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Ubuntu App Developer Blog: Develop locally, run remotely
As you may have heard, Ubuntu has a new SDK in the works being built around Qt and QML. We released a developer preview of this SDK when we announced our new Phone OS earlier this month, and we’ve already had a number of developers start writing apps using this new toolkit. And even though we don’t have an emulator or device images available yet, they have been so far been able to test them by running them locally on their desktops. Now, thanks to the work of Andrea Grandi, they can run their apps remotely on another Ubuntu system as well. Andrea was one of the first members of the Ubuntu community to work under Canonical’s Skunkworks program, with a focus on enabling the developer tools around the SDK. In a recent blog post, Andrea shows how to connect QtCreator to a remote system over SSH, and have your application deployed and launched with a simple press of a button. As he hints about at the end of his post, the usefulness of this is obvious when viewed in connection with th...
Jan 29 2013 via RSS  

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David Sugar: Qt 5 migration notes

I wanted to write a little about our effort to migrate to Qt5. It has been said that Qt5 is 99% compatible with Qt4 sources, and this indeed is true. However, it is the 1% that is still often not explained or sufficiently documented. Furthermore, in my particular case, I wanted to migrate code that can then build under both Qt4 and Qt5, and to do so with cmake, which is not explained at all. My reasons for this are simple. I often build a binary package that works on different distribution r...
Jan 27 2013 via RSS  

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Victor Tuson Palau: [Ubuntu QML] ToDo Android vs Ubuntu

A few months back, I decided to write a Simple ToDo app for Android, then I hooked it up to a cloud backend, using Juju. That was my first Android application, so I got to experience first hand the latest developer documentation and development environment. Last month, Canonical launched Ubuntu for Phones, that gave me the idea to re-write the same application on QML using the Ubuntu Components. ...
Jan 25 2013 via RSS  

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Andrea Grandi: Using QtCreator to deploy and run a Qt application to a remote Linux device

QtCreator is a very flexible IDE and can really be adapted for a lot of things. I usually use it to develop mobile applications for Nokia N9 and BlackBerry 10, but it can be used for more generic task...
Jan 17 2013 via RSS  

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Aurélien Gâteau: Introducing Doxyqml

If you are a developer, chances are you have already read a documentation created with Doxygen. Doxygen is a widespread tool to produce documentation from source code. We use it in KDE to document our...
Jan 14 2013 via RSS  

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Jono Bacon: Ubuntu At CES

On Sunday last weekend I flew out to CES to join the rest of my colleagues to exhibit Ubuntu at the show. We were there to show the full range of Ubuntu form-factors that we have available; desktop, T...
Jan 13 2013 via RSS  

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Seadot running on the WeTab

  Heres a nice little Video by nsuffys showing the Seadot OS running on the WeTab, based on the Mer Project.     Seadot is a community-driven Mer-based OS for the WeTab and ExoPC tablet...
Jan 12 2013 via RSS  

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Martin Owens: Developer Kits

With the new Ubuntu Phone on the horizon I though I might pen something about developer kits. I think we’ve come to the group-conclusion that development on Ubuntu sucks, and it sucks in a few ways ...
Jan 3 2013 via RSS  

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Jono Bacon: Announcing Ubuntu For Phones

Today we announced the Ubuntu for phones platform. This is the culmination of an extensive period of work, and pushing Ubuntu another step further in building a consistent, elegant, beautiful Ope...
Jan 2 2013 via RSS  

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Aaron Toponce: ZFS Administration, Part XVI- Getting and Setting Properties

Table of Contents Zpool Administration Install ZFS on Debian GNU/Linux VDEVs RAIDZ The ZFS Intent Log (ZIL) The Adjustable Replacement Cache (ARC) Exporting and Importing Storage Pools Scrub and Resi...
Jan 2 2013 via RSS  

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