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Re: Re: These RH RPM
Apr 9 2003  on Discussion

I am not saying RH's version intentionally left that out... I am saying the feature is there (well, the checkboxes and such...) but it doesn't matter if I check it, nothing happens...

And it happens on one machine but not another... This is probably a bug.

That is the crap I am talking about.

Maybe RH 9 rpms are better.

These RH RPMs...
Mar 29 2003  on Discussion

Does anybody know how to turn visual feedback on when starting an app? It doesn't matter if I mark the corresponding checkbox in kcontrol...

Oh, I'm talking about RH 80 KDE 3.1.1 RPMs...

Re: Whoa whoa whoa..
Mar 13 2003  on poll Is war agains Iraq the answer?

Well, well... Now that's what I call a post. It is refreshing to see there are some people that can actually use their brains to express ideas and opinions that may be different from what some of us think (hint hint, jab).

I really want to thank you. I strongly disagree with you, but at least I get to see the other side.

But then, why do I still think this is for mere oil?

You say 9-11 taught you that the time for rethorical games about "But he's worse" and "You have no right playing god" are worthless in the grand scheme of things.

Well, if recent history of USA military actions taught me anything it is that we can't expect to believe this is about the good guys, and the totally evil guys. And that the USA is by no means a 'champion of freedom' as Mr. Bush so much like to call it.

It always comes down to one thing. Power, be it economical or political. They are often found together. Does Bush do this for the only reason of freeing Iraq from Saddam Hussein? A bad joke. Does he want the world to believe that maybe it is not the only reason, but the compelling one? Don't make me laugh again. Does he want us to believe this is a mean of self-defense? He has consistently failed to do so. Do you think othwerwise? The vast majority of the world isn't convinced this has anything to do with self-defense.

What do you want us to expect? Past USA governments have shown to us they can invade countries for such reasons as protecting the ownership of a banana exporting company! 'Corporate America' at its best.

Is it crazy to think oil has everything to do with it? It is an important reason, and strategic presence in the Middle East is another. If I weren't right then why is it that Saddam and the US government were so in love back in the 80's? Because killing irani people was The Right Thing To Do (TM). It didn't matter if they had to deal with a muderer. Why go back in time? If it all were about freedom and goodness on Earth and wars were justifiable then the US should be invading Israel and forcing its gorvenment to comply with the corresponding UN resolutions that talk about the conformation of two nations, one for the israelis, and another for the palestinians (sorry about taking on Israel again, but it's a good example). But when it comes to that matter, freedom isn't important anymore. So it is not that crazy to think it is about oil.

I am sure there are many iraqis wanting Saddam out of power. I am sure we will be seeing thousands dancing in the streets of Bagdad. But I am also sure that there are lots of iraqi people that would prefer the US to go mind its own business and leave them alone. Many of them will also be dancing with the crowd. But I would too if I knew war was finally over and I no longer had to be fearing for my life and those of my loved ones.

I know it is a dangerous business to go into the following issue, but have you ever wondered why is the USA a popular target for all this terrorist attacks? Before sending hate mail let me make clear I don't think there can ever be a justification for terrorism, and that this is one of the things Mr. Bush could call evil and have me agreeing with him. But the question would still remain.

Mr. Bush once said terrorists attacked the US because they hate the 'american way of life'... Well, they may not like it, but I am quite convinced they don't 'give a ****' about how people in the US like to live.

This world is full of evil, insane and abominable people. And the 'we can do whatever we want -- we know best -- we are superior -- we go wherever we want and force things to be the way we like' attitude is a strong ally of them.

There are some people capable of doing anything to get what they want. Shouldn't we keep that in mind when trying to understand the human nature, or people, or leadership?

And of poor Tony Blair... maybe it is a bad case of guilt.

Again, you say 9-11 taught you that the time for rethorical games about "But he's worse" and "You have no right playing god" are worthless in the grand scheme of things.

Maybe with things being as they are it is useless, worthless. But that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Re: 9-11
Mar 12 2003  on poll Is war agains Iraq the answer?

Oh, God... Yup, you're right.
And when Bush dies, he should go to heaven and take the
place of one of the guys there at the Holy Trinity...

Come on! Turn your brain on before posting things like the
one I am replying. Express opinions, points of view, tell
us about facts that make you believe in the position
you are defending... But this...

Good vs. Evil
Mar 9 2003  on poll Is war agains Iraq the answer?

Do you people really fall into that old trick about good and evil?

We have the president of the United States of America telling us that this is about good vs. evil... That Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and that is why he, with great pain, has to order an attack.

But the truth is Iraq is not the only 'evil nation' that has weapons of mass destruction. Israel has them too... Let's not forget Israel is a nuclear power. And here the US helps Israel in the development of these weapons.

"I can't figure out people against eliminating Saddam. "
Hey, let's stop and think for a while. If Bush were to drop a big fat bomb over Saddam's head and no civilians would be killed, that is OK with me. Unluckily that is no the case.

"This will be the 18th resolution if it passes Tuesday, because all of the others have not worked."
Bush says Iraq violates UN resolutions. So does Israel, and for much longer...
So let's bomb Israel also, that will make things even better...

"Also, he is extremely dangerous."
Well, Mr. Bush is showing he can also be very dangerous.

OK, this is not really about saying Israel is evil, poor inocent palestinians are good... I am just saying that Mr. Bush is taking us for stupid people when he tries to sell us the childish idea of US being the good guys and Iraq being some pale resemblant of Mordor.

And the worst thing about all of this is that, by Mr. Bush's own parameters, the most evil nation of the world would be the one that has delivered the greatest amount of terror and destruction in weaponry, and that would be the only nation that has dropped nuclear bombs over inocent civilians... Do you remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki Mr. Bush?

And then, there is this idiotic argument telling that they did it to 'accelerate' the end of the war... Yeah, right. Testing their new toy on a real war situation was just secondary...

And now the US government says they want the UN to be the place where all these issues will be dealt with... but if UN dares to speak different than what the US gov. wants, they will just leap over UN's resolutions and attack Iraq anyway... That is double speech at its worst.

And when these 'weapons of mass destruction' thing isn't enough, Bush tells us about poor iraqi people living under an opressive regime, and the US, being the champions of freedom as they are, feel compelled to take this blood-thirsty dictator out of power.

That is a filthy lie. The US government never cared about dictators and oppression in other nations as long as it didn't really affect them economically.

"He has murdered his own people, which should be reason alone (no one complained about when we went into Serbia, what gives now?)."

Have you heard of Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile? The US government helped him to overthrow Allende. And here in Paraguay, we had to live under opression for 35 years, and they couldn't care less.

"You people are fools to think the UN inspectors can DISARM him. Sure, we can contain him until the end of time, but an inspection team would have to live in Iraq until he dies or there is an internal coup."
And that wouldn't bring oil prices down a cent or so... So the answer is bomb Iraq. In the long term, it will be cheaper.

Terrorism is one thing, so go get all of Al-Qaeda members and do whatever your Constitution says. But the hard truth is this: the US gov. will order a preventive attack on Iraq.

The US is a great nation. We can do nothing but admire what they have built. But we are all citizens of the world, no matter how much you try to ignore this fact. And we are, or at least, should be all equal. There cannot be one nation that claims supreme authority to do whatever it feels necessary. That is arrogance, and is, IMHO, what causes anti-US(*) feelings on people with low IQ or mental problems.

"You can roll over them and be back home for supper." <-- and that isn't exactly contributing to the I-love-US-meter.

"There will be little loss of life, and it will result in the liberation of Iraq." <-- OK, but let's liberate all those nations in Africa that still are under opression... Wait, they are not oil producers so it isn't really important... they can wait. Oh, and there will be little loss of life... Tell that to the lucky ones that will have their relatives dead. "Sorry, sh*t happens."

"This is not about oil. It is about peace and safety of the region and the safety of the United States."
So if it takes only little amounts of killing... After all it is only Iraqi civilians... Think of the thousands of US people we would be saving. And all those pennies you would save when refueling your car.
Oh, and we supporting everything Israel does IS contributing to peace and safety of the region.

"Those who disagree obviously have their interests elsewhere and aren't being reasonable,
they simply hate the United States and will do anything against good judgement to stand in their way."
Yeah, who in his mind would think war is a bad thing... These US haters... Maybe we should bomb them too... We could start with France for example... That evil nation that stands in our way. Maybe is that Napoleon thing they still suffer from...

"You can't achieve peace via someone who isn't a peacemaker. You can't convince the unconvinced either.
This is why war is the only solution, although the last one."
I couldn't agree more... Bush isn't a peacemaker. We can't achieve peace with someone like that.
You can't convince the unconvinced. No matter how successful the inspections are, this mad man is going to war.
But that last part sounds a little misleading to me... War is the only solution? So, apart from being the last one, it is the first one in you list, since it is the only one...

(*) Just for the record: America is this funny-shaped piece of land (from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). So everytime you use 'american' to refer to just the US people, think about it.

Color-coded titles
Mar 7 2003  on poll I'm most looking forward to:

Ã? la Galeon, IMHO the one browser that does all this tabbed browsing the best. I think it is much easier to distinguish between loading, not-read and already loaded and read pages.

(And you are so right about Konq taking way too much to create a new tab when you request one... Damn, it even forgets to show you a new tab if you request another new tab before the first is displayed.)

Oct 24 2002  on content KDevelop + VMWare

I like the green ball of your KDevelop icon... Very very nice...

There is one 'suggestion' I'd give... Make the gear around the green ball the same as the Konqueror icon.

Oct 22 2002  on Discussion

What if I wanted to replace the stock KPPP icons? I know they are in share/apps/kppp/pics ...

Is there a better way to replace them? I have made some ugly new ones but I don't know where to put them (they have to be in the icon theme dir, of course)

Now that KDE 3.1 is coming, every app should have their new icons (bye-bye hicolor).

Just wondering...

Mmmm... The shell icon...
Oct 16 2002  on content Crystal GT

I think it is my fault actually... I renamed konsole2 to konsole as part of my crystal mod...

It seems Everaldo accidentally overwritten the 'shelled' konsole with the originally named konsole2...

Anyway, a konsole with a shell in the icon is meaningful only for english speakers... To spanish speakers your 'shell' translates to 'concha', and, I tell you, that has a VERY different meaning for some latin american countries... (that is a word for the female genitalia) :D

Yeah, I know...
Oct 14 2002  on content Vidrio Deforme (Crystal Add-on)

OO crystal icons are nice, but I really don't like the original SO/OO artwork... That (and desire for consistency) is why I tried to re-use things already in crystal as much as I could...

OO crystal icons also don't look good in 16x16... I re-drew some things at this resolution at lest to try to make things look better...

(and i don't like those spheres... why are they everywhere?)


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