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Sorry, can just give some general hints
Nov 22 2011  on knowledge base

Sorry, I don't use gnome at all...but before you get no answer at all I can try to give a few general hints that might help.

The themes I have installed for KDE in /usr/share/themes are all in subfolders. So make sure you copy the subfolder that should be in the theme package instead of just the files it contains there. Also check the permissions. "/usr/share/themes" should be only writeable as root...or in the ubuntu case with sudo commands. Check if you didn't end up with files that are only readable by root..they must be readable as your user as well to make them useable.

Oh and just because you write "...in the folder usr/share/theme." Ahm...as far as I know it should be "/usr/share/themes"...but assuming now that was just a typo.

Re: Re: Re: New KDE
Oct 23 2011  on knowledge base

Ah..sorry, misunderstood. Editing again ;)

Re: Not that easy to answer.
Oct 23 2011  on knowledge base

Arrrrg...I know I'm a security nightmare...and that working as root is very, very stupid. But still I do it far to often...so of course I forgot to mention something very important in the post above. The "./configure" and the "make" step can be done as ordinary user...but the "make install" step must be either done as root/admin (as only root is allowed to write to /usr/local) or via "sudo make install" ("sudo" executes the following command with root-rights). In Kubuntu you only have the sudo option I think as ubuntu disallows root login at all I think.

Not that easy to answer.
Oct 23 2011  on knowledge base

Sorry, can't give a simple answer to this one. So please excuse if I repeat some infos you already know right now.

Okay...assuming you downloaded to file and know where you saved it. Next you are going to need a shell ("konsole"-application in KDE).

First I recommend creating some directory for compiling source packages.

mkdir compile

The first "cd" (change directory) isn't really necessary in a newly started shell...it just makes sure you are in your home directory ("cd" without any argument takes you to your home directory)
The "mkdir" (make directory) creates a new directory "compile".

Now we change to this directory with

cd compile

(depending on the setup of your shell the prompt might change to show the current directory)

Time to unpack the file you downloaded.

tar xf <directory-you-saved-the-file>/<filename>

(So...if you downloaded a file "foo.tar.bz2" and saved it in <home>/Downloads it would be "tar xf ~/Downloads/foo.tar.bz2" ("~" is always your home directory). And just a bit more about tar...not that it is necessary but I like hearing myself "talk" ;). *.tar files are just concatenation of other files...no compressing was done. Historically this comes from the circumstance that magnetic tape backup systems allowed only backup a single file...so the tar program was used to stuff all files in one. Nowadays this is still pretty useful because "tar" can be used to make a single file out of a lot others which afterwards can be compressed with bzip2 or gzip. That's the reason why linux archives usually end in either .tar.gz or .tar.bz2. It just means "Files put in one tar archive and then compressed with gzip/bzip2). For extracting those files again tar has the "x" option. And the "f" option tells tar next comes the filename of the archive to extract.

So..now hopefully you ended up with another directory in your "compile" directory containing the source of the program you want to install. Change to that directory with "cd <directory-name>" again. Oh...a good time to mention tab-completion of the shell...try typing "cd" followed by the first two letters of the created directory then hit <tab>...if there is only one possible option the shell with complete the two letters you typed to the full name...if there are more options and second <tab> will give a list of all options.

Okay...now we are in the directory containing the source-code. Before trying to start "configure" I would recommend looking for some README file (or something names similar..like readme.linux). In a shell you can list as files in your current directory with "ls". If you find some readme file you can either read in within the shell with "less <readme-file-name>" (leave less again <q>) or if you prefer a more graphical solution open it for example in kwrite with "kwrite <readme-file-name>" (Don't forget tab-completion: "kwri<tab> RE<tab>" ;)). The readme files often give some good hints on how to install some software and mention what other packages need to be installed on your system for the program to work.

Okay...you read the README and think you are ready for the real game? ;) Fine...let's start. As you already mentioned "configure" is the first step. In the shell again:


The leading "./" are necessary as you can't just start programs from your current directory. That's mainly for security reasons so that nobody can just create a executable with the name of a often used shell command and put in in a directory in hope someone will call it accidentally. To prevent this linux normally only looks for executables in the directories specified in the PATH environment variable. If you care curious you can check which directories with "echo $PATH". What we do with putting "./" in front of "configure" is giving the exact location of the program we want to execute. "." always refers to the current directory...so "./configure" means "start configure from the current directory...ugh..and didn't mention it above..so will do that now: "/" is the sign to separate directories in unix (In fact I think that's the sign for almost every operating system..I can only think of one right now that uses a different slash there. Even in URLs "/" is used.).

Okay...sorry..but now the real work starts...and also the part I can't be much of a help without further information. I'm pretty sure "./configure" will fail. Important is why it fails. Configure will print a lot of messages about the setup of your system and installed programs/libraries. If something is missing that is needed on order to compile this program configure will stop and write an error.

First off you will for sure need the general development package of your distribution (at least I thought most distributions have some kind of meta package in their package manager installing gcc (compiler), ld (linker) autoconf utilities (the stuff needed to make configure work at all) and the header files of the system libraries.). Also most distributions split their packages in application and development packages. This makes sense somehow as most people will never need the development packages...but in case you want to compile something that needs another packages you will need them. The development packages usually contain stuff like header files...which are needed by sourcecode to compile. So if "configure" breaks for example saying libXML2 is missing but it's installed according to your package manager make sure that libXML-dev (or however your package manager calls the development packages) is installed also. Sorry...can't really give much more help about this step without knowing what package you want to install...and what error "configure" failed at.

The "make" step. Oh..great...configure completed? Next is actually building/compiling the code you downloaded. This is done with a simple "make" in shell. "make" is a tool for coders to setup a build environment including several source-code files....the benefit for the user is that instead of compiling each files and linking them manually all you have to do to compile a program is type "make". If you are lucky this will finish without errors...if not, sorry, not much I can do without knowing what error you ran into. And if you have errors in this stage it's maybe a better idea to contact to author of the program about help (or if there is a webpage for the project use the forums / IRC channels). Compile errors can be tricky...most of the time I run into them it's a slightly different version of a library I have on my system causing them.

The last step..."make install". Mhh...after "make" finished without any errors you can install the program with "make install". Till now I haven't seen this stage fail more than a few times..so this usually should work out fine. But there is one thing to mention about this...If not specified different during the "./configure" stage the application gets installed into /usr/local. This is fine in most cases as this keeps everything your compile yourself separated from the precompiled applications of your distribution (which usually are installed in /usr). I just mention this as compiling your own programs also means you are responsible for getting rid of them again. The package manager of your distribution knows nothing about them...so can't uninstall them. If you want to get rid of them you have to do it yourself...and that's done by deleting the files in /usr/local belonging to this package. In case of a theme this might be still easy...but in case of other applications this soon gets pretty tricky as applications install files in several subdirs in /usr/local and it's really hard to figure out what files belong to which program you installed. You saying this as a warning.

So...hope this wasn't too too much ;). Feel free to ask if my explanations are unclear...or give some more information about your current problem to get more specific help on it.

Re: install theme
Oct 23 2011  on knowledge base

Aww, thanks, but I know my English is far from perfect...though I hope it's understandable in most cases.

And yeah...trial and error is the usual routine. So never be afraid to try out something...and keep on asking questions if needed. People around here are usually pretty nice...but it might take a few days until someone comes up for with an answer. So perfecting the art of searching the net for relevant infos for your problem is also a pretty useful skill. ;)

Re: New KDE
Oct 23 2011  on knowledge base

Ugh...didn't know that. On my KDE 4.7.2 on Gentoo the themes show up immediately in the list. Changing the answer to reflect your input.

Thanks for confusing me ;)
Oct 22 2011  on knowledge base

Wanted to write a nice answer...but now after looking into this you got my confused myself ;). In general think the place you asked is the right place...to at least answer parts of your question. For the forum...mhh...yeah...just went there to check if what I wanted to give as explanation is correct...and ended up confused. ;)

In general the forum seems to be divided in 4 areas: Global, User Support, Artwork and Developer. Those can be selected with the tabs at the top of the forums (http://opendesktop.org/comments/discussion.php). Each section has several pages you can switch with links at the top and the bottom. What also is still clear to me is how to reply to other posts...each post has a "reply to this" link. And you can rate the comments of others with the "+" and "-" icons that appear if you move the mouse to the post score at the right of each post. But what really got me confused is how to create new topics. Why the hell are there two "Add comment" links at the bottom? What is the difference between the two?

Re: Sorry if this is too excessive..or you already
Oct 6 2011  on knowledge base

Glad I was of any help.
No problem closing browser tabs but I can't shut off one Window without closing every thing down that's in other Opened Windows?

Sorry...I don't think I get you there. Tabs are simple...they usually have that "x"-icon next to the tab name to close them. The window part I don't get...this should work as in MS windows. Usually each window has a "x"-icon in the tile bar also (but it depends on the skin/theme you use if that icon is on the right as in windows). Just tried it out with firefox...if I right-click a link and open it in another window, then close that other window with the "x"-icon my main window still stays arond..so sorry, pretty sure I miss what you mean there. ;)


PS: You are the first coontact I have had since I decided 3 wks ago to put Linux on my PC instead of another short lived OS from MS. I hope you know what MS is in net speak. :-)

This either means you are very "adventurous" or the linux community sucks in helping out others. ;) I prefer to belief the first. And yes...despite my advanced age I'm able to decipher some of the modern netspeak terms at times. ;) ( <-- hey, I even use smilies)

Hints for a cleaner desktop
Aug 31 2011  on knowledge base

Uhm...sorry, not sure what you mean. If you use the folder-view widget and want to organize the icons within it's partly possible. Right-Click some empty space, choose "Icons/Symbols" (sorry, German desktop...no clue how it is really called in English) ->"Sort icons/symbols" and the way you want to sort them. Furthermore "Icons/Symbols"->"Adjust to Grid" allows you to move icons only between specified grid postions, making it easy to give them a nice structure. There is also "Icons/Symbols"->"Lock Position" to make the moving of the icons impossible at all until they are unlocked again.

If you are looking for a way for something like "Arrange all selected icons horizontally", sorry, I'm not aware something like this exists (what doesn't meant it doesn't ;))

But if you talk about adjusting plasma widgets on the desktop it's a bit more complicated (at least I think so...if anyone knows a better/easier way to not create a huge mess with widgets I'm very interested in hearing it). If you right-click some empty space of the desktop and choose "Desktop Settings" from the context menu you should get a window for setting up the desktop (including the background image). Important here are the first lines...In case you locked your desktop widgets you can unlock them there. Once they are unlocked the Layout-dropdown should be editable. There you find different layouts for the desktop...For easy organization of widgets I suggest the grid-layout. With this one you can create, resize and move plasma widgets only within a grid.


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