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Re: Good
Dec 14 2004  on content Lipstik

Err... sorry, I just restarted the Kicker and it's fixed. Lipstik rules!

Dec 14 2004  on content Lipstik

I like it, except for what it does to the kicker. Could you make it possible to turn off the gradients on the kicker?

Nov 4 2004  on content Nuvola

First of all, excellent work. But it would be awsome if there was a SVG version of this theme.

Jul 14 2004  on content Megaman Tribute

That's awsome work. Perhaps you could do some other helmets, like X's or Protoman's or Zero's. Or even Dr.Doppler, one of the coolest badguys ever (IMHO).

Error in nightlies
Jul 14 2004  on content Plastik for Firefox

I just downloaded one of the new Firefox nightlies (Aviary branch, 20040713), and when I try to use Plastikfox 1.2.1 I get an error when launching Firefox: "Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser". Since this is a problem in the nightlies, it probably will be a problem in Firefox 1.0 (or the next milestone). A fix before then would be much appreciated.

Oh, and this is with a fresh profile, and Firefox was installed into an empty directory.


Re: Re: What comes a
Jul 9 2004  on poll Backend needing improvements most urgently?

1. Crappy unbelivebly old widgets made this toolkit nonsense necessary, GTK, Qt, FLTK, all this for nothing but developer confusion and massive work duplication, if X has a decent native toolkit not only all apps would be toolkit unified but also faster.
The crappy, ugly widgets you mention are not built into X. They are almost certainly Motif, which is just another toolkit like QT. X itself has no toolkit.

2. Pretty bad performance, X eats up a lot of memory, I don't know if it includes KDE or not but it's a lot anyway.
When the menory usage for X is shown, it includes all your video card's memory, so if you have a video card with 64MB of RAM, X will be reported as using 64MB plus it's usage of system RAM. That is probably what you are seeing. Either that or KDE's memory usage (KDE uses quite a bit of RAM). X is very light, on it's own.

3. X is hard to configure, we are limited to our distros tools to configure X, for example to configure a normal keyboard multimedia keys I had to mess with a lot of xkb files and write all multimedia keys to a file and in hexadeciamal format!
Config is the distros's job, not X's. It's not X's fault if some config program sucks.

4. X doesn't support alphablending but I think everyone knows this already.
It's being worked on. See freedesktop.org


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