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Re: SVG WinDec
Dec 13 2006  on Discussion

that would be great !

Could be improved
Dec 11 2006  on content Domino

Your style is like fresh air in the field of kde styles.
I like what you've done with konqueror tabs ;)
However I miss some options to tune it to my taste :
- change button outline thickness (text input fields are very subtle but buttons look out of place in comparison)
- edit menu background gradient
- edit menu selected item bakground
- configure konqueror tabs backgournd gradient.
It look like a VERY promising style.

Keep up the good work !

Alpha blending
May 16 2006  on content deKorator

I downloaded this great app and playd a bit with it.
This is really great. I've been waiting for something like that for over tw years (since I'm a kde user).
I've been a bit disappointed however to see that enventhought the themes require pngs I can't get smooth rounded corners...
Masks are great for those like me using shadows.
The use of alpha channels in pngs is the way to get more polished themes than what we've now.

Keep up the good work !

please !
Apr 10 2006  on content Amarok

I must say I DO love Amarok it's running as long as my computer is running. ;)
I would like to advice you not to go for this aqua bubble thingy in the playlist. It's quite ugly IMHO. I didn't like the former active track thing because it makes the playlist item move when the playing track changes. And then it turned flashy :/
I never filled a feature request about it but I would if it was to get worst in 1.4 !
Anyway I love this apps, and you seem to make efforts to give it a pleasant look and feel (a new context theme, a new icon theme ...)and that's why I comment.
Please keep things subtle !

And please keep up the good work !

why ?
Mar 26 2006  on content Konqueror for a New Experience

Why do you always need to complicate everything? I mean OSS has long been lacking simplicity in its design. An overloaded app is a pain for users for at least two reasons :
a) you're disturbed
b) if you're a new user you don't really see what makes what (I'm thinking of the vista-like adress bar which behaviour is far from obvious) and you feel lost and then don't dare to use it. You must think "How do I use it ?" whereas you should just focus on your task.
The application is a mean to perform a task, not a goal in itself. You dont open konqueror to open konqueror and mess with it's funny/funky/weired interface ! Take a look at Finder. It really does a great job in this regard.
A better Konqueror is a Konqueror you're using without feeling you're actually using an app, but rather a Konqueror that reveals the content of your computer and makes you feel closer to it.

Please take a look a this and tell me : Is it too simple to your taste ?
(note that I'm thinking this fake could be cleaner and the browsing could still need some simplification!)

By the way I'm really disappointed you don't give credit to the original author (meaning me) of the picture you modified.

I'm sad because what I see makes me feel you didn't get the idea behind my own mockup and in a more general manner behind the opportunity KDE4 is giving us to make things more intuitive and smoother.

Let me give you an advice : KEEP THINGS SIMPLE AND CLEAN ! (hey, it makes a good signature !)

However let me tell you I'm really impressed by your interactive demo, well done.

Re: And of course...
Mar 18 2006  on content SnowTummy

I'm male and I voted good ;)
Anyway I remember someone posted wallpapers and ksplash themes of this kind. They were quickly deleted since men on kde-look told they didn't want to see naked males on there computers and it wasn't kde related.
It was two years ago but I'd like to remeber that big bothoms are not kde or gnome related.

Re: I like it !
Mar 17 2006  on content Gentle System Sounds

Sorry wrong sound. I meant I love Startup_Gentle_Voice.ogg. :D

I like it !
Mar 17 2006  on content Gentle System Sounds

Hi !
I like the general feel of your sounds,funky and of course gentle. I love the shutdown_gentle_voice one. It's so smooth.
I appreciate that sounds are coming in several versions, this is great. However I find some of them too long. error(x).ogg and the shutdonw ones (my KDEbox is fast to shutdown and the sound gets cut in the middle of playing) for example.
Anyway it's great to have something new to hear on our desktops. Good soundshemes are rares around here ;)
Keep up the good work.

really nice
Mar 12 2006  on content KDE 4 - SUSE theme

I do like it !
love the green.
Thanks a lot for giving me credits by the way.


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