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LibreOffice selected menu title
Nov 16 2011  on content Aldabra

In LibreOffice, selected menu titles take the wrong color from gtkrc and are colored white. I get many comments about this issue. For reference, a bug report has been filed here: (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38038).

Re: Re: Re: LibreOffice menubar
Nov 16 2011  on content Aldabra

A white line separated LibreOffice's menubar and toolbar when using Aldabra 3.2.1. Aldabra 3.2.2 makes this white line go away. Selected menu titles are still white, as the LibreOffice bug has not been fixed and I still haven't found a workaround. Sorry for the confusion.

Re: Re: Okay, but...
Nov 15 2011  on content Aldabra

1. I don't currently have Exaile installed, but I will try to install and test when I have time.
2. When I removed border_shades from the menu_items, the menu titles (eg. "File", "Edit", "View", "Help") becamed outlined (ie. not borderless). I can post a screenshot if you'd like. I'm using murrine from the Fedora 16 repositories.
3. Menu separators are back in the latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2). They disappeared before because I lowered contrast to achieve borderless menus.
4. Scrollbars are based on pixmaps from GNOME 3.0. It may be time for me to make new images.
5. I'll look into this.

There are a few comments regarding LibreOffice menu titles at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Re: Okay, but...
Nov 15 2011  on content Aldabra

1. I don't currently have Exaile installed, but I will try to install and test when I have time.
2. When I removed border_shades from the menu_items, the menu titles (eg. "File", "Edit", "View", "Help") becamed outlined (ie. not borderless). I can post a screenshot if you'd like. I'm using murrine from the Fedora 16 repositories.
3. Menu separators are back in the latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2). They disappeared before because I lowered contrast to achieve borderless menus.
4. Scrollbars are based on pixmaps from GNOME 3.0. It may be time for me to make new images.
5. I'll look into this.

There are a few comments regarding LibreOffice menu titles at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: LibreOffice menubar
Nov 15 2011  on content Aldabra

Yes, there are a few comments about this same issue at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: LibreOffice menubar
Nov 15 2011  on content Aldabra

Yes, there are a few comments about this same issue at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?
Nov 15 2011  on content Aldabra

Thanks for the feedback. The latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2) removes the low contrast menu hack and uses menustyle = 3. Menu separators are visible again (as is the faint gray gradient). What do you mean by "small border around the menu items"?

Re: Roundness
Nov 7 2011  on content Aldabra

Try modifying the "border-radius" property. For example, "border-radius: 4;".

Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?
Nov 7 2011  on content Aldabra

I downloaded GregKNicholson's version of Aldabra from MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?2z4omrh1rsjbn22), deleted my version of Aldabra from /usr/share/themes, extracted his and put his in /usr/share/themes. I opened GNOME Tweak Tool and changed the GTK theme to High Contrast and back to Aldabra (to reload the theme). I opened AbiWord and clicked on the File menu, and there was a gray gradient in the menu. I took a screenshot and drew a red circle around the gray gradient: (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/45326422/screenshot.png).

Which version of the Murrine engine do you have installed? I'm using version from the Fedora 16 repos.

Re: I like this theme
Nov 7 2011  on content Aldabra

I'm not sure if it's possible to theme combo boxes that way, because LibreOffice isn't actually using GTK2, but is only emulating its appearance. I'll look into the issue though. Thanks for using Aldabra!


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