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Thank you!
Feb 8 2009  on content "Borealis" sound theme

Wow, thank you very much for your kind words! They are very much appreciated!

As usual, my apologies for taking this long to reply. I don't frequent this page as often as I would like to.

I would also love to respond to your inquiry stated at the end of your post but I am afraid I am not quite sure what you mean. Sorry!

Once again, I thank you for your kind compliments regarding the theme. Should you happen to have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,


Re: Startup sounds need shortening
Sep 25 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme


Have you tried ogg files or wav files? This may be bug in the latest version of Ubuntu. I am using 7.04 and that one works apparently fine.

Best wishes,


Re: How?
Sep 25 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme


Many thanks for your interest in Borealis. Haven't been here in a while. Given that the installer was created almost 4 years ago, it is likely compatible with KDE 3.x series only. I haven't tried installing it on KDE 4 and I do know that since Gnome has no easy way (please correct me if I am wrong) to install a "theme" if you are using Gnome the best I can suggest is to manually install specific sounds.

If someone can point me towards a KDE4 theme install format, I may be able to generate a new installer. Likewise for the Gnome platform (I am still running Ubuntu 7.04 and so far I haven't encountered anything that would fit this description).

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


Re: Update
May 14 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme


I am not sure. I want to add more but my life has become awfully busy. For what it's worth, what may help nudge the project along is to have specific sound events that may require attention.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


Re: great sound desi
Mar 27 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme

Many thanks for your kind words!

Best wishes,


Re: License
Mar 27 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme

Thanks! :-)

Best wishes,


Re: Re: Re: License
Mar 21 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme

DOH! I just realized that I already changed the license for the theme's inclusion into the UbuntuStudio project as the default theme some time ago. So, hopefully this makes things a bit easier.

As always, if you opt for using the theme, please do not forget to give credit where credit is due and link to my homepage which is ico.bukvic.net.

Many thanks!

Re: License
Mar 20 2008  on content "Borealis" sound theme


Just noticed your question. Please allow me to clarify. The license does not prevent you from using the sounds within the Gnome environment even if you have Acroread and/or other non-(L)GPL-ed software installed on your computer because these sounds would not be associated with those particular software packages. Gnome is GPL-ed and therefore compatible with the sound theme license, including their inclusion and free redistribution provided that the credit is given where credit is due. The sounds, however, may not be integrated into a non-(L)GPL-ed software such as Acroread. If you wish to use sounds for a project that is non-(L)GPL compliant, please contact me for licensing options.

On a side-note, if you do opt for using the sounds as part of an (L)GPL-compatible software, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please let me know.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,



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