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Re: Re: Re: Re: The worst
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

>only those brand pc's made for offices are clean inside.
but you can't use them @ home, because some of them don't have a ACP/PCI express slot for GFX cards.

Not true

>they have choice, they could pay a litle bit more and save time/money on fixing their pc's. the addware that sneaked in via internet explorer.

Hello? This is not a winblows user gathering. People here use Linux or BSD as their primary OS.

>many people are just plain sheep. the don't know how to use their own computer, but have because everyone has one.

Same can be said about Mac users. For instance, do you know wether iTunes supports Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files? It does not, and there is no easy way to make it (except for a dirty hack). Do you know why? Because they have decided for you that AAC and MP3 is all you need.

>i high doubt that any is better than ipod or apple.

I prefer to discuss the taste of a pineapple with someone who tasted it. Sorry.

>it look better than my nokia n73 and nokie 5800 express music.

These are phones, not music players. You can not compare them to iPods.

If you want to find out about portable players, visit http://www.anythingbutipod.com/

>the other players just want a litle piece of the market, but pretty much all where build after the first ipod left the shop.

Ever heard about Sony Walkman? The first portable audio player EVER? Google it up.

>i also have the apple airport extreme, i probaly was the first to own it in this country.
even the power suply has a cooler design than your 'iRiver'.

I do not care about the design. It's a gadget, not a goddamn jewelry. It can look glamorous, but it still sucks.

>microsoft, a company, that dind't invent anything.


>just bought/stole and probably even source open source and assembled their own mashup.

True. And the same is true for Apple. OS X is even based on BSD, and Safari's WebKit is based on khtml.

Re: Re: The worst
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

This is exactly what I was talking about.

>it has the best GUI

This is disputable at best

>and it beables you to work faster.

How exactly?

>i have a Quicksilver powermac, it looks clean inside. no cable system like a pc.

Do you casually need to open up your computer case? If you make upgrades weekly, I envy your incomes. Besides, brandname PCs (as opposed to home-built) also are clean inside (but that makes upgrading a pain in the arse).

>many people can brake their pc very easy be adding stuff.

I have built all my computers myself, and never has broken a thing by adding "stuff".

>each and every windows user on this planet has trouble with windows.

So true, but the crappiness of windows is not a strong point of OS X

>but yet people keep buying it.

Power of habbit I presume. Plus, they have little choice.

>i have a friend who is MSCE certified, i recommend him to try apple, he was stunned and still is happy today.
(he know and he is a microsoft engineer)

This proves that Apple is just Microsoft nr. 2. A slave does not bother much when his master changes.

>apple is exspensive, but if it where cheaper, microsoft would be gone is no time.

I beg to differ. If Apple products were cheaper, they would lose their "elite" status and lose market share. Diamond rings are so popular cause they are expensive. They have no practical value, just to show their owner is rich. BTW, google for the "iAmRich" iPhone app - it explains a lot.

>p.s. i have a ipod, it's a cool GUI, that's what made it a HIT article, i also have a 10US$ mp3 player.
hahaha , a typical use and trow away article.

Wow! Compare an iPod to a 10 buck crappy noname player. How fair. How about a Cowon? Or an iRiver? These players just blow iPods away.

The worst
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

about Apple is not the DRM, vendor lock-in or noncompliance with standards. It's the fanboys. I've heard many things from them - how Apple's stuff is superior compared to competitors (even though now they use exactly the same CPUs, HDDS, RAM modules etc as the PC), how iPods sound superior to any other players (actually, newer iPods sound mediocre at best). Seems like Apple's propaganda is causing failures of common sense in people susceptible to marketingspeak. The become brainwashed zealots, willing to protect their master. Sometimes I pity them, and sometimes I just wish there was a way to punch in the face using the IP protocol.

Feb 12 2009  on content Human-O2 for SMplayer

Actually, SMplayer is strictly a Qt app, with no KDE dependencies:

apt-cache depends smplayer
Depends: libc6
Depends: libgcc1
Depends: libqt4-core
Depends: libqt4-gui
Depends: libstdc++6
|Depends: mplayer
Depends: mplayer-nogui
Recommends: smplayer-themes
Replaces: smplayer-translations

Nov 16 2008  on group Amarok Users

If you like Milkdrop, go check out ProjectM. It supports Milkdrop presets and it works with Amarok (I've been using it for some time). It is in the universe repository IIRC.

As for Kopete's support for Amarok2 - it's not released yet, but there's a beta available, and many people use Amarok2 from SVN. Not as stable or feature rich as 1.4 (yet), but still usable.

Re: Re: KDE 4 taskbar - 2 rows
Sep 26 2008  on Discussion

Thanks! Exactly what I've been looking for

KDE 4 taskbar - 2 rows
Sep 24 2008  on Discussion

Hi all!

I was playing around with Kde 4.1 in VirtualBox and was wondering if it's possible to make the task bar show 2 rows of window buttons (like KDE3's taskbar can). Now it seems that no matter how high the panel is the taskbar buttons representing the windows are in a single row. This is a real disappointment, as I'm kinda used to the fact my taskbar can display twice the normal number of windows.

Re: Vista, the new OS X
Sep 23 2008  on group This Is Not An Aero Clone

Judging by the screenshot section on a Linux site I visit, OSX-alike themes are still popular (sadly).

Re: :D
Sep 23 2008  on group This Is Not An Aero Clone

This is the way of life - most people aren't creative. So, what do they do when they master Gimp or Krita? They copy other OSes' themes (usually they select the most recent OSes or the most buzzed).

That said, I confess that I absolutely hate the Vista look'n'feel. Even if I wasn't windophobic AND if Vista wasn't so slow even on hi-end hardware, I'd still dislike its theme. MS could never create a nice theme -- remember that ugly default XP theme with bright eye-burning colors (more suitable for kid's toys than for an OS they put a "professional" label on). Aren't there any good artists in Redmond?

Re: Create groups
Sep 21 2008  on poll Have you joined a group on this site?

It's simple - go to http://kde-look.org/groups/?mode=0 and click "Create group"


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