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Nice, but...
Jan 19 2009  on content Paladium

L'anglais est également fournie ci-dessous en français par Google Traduction.

I understand that for your first theme you did an easy one (and far be it for me to criticise, I've made exactly two contributions: one, a colour scheme that anyone willing to play with Emerald could do, and another a simple MSN client icon), but this is good for the same reason most other Mac lookalikes are good. I'm not someone who hates Mac lookalikes on principle, my favourite of the lookalikes is Leotard. I like that one so much because it doesn't try to be a 1:1 copy - there's some originality in it, because it doesn't look like a clone of the OS X interface, but instead a GTK theme made toward the same idea. It's a subtle distinction, but one that makes all the difference to me.

Congratulations on your first contribution, and I hope to see more from you in the future :) Try not to take what I said harshly, I just meant to point out my opinion on lookalikes in general.

The French below is merely a Google Translation of the English above

Je comprends que pour votre premier thème que vous l'avez fait facile (et bien que ce soit à moi de critiquer, je me suis fait exactement deux contributions: l'un, un schéma de couleurs que toute personne disposée à jouer avec Emerald pouvait faire, et un autre d'un simple MSN icône client), mais c'est bon pour la même raison, la plupart des autres Mac lookalikes sont bonnes. Je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui hait Mac lookalikes sur le principe, mon favori de la lookalikes est Justaucorps. Je l'aime bien d'autant plus que ce n'est pas essayer d'être une copie 1:1 - il ya une certaine originalité en elle, parce qu'elle ne ressemble pas à un clone de l'interface OS X, mais plutôt un thème GTK réalisés dans la même idée. C'est une distinction subtile, mais qui fait toute la différence pour moi.

Félicitations pour votre première contribution, et j'espère en voir plus de vous dans l'avenir:) Essayez de ne pas prendre ce que j'ai dit durement, je viens d'entendre le point de mon avis sur lookalikes en général.

I love it :)
Dec 23 2008  on content ubuntucilin

The penguin reminds me of "Feathers McGraw", a penguin from one of the Wallace and Gromit movies.

Erk... 0_0
Dec 8 2008  on content Xmas Theme

A theme like this does show a good amount of skill, but not a whole lot of sense. I understand, "'tis the season" and all, but my god does that look gaudy :|. I applied the theme for about twenty seconds, and just couldn't keep using it (but then, my eyes are already sore from sunlight, so that's less a reflection on the theme than it sounds).

Don't get me wrong - doing something like this with GTK really shows the power of the toolkit, but it shows no taste for design at all. I like your Fear and Mystery port, your Wood theme is good, and the Halloween one is great, but this has far too much red in it. It would have been better, probably, to make the dominant colour green, and do small touches with the red; green is much easier on the eyes.

Re: Re: These look great
Nov 8 2008  on content Intrepid Ibex complete pack of CD & DVD

I just tried the Megaupload link again, and it worked. I guess I was just on the wrong end of a weird bug...

Re: These look great
Nov 8 2008  on content Intrepid Ibex complete pack of CD & DVD

I should say, none of the download links are working for me. The Megaupload one isn't working, the Rapidshare one has reached some sort of limit, and the yahoo ones give a 503 error. If you've already done DVD and CD cases, just ignore what I said :P

These look great
Nov 8 2008  on content Intrepid Ibex complete pack of CD & DVD

I love these CD labels. Are you going to make DVD jackets or CD case inserts too?

Re: Re: Re: 100%agreement
Nov 1 2008  on group This Is Not An Aero Clone

Although it wasn't an issue for me (I personally couldn't wait to get away from the colours blue and yellow), some people like the familiarity of a Windows-like theme. I hate wading through win-likes and mac-likes, but they do have a place. There just needs to be less of them. It's not really okay to make a subtle change noone can spot to a good theme and resubmit it (even if it is permitted by the license and credit is given, it just feels like bad form), so I don't see why people think it's okay to put another copy-cat theme on the pile.

On the other hand, one of my favourite themes on Gnome-Look, Leotard, is a mac-like. It's not a 1:1 copy of the OS X theme, but it was made to look similar. In my opinion, it looks better than all of the 1:1 copies of the OS X theme; most of which look like they were frankensteined together from screenshots.

I'm fine with a theme that looks similar (the Vista window controls don't look that bad), but I hate 1:1 copies.


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