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Improved Website Layout


This group is dedicated to the creation of new ideas for the organization of what will hopefully become the new *-look.org. Please only comment if you have a new idea, mockup, or improvement. This group is about improving the site, for those who want to keep it the same, please do not waste space posting, instead please send me a message stating why you do not want it changed, and the benifits of not changing the site. The current mockup in progress is here:


The voting system for the new site layout is being decided in the group improved voting system, here:


Created:May 6 2008
Changed:May 6 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 by Chrispy on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

Another nice feature would be, to show downloads for each file, if there's more than one downloadable file.


theme.tar.gz [100 Downloads]
icons.tar.gz [ 55 Downloads]

I'm bigger and boulder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other
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 by knowheretorun on: May 11 2008
Score 50%

Current download counter is too simple.
Example: can you say for sure that Kore emerald theme is more downloaded than Vista-Linux emerald theme?

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 Mail Status Messages

 by code933k on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

I am not so ambitious to propose some slight changes that I will not contribute.

But I think it is really important getting status messages from groups and Themes pointing to the exact line where they came from.

It is really frustrating to do a manual search every time you get a reply.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 by fireice on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

Such a thing like bookmarks for the favorite wallpaper, theme, mcity, icons and so on, would be good.

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 Re: bookmarks

 by code933k on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

That's why your browser is there [...] However, there is a tagging feature comming soon if you are interested.


Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 by tw1ggz on: May 11 2008
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

why are all these groups listed on every *-look site when alot of them have nothing to do with the current *-look.org site one is looking at? for instance NO DESKTOP should be listed only on box-look since i see no *box themes of anykind here. It would be a major improvement to not push every group made onto every *-look.org site, its your own faults that certain groups get flamed for having nothing to do with gnome-look.org or whatever *-look.org site they happen to be looking at.

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 Re: hmm

 by Magikx21 on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

I think it is because so many of the OpenDesktop sites overlap. This could easily be solved though by combining a couple of the sites but further categorizing them. For example there is no need for things like Kubuntu-art if there was like a kubuntu category in KDE-look or maybe general category such as "distro specific".

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 Re: Re: hmm

 by Frank on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

Yes. And because most open source people are using apps from different desktops.
I think we are a big free software family and we should work together.

Frank Karlitschek
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 Next Mockup

 by falco101 on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

I will be working on the next mockup for the proposed web layout. You all have come up with some good ideas that I would like to see implemented, so I hope to have the next mockup done by the end of the week with a visual implementation of all the ideas here. This means I am going to need specifics. Here are my thoughts.

Combine all the theme sites into a couple main sites:
-Fusion (Compiz/Beryl/Emerald/AWN)

For each category there should be a distro specific sub category:
-Distro Specific
-Ubuntu (depending on site)
-BSD (and BSD derived)
-OS Clones
-Gnome/KDE (gnome ports to KDE and visa versa)
if I have missed any other major distro, let me know.

A 'Favorite' button for making a collection of all your favorite works, which other users could view from your profile, so you could network with those who share the same artistic tastes and interests.

Individual Download and rating counters for multiple uploads in a single work.

Multiple size uploads for a single wallpaper.

All groups will be categorized at time of creation by site. If it is KDE specific it will only appear on KDE-look, if it covers more than one desktop environment it will be shown on the desired websites.

I also propose a new openDesktop.org page, similar to the homepage for opensuse (www.opnesuse.org), with a Button for each GUI which will then link you to a homepage for each GUI that will give you the most recent uploads in apps and art, and will have two buttons to go to the apps and art pages. It is hard to explain in words, I will show you all in the next mockup exactly what I am trying to describe.

But what I need now is a full list of specific categories for each site, and sub categories.

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 Re: Next Mockup

 by Magikx21 on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

Maybe for the groups, when the group is created a checkbox for each of the OpenDesktop sites so the group's creater can choose where they show up. I know some of the groups can span a few of the sites whereas some may only fit into 1 or two of the sites.

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 Hmm... BBCode ??

 by code933k on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

What about allowing [code]TAG[/code] ?

I -personally- am missing it some time ago. That could be very useful for helping new people to get their hands dirty.

And it is interesting enough for many people around here. Sharing their install hints could be more readable than:
Hey! I've told you... "Do not write the quotes".

Don't you think that simple detail could avoid considerable amounts of unnecessary feedback?

1.) adj. Something which is not as valuable as you think.
2.) See think.

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 [url=][/url] also please

 by knowheretorun on: Jul 5 2008
Score 50%

[url=] would be nice also, to shorten the links 
+ [color=#ff5522] colored text [/color] is broken

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