canonical hosts both projects. I don't like it, you don't like it. Lots of us clearly don't like it.

I know XFCE isn't a drop-in replacement for Gnome2 yet, but I think it will eventually become the obvious choice for people who feel that their back is against the wall on the matter.

XFCE + Compiz
Jun 1 2011  on group Gnome-Shell Alternative

Right now I'm using XFCE with Compiz instead of xfwm4. I would like to see more direct support for this combination, out of the box-so to speak, because I find the homegrown compositors to be inferior. My initial reason for this combination is to make more effective use of the Gnome Window Applets (Window Title and Window Controls) I do not use decorations. Instead, I use Compiz to draw a very thin, dark shadow, with zero offset, to simulate a border. The result looks rather cel-shady and I like it very much.

Another big facet of my interface is that it relies upon a five-button mouse. On this particular mouse, I use my thumb for grabbing a window and resizing; where other five-button layouts give you a thumb and pinky button, instead. This way, I can grab and resize windows, without having decorations to supply the grabbable areas or keyboard assistance to activate the action. I love it. Currently however, XFApplet does a rather poor job of using the Gnome Window Applet package, so I am searching for a way to have it ported directly to XFCE's panel. The sexiest part of the entire thing is when I'm sketching in Gimp. It's just this plain, white square on my desktop. No bars, no menus. It's more like a real piece of paper than it's ever been. So cool.

I suppose I could basically sum up my opinion by saying that I see XFCE as the alternative.


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