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Re: Re: Re: Gnome-shell like/dislike?
Jun 6 2011  on content Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Gnome-Shell?




Seems I've added and have a few options...

But yea almost all your complaints are not the folks over at Gnome's fault. They develop a product and it's up to all the third party groups like Compiz, etc to decide if they want to keep pace.

GTK3 becomes standard and it's up to other people to adapt, not Gnome to ensure reverse compatibility. How many other older pieces of software are still out there that we don't use any more because dependencies aren't supported or are not available with our preferred distributions?

Seriously give Gnome 3 a little time to mature, a lot of the options we took for granted when using Gnome 2.x weren't there when Gnome 2 was released, and the same is true now with Gnome 3. It's not the end of the world, just a new day...

Re: Re: Hate Shell But Love Gnome
Jun 3 2011  on content Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Gnome-Shell?

Doubt Mint starts using Unity. For a long time Mint 11 was planned to include Gnome 3 without the Shell, but in the end decided to stay with 2.x. I think it was largely because the release for both Gnome 3 and Mint 11 were so close to each other. I'm fully expecting Mint 12 to have Gnome 3 without the Shell, though I'll be adding the Shell to it, just like I switch my Mint 11 install to Gnome 3 w/ Shell.

I've heard very little "good" about Unity, and Mint while based on Ubuntu hasn't been following Ubuntu as close as it was. They didn't follow suit with the shift of the Window Buttons, nor have the followed suit with some of the stock software selections. Mint basically attempts to fix what Ubuntu does wrong and they've been doing a fine job of it if you ask me.

Re: Gnome-shell like/dislike?
Jun 3 2011  on content Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Gnome-Shell?

That's funny.. I've added themeing for Gnome Shell, themeing for the window decorator, removed un-necessary features (like the accessibility button on the Shell bar) added Distro Themeing to the "Activities" button.. only things I'm really seeing missing are "Special Effects" like wobbly Windows, and Desktop Cube/Sphere which were features of Compiz not Gnome. I still have multiple workspaces, actually instead of a stock 4 by default I have pretty much unlimited, it's easier to switch between them, instead of rotating or flipping through multiple desktops I can visually see what is on each.

Gnome 3 is still in it's infancy, give it a year or two to mature and the options for customisation will probably surpass what we had with Gnome 2.

Re: Missing use of Compiz in Shell
Jun 3 2011  on content Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Gnome-Shell?

The folks over at Compiz have already said they could make it work with Gnome 3, but instead of making a plugin for Compiz they would prefer Gnome to rework how Gnome 3 works than to do a major update to their own software.

Some reference for ya.


Re: Re: Re: Why Yes/No to Gnome-Shell?
May 29 2011  on group Gnome-Shell

It is, Unity was developed because the Guys over at Ubuntu didn't get to dictate the features Gnome 3 would have. Basically their vision of Gnome 3 and the Gnome Groups vision of Gnome 3 were different, so Ubuntu "Took their ball and went home" so to speak. That seems to really be working out for them... Out of the top 5 Linux Distributions, Ubuntu is the only one using Unity now, before OpenSUSE and Fedora were using it as well, but have switched to Gnome 3 due to stability and portablity issues.

Re: Why Yes/No to Gnome-Shell?
May 29 2011  on group Gnome-Shell

I waited til Mint 11 was released they at first said it would have Gnome 3, but it's development cycle and Mint's release cycle conflicted a bit I guess. But now that 11 is out, I added Gnome 3 w/Shell to my set up, and I like it. I've added a few extensions to make it more "Me Friendly" and I honestly think that in the future it will surpass Gnome 2.x in every way. The fact that extensions are all written in js is one reason, Java Script is one of the most widely used scripting languages out there and this will provide a benefit.

Re: Why Yes/No to Gnome-Shell?
May 29 2011  on group Gnome-Shell

I waited til Mint 11 was released they at first said it would have Gnome 3, but it's development cycle and Mint's release cycle conflicted a bit I guess. But now that 11 is out, I added Gnome 3 w/Shell to my set up, and I like it. I've added a few extensions to make it more "Me Friendly" and I honestly think that in the future it will surpass Gnome 2.x in every way. The fact that extensions are all written in js is one reason, Java Script is one of the most widely used scripting languages out there and this will provide a benefit.

Linux Mint 9?
May 18 2010  on content LOTR Distr

I know mint 9 released today, and was wondering if we could get an updated version for "Isadora"...Pleeeeease


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