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Ubuntu App Developer Blog: Announcing the Ubuntu App Showdown winners
Votes are in and results are final: we are extremely proud to announce the winners of the Ubuntu App Showdown contest Each and every one of the 133 apps that qualified for the contest were tested, reviewed and rated on Appearance, Stability, Platform Integration, Innovation and Scratching an Itch by our panel of 6 judges. Of these, only 3 of them made it to the shortlist and have won these awesome prizes, kindly sponsored by our friends at System76 and the Qt Project: Gold Prize Silver Prize Bronze Prize System76 Gazelle Professional laptop and Nokia N9 phone System76 Lemur Ultra laptop and Nokia N9 phone Nokia N9 phone Presenting the Ubuntu App Showdown winners: Gold prize: Lightread Authors Jono Cooper and George Czabania about their app: “Lightread is a lightweight Google Reader client. Lightread works offline allowing you to get all your news and read it without an internet connection. With its stunning design and easy of use, Lightread is the best way to read news. It...
Aug 7 2012 via RSS  

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FirewallPlus Pro – Nokia N9/N950 MeeGo Harmattan

    Firewall+ Pro for Nokia N9 N950 can prevent unwanted call and SMS quietly, automatically and flexibly. Based on blacklist and whitelist, which support import from call log, SMS log and Contacts, flexible block rules can be applied as you want. With schedule mode, Time based rules are allowed, so set it up and forget! Also, rich blocked log informations and number matched count [...]
Aug 5 2012 via RSS  

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Stuart Langridge: Minor updates to Ubuntu One for N9

I've done some minor updating work on Ubuntu One for Nokia N9. Updates: you can now download a whole folder in one go, if a file has a public URL you can now share that with people via the N9's Share menu (you can't actually publish, yet; sorry); fixed a few bugs. If you've got an N9 and use Ubuntu One you'll likely find the upgrade useful. Nearly at the stage where I think it's worth publishing i...
Aug 4 2012 via RSS  

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Stuart Langridge: Me and the Nokia N9

"We're on the long road, maybe the wrong road, but we're together now, who cares?" — On the One Road The essence of writing is to be scrupulously even-handed. Or it's to be shamelessly partisan and...
Aug 3 2012 via RSS  

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Raphaël Hertzog: My Debian Activities in July 2012

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you’re among the people who made a donation to support my work (72.65 €, thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your mone...
Aug 1 2012 via RSS  

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Ubuntu TV: Ubuntu TV Weekly Update #4

A lot of work is going on for the Ubuntu TV project. This weekly update aims to be a place to receive information on what has changed in the different areas of the project. It also hopes to engage the...
Jul 30 2012 via RSS  

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Richard Johnson: Bluecherry Releases Version 2.0

My friends over at Bluecherry have released version 2.0 of their video surveillance software as well as version 2.0 of their server software. If you are in the market for a video surveillance solution...
Jul 27 2012 via RSS  

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Benjamin Kerensa: Test Your Hardware on 12.04 with Ubuntu Friendly

Test Your Hardware on 12.04 with CheckboxHello Everyone, It’s now been months since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS was release and this presents as good of an opportunity as we will get to do some hardware testin...
Jul 24 2012 via RSS  

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Siegfried Gevatter: A gentle introduction to Zeitgeist’s Python API

In this post I’ll make a quick introduction by example on how to use Zeitgeist’s Python API for good and profit. If you’re interested in using Zeitgeist from C instead, see the libzeitgeist exam...
Jul 21 2012 via RSS  

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Ubuntu TV: Ubuntu TV Weekly Update #3

A lot of work is going on for the Ubuntu TV project. This weekly update aims to be a place to receive information on what has changed in the different areas of the project. It also hopes to engage the...
Jul 20 2012 via RSS  

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