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Multiple OwnCloud Issues

ownCloud - Oct 25 2011
Question:Hi, Frank and others. Great work polishing version 2 of OwnCloud. I got it up and running on shared web hosting with little trouble. I've only spent a few minutes with it and please forgive any ignorance on my part, but...
1. Adding a group and then attempting to Share a file with that group does NOT work, at least not from the admin account. (But it seems to work from a non-admin account, automatically creating a Shared folder.) I confirmed this behavior on your Demo site -- you can select the group, and it seems to get added to the share list for that file, BUT then immediately disappears when the file is next checked.
2. IE7 can NOT display OwnCloud properly -- as far as I can tell this is due to SVG images that never get replaced with PNGs (despite apparent patches in the past). It looks like a mess.
3. Do you expose your own WebDav or rely on existing WebDav? On my CPanel shared server, do I need to rely on CPanel's WebDav support, and if so, how do I correctly point OwnCloud and its clients to it?
4. Win7, as you probably know, breaks many WebDav servers, including CPanel's, because it requires digest authentication. Should I just use a client like Cyberduck instead?
5. The software promises automated backups and/or synching but I can't find any administrative access to configure or confirm that those functions are there and working?
6. Does synching require your upcoming desktop app, or would it work with the synch capabilities of a Cyberduck or Filezilla, or is it otherwise automated? We're all hoping for an open source alternative to DropBox, whether via WebDav or ftp or other means.
7. Shouldn't a product with "Cloud" in its name have the ability to live and replicate on more than one server?
8. I'm unclear on how to have a single shared calendar for a group of people -- is this feature available?
9. Are there plans to expand the file management interface? As far as I can tell there is not even any way to copy or move files. (Edit: drag and drop maybe? But broken; see below.)
10. How do music/media files get added to the Media section? I can play MP3s added to the File section, but they never get into the Media section list. (Edit: apparently they get added ONLY if they have proper tags -- that's NOT good. That means sound files I record casually, or create from Audacity, will never get to the library.)
Anyway, those are my first impressions. Thanks for all your hard work so far.
Edit: 11. ENORMOUS Bug: When I, as admin, tried to "drag and drop" files to the Shared folder created by another user, the files were PERMANENTLY DELETED from the server! It appears from the Demo server that you might support some kind of drag and drop, but it's dangerously broken, at least for me.
Edit: 12. The Music section does NOT properly detect when a file has been deleted. After the file destruction in (11) above, it persists in thinking that a missing MP3 is still there, despite multiple attempt to "Rescan".

Answer:(NOT YET ANSWERED AT ALL; but someone else wrote:) What's the PHP's version you use?
I have the same problems with a 5.1.6 PHP version.
At a minumum, I think that you need a V5.2 with the 'json' funtions enabled

---- this single "answer" system is oddly confining -- my response: ---

Which of my questions were you addressing?

My shared host has PHP 5.2 and 5.3 installed.

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 Which one?

 by Bowncloud on: Oct 27 2011
Score 50%

Which of my questions were you addressing?

My shared host has PHP 5.2 and 5.3 installed.

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 Re: Which one?

 by Bowncloud on: Oct 3 2012
Score 50%

Waited almost a year now, and no one has addressed any of my questions. Understandable on a volunteer project, but not indicative of a very mature product either. A year later, OwnCloud still SOUNDS very promising, but the execution isn't there. Great that an Android app is out now, but it gets poor reviews. I really don't know what to think at this point. Good luck with it regardless.

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