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wide screen :(
Jan 30 2010  on content Oxygen Blue Air

1680x1050 is also very very expected resolution :(

Oct 26 2006  on content Kopete in KDE 4

Very nice! But i think, that the search box is a bit too small, and the menu font is also a bit too small, perhaps hide the menu totaly? under some button or smth?
Anyway, also, the window titlebar font is too big :)

And the icons don't fit, perhaps a bit more rounder and sleeker icons, like in Sparkling icon-set?

But all in all, this would look very very cool in KDE4! i Specialy like the right-click menu with an arrow pointing to the location where i clicked. :)

Top. Transparent.
Jan 17 2006  on poll Your kicker arrangement?

Well i prefer mine in the top because it keeps me from moving my mouse all the time between top and bottom. Think of it as a faster mouse usage :)

The windeco buttons are reversed because the top-right button is the most easyer one to click and i minimize far more often than i close... That is why people have started to make their close buttons to work as "minimize to tray"..

Anyway heres a screenshot.

Status Update?
Aug 7 2005  on content Sparkling

Well da-flow, its been a while, how are you doing? Im still looking forward to see more previews of that new iconset you are working on...
Are you still working on it from time to time?

Would love to hear what you have been up to anyway lately, what you've been working on etc..
Keep up the good work m8!

Re: Re: New Sparklin
May 12 2005  on content Sparkling

That is great!

PS: i must admit, the new iconset is nice, but its not sparkling :( I don't like the stripes on them. But the rest is awsome!

New Sparkling
May 5 2005  on content Sparkling

Hi da-flow

It's me again, the dude who always whines :)
Just wanted to ask, if you have done ANY work on the new version of Sparkling? You mentioned you plan to do a whole new iconset with svg and stuff.. Anything done yet?

You are a too good artist to work on windows icons :P Please work more on kde iconset! :P


Re: Re: Re: Re: upda
Feb 4 2005  on content Sparkling

No Problems buddy, and thanks for reply!
If you wanna talk about your problems, advice in anything, help or anything else, i will be happy to help you. Don't hesitate to drop by on amaroK's irc channel :)

Ow and good luck with your "Life" problem :)

Re: Re: update?
Feb 1 2005  on content Sparkling

Use more time on Sparkling and Girlfriend, dump education and life :P

I love your work, but it needs more icons!
Any possibility to get something like a "CVS" version? in the sence, that give me what you got so far? :)

Your true and loyal fan,

Dec 15 2004  on content Lipstik

I hate that rectangle!


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