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Re: Re: Clementine 0.4 does not start
Jun 30 2010  on content Clementine

openSUSE's package doesn't have FTS either :(
If you just compiled sqlite3 from source and "make install"ed it then it probably didn't go in the right place, and Clementine is still using the system package. You can check by running sqlite3 and typing:
If it succeeded it will give no output.

Anyway, try Clementine from SVN as in the comment below and let me know if it works.=

Re: Clementine 0.4 does not start
Jun 30 2010  on content Clementine

Slackware's sqlite package doesn't have FTS3 enabled. I've added a workaround in svn - Clementine will now use its own static sqlite if it needs to. Could you try it and let me know if it works for you? Instructions are here:

Re: Re: Re: Re: dependencies
May 27 2010  on content Clementine

GStreamer has proven itself to be a very good backend. The API itself is a little hairy (personally I don't like GObject or GLib, which is why Clementine is written in Qt :)), but it does work very well.

We tried xine first actually - it worked great on Linux but was very buggy on Windows - I spent a couple of weeks trying to fix a race condition between the mp3 decoder and the DirectSound backend before giving up on it.
We've also tried VLC. While it has excellent support for different file formats, it does tend to skip a lot on playback.
Incidentally these two backends (plus a Phonon backend) can be enabled in Clementine if you compile it yourself. Look for the options in ccmake or cmake-gui.

I'm curious as to why you dislike GStreamer so much. Is there any reason other than the gnome dependencies - ie. is the audio quality worse?
I really don't see dependencies as being a problem, most distributions these days make installing them easy, and it's not like you have to have any of gnome running while you use Clementine.

Re: Re: dependencies
May 15 2010  on content Clementine

Thanks for the attitude.

Which other audio backend would you recommend that is cross-platform, as easy to use, as well tested, and supports as many formats as gstreamer?

Re: Could not open audio device fo
May 11 2010  on content Clementine

Clementine opens another audio stream to do the crossfading between tracks - try turning off crossfading in the settings dialog.

But regardless, Ubuntu should have set up pulseaudio to allow two things to play at once. Make sure it's actually installed and running, see the second FAQ entry here:

Re: Re: Re: Awesome app!
May 10 2010  on content Clementine

Ok that's good - 5-10 seconds is about how long it's supposed to take to check if each of the directories has changed.
Let me know if it gets worse again!

Re: Awesome app!
May 10 2010  on content Clementine

It should only be rescanning your files if one of the directories has changed since the last time Clementine opened. Could anything else be modifying those directories? Are the directories mounted over the network, or is your home directory encrypted?

Re: dependencies
May 1 2010  on content Clementine

Nope that's right - clementine uses gstreamer for playback now.

Having a couple of extra libraries installed doesn't hurt, and those ones are fairly small anyway. You don't have to run gnome!

Re: Re: great stuff
Apr 28 2010  on content Clementine


The Portuguese translation looks to be pretty much complete:

Clementine isn't in any repos yet, but I think the Ubuntu package on the website ought to work ok on Debian.


Re: Re: Re: MacOS Snow Leopard
Apr 20 2010  on content Clementine

Yep, the CPU usage is something I'm working on at the moment. It shouldn't be so high while it's not playing and the analyzer is disabled though...


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