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Re: Great, but...
Oct 14 2011  on content Clementine

They "recently" (actually some time ago) dropped the phonon and xine backends due to a lack of maintenance.
Somebody will have to step up if we want the phonon backend to be re-implemented and feature complete.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: dependencies
Sep 13 2011  on content Clementine

Well, as a developer myself I can understand that it's about making choices. I know GStreamer is a good backend, it's actually great / has a good feature set and is actively maintained/developed. But as a Qt developer I prefer phonon (for the little things I do phonon using what ever backend is fine tom me).

But thanks for the hint, I didn't know that you could compile clementine with Phonon support/backend.

Re: Re: Windows version
Jan 8 2011  on content FatRat


Why no Windows version? Don't you own a windows copy or is porting too much effort?

As I see it, your dependencies should be working in Windows as well.

I did not check on the source yet, but I'd like to know where you expect problems.

Great work !
Nov 25 2010  on content ScreenGrab

Love the new Version :-) .. Thanks !

Apr 11 2010  on content PlaybaK (aka KDE Media Player)

I don't want to seem rude, but I havn't found a nice way to ask...

Could you consider putting your code in a public GIT repository, since it's OpenSource now?
Something like http://gitorious.org/ or http://github.com/ ?

That could speed up development, and would allow others to view the source code, help you impriving the application on a daily base, and help you with design mistakes and the "bad code" which could be in.

Re: ???
Mar 4 2010  on content Clementine

Some people don't want those features of amarok 2. Amarok 2 eats (at least on my system) a lot of ressources, and generally feels "slow", probably due to all the gui stuff and my slow graphics card though.

Re: Re: xine-lib
Mar 4 2010  on content Clementine

You are probably right, phonon seems badly maintained at the moment, thinking on the kde patches still waiting for their merge.

Fade-In Fade-Out is quite easy with phonon, there's even a reference implementation in JuK, but you need to use two objects (actually, one which you played where you fade out, and the one for the new song you fade in).

I must say, I don't understand what is meant by "animated scope".

Mar 3 2010  on content Clementine

Is there a reason to base clementine upon xine-lib, or was this just not ported to phonon (yet?).


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