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Re: Re: Re: The worst
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

only those brand pc's made for offices are clean inside.
but you can't use them @ home, because some of them don't have a ACP/PCI express slot for GFX cards.
they are better executed inside, with real copper coolers and higher quality, but not suited for home use.

they have choice, they could pay a litle bit more and save time/money on fixing their pc's.
the addware that sneaked in via internet explorer.

many people are just plain sheep.
the don't know how to use their own computer, but have because everyone has one.
they don't know that windows have a 'quicklaunch bar', because on default it's hidden.
the quicklaunch bar has the 'Show Desktop' button.

so they close each window 1 by 1 in order to reach the the desktop.
(who works faster?)

i high doubt that any is better than ipod or apple.
the design of apple is very tight, so dirt doesn't slip in.
it look better than my nokia n73 and nokie 5800 express music.
they both where 300€ and you can move the litle buttons up/down because they aren't as tight.

besides never ipods have a lower volume, than older, to comply with upcoming laws regarding portable audio players.
the other players just want a litle piece of the market, but pretty much all where build after the first ipod left the shop.

if you read about ipod, you'll see that the first ipod toke a year to develp.
most brand just design their stuff and put it on the market and provides updates later on.
: )

i also have the apple airport extreme, i probaly was the first to own it in this country.
even the power suply has a cooler design than your 'iRiver'.

you can do what you want, i have played pretty much 20 years, with windows and dos.
i'm glad i bought a mac, because i heard the where very good and after 1 hour of use, the first hour, i was inmediatly angry with myself.
having trouble all these year with such a inferior project as windows.

microsoft, a company, that dind't invent anything.
just bought/stole and probably even source open source and assembled their own mashup.
that's faqt.

Re: The worst
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

it has the best GUI and it beables you to work faster.

i have a Quicksilver powermac, it looks clean inside.
no cable system like a pc.
where there is a ton of wires bangling in mid air.
a hazerd if you need to add something or remove something.
a question if it still works when you return to turn on the machine.

many people can brake their pc very easy be adding stuff.
ESD is a very common cause of a broken pc.+
just by touching the stuff inside and NOT knowing how to do it right.

my friend and i repair pc's for fun and optimize them, troubleshoot them.
several hundred people have come over our floors.
another friend of me owns a litle pc store.
each and every windows user on this planet has trouble with windows.

but yet people keep buying it.

i have a friend who is MSCE certified, i recommend him to try apple, he was stunned and still is happy today.
(he know and he is a microsoft engineer)

i did the same on a former age of empires friend, another satisfied guy.

apple is exspensive, but if it where cheaper, microsoft would be gone is no time.

they know how to make thing smart, easy.

buy a apple for your granny and she wil be eMailing a couple of minutes later.
it's very intuitive, unlike microsoft windows, with their 'Are you sure','next next next', 'choose location' popups

i want even start about how easy any person can srew your system in less then a second.
the windows registry is a sitting duck.

if you haven't tested apple properly, don't talk about it.

p.s. i have a ipod, it's a cool GUI, that's what made it a HIT article, i also have a 10US$ mp3 player.
hahaha , a typical use and trow away article.

Re: Ok
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters


Re: Re: Ok
Jan 2 2010  on group Apple Haters

you're wrong

Re: microsoft
Dec 30 2009  on group Death to Windows

window is not the best O.S.

Osx is da best.
windows 7 has exactly the same bugs as windows xp, it switches the keyboard language to english every now and than.

there is another error, witch is 100% equal to windows xp/2000, how ever i can't recall and i don't have lust to spit around in my emails i have send to mr steven sinofsky

windows 7 is definitely better than xp, but still not good.

windows has no hotkeys to show the desktop.
osx does and has other hotkeys that make you work faster.
impossible to win, you're more productive on a OSX.

many people, if not most, don't have a clue what their are doing.
most of them don't have the quicklaunch bar activated on the statusbar and there for don't see nor know about the 'Show Desktop' button and close/minimize each and every window every time they need to be on the desktop.

every windows lacks safety.
i can write a 10kb app and screw your entire registry.
(witch result in 100% guaranteed reinstall).

each fool can clodder up the system folder.
3rd parties drop residues in the system folder.
(residues, that stay after you unstill the program)

than the windows installer/setup systems suck.
too many next next next screen.
on OSX execute setup, drag drop program icon anywhere you like.
uninstall > drag icon to trashcan.
(it's a sort off container that contains all the library's and ...)

microfot windows series is a pos to generate cashflow.
they charge 319€ for a full option OS and they charged more than 500€ for vista.
you can buy OSX for 199 and have a 5 user license.

my friend and i have helped hundreds of peoples with their pc's, removing virus and addware, etc, etc.
each and every soul on the planet witch has a windows system has problems.
i have a friend who own a computer store, it's disgusting how many come by just to have their windows fixed again.

my bet is: windows is build like this on purpose.

you're pretty much obligated to buy a windows pc.
go to any big shopping centre and you'll only see system with windows already installed.

preinstalled windows on hp, dell, packard bell, etc, etc values around 35us$, a retail version 319us$.

i have a mac since 2004 and i have never need to reinstall the system, it still runs the factory installation.

even if you don't install anything on your windows system and once a while defrag, you'll have a slow system after a year. however it's 100% clean and no apps have been installed during this time.

calculate the value of Bill gates, steve balmer and Paul Allen.
just by buying someone operation system for 50.000us$
they dind't invent anything, they just bought and integrated.
it's this mashup, why all their software fails.


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