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it's not play button


I hate everybody who vote bad only because they are jealous of someones hard work or just voting bad for fun...

someone is hard working several days and then some idiot comes and vote bad?? why? only for fun!!!

vote good if it's good - vote bad if you think it's bad, BUT DON'T VOTE BAD WITH NO REASON!!!

people who upload their creations here are working for free and their only reward is when people give them credits with good vote and good comments

Group goal is to change this site, idea is:
"when someone vote bad he must send msg or comment to autor in which he says why he is voting like that... so autor can improve or fix his creation"

another(maybe better than first)idea is:
"to add sugestion page to every upload and then when someone votes bad he must write his opinion
but there might be authors who dont want this so in page where you edit your upload it should be one checkbox with label "use sugestion page for bad vote""

join if you think same

Created:Apr 9 2008
Changed:Apr 15 2008
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Membership:everybody can join

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 by MK64 on: Oct 2 2008
Score 50%


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 Absolutely right

 by ddragon on: Oct 7 2008
Score 50%

I absolutelu agree with drxnele .
May be many WinBoz users come here and vote, but it's pitty when linux users vote bad withot givin' arguments.
One more time, I hope drxnele's post to be mensioned from site's admins :)

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 Recreate voting system

 by zolix on: Oct 9 2008
Score 50%

Hi Mates,

I think the whole voting procedure should be changed. My suggestion is to forget bad/good votes and replace it with only one button: "I like it!".

A newly uploaded artwork would have zero "I like it!" points. And as the time is going this value can be higher as more votes are coming.

It is more artist-friendly solution as there are no negative points. Low level of positive feedbacks can indicate that this artwork is not the best but without frustrating the artist.

A voting system like that is based on some psychologyst approach. It shows the opinion of visitors and doesn't hurt anyone.

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 Re: Recreate voting system

 by skulptor on: Oct 9 2008
Score 50%

We have such a counter: the download counter. People will download your artwork, if they like it.

Having said that, let me add that I never bothered how people vote my content, but whenever someone downloads it, I am glad that I could contribute back a little part to the community.

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 Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by zolix on: Oct 10 2008
Score 50%

You are right. Otherwise if I like an artwork I used to push "good" vote even I won't download that. I enjoy watching these backgrounds, icons, other themes. Just for fun. So I think the artist deserves an "I like it" point and some words as comment If I like his/her work.

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 Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by Fri13 on: Oct 10 2008
Score 50%

The Download rating is the rating what matters, not the "Bad/Good" rating.

If we have artwork 94% good but only a 5 downloads, when comparing to artwork what has 72% good but 7400 downloads... wich one is better if both has be about same time on site?

We just need to change the "good / bad" to something else.... mayby just for a "Vote" button what would get calculated rating by comparing it to download rating too. And all artwork would start from 0 points and would end to 100 points.

Artwork what gets 1000 downloads and 500 "Vote", would be higer place than artwork what gets 800 downloads and 500 votes or 1000 downloads and 400 votes.

This way you can not under-rate the artwork, but only get it higer. But it needs both votes and downloads to rise, not just another one.

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 Re: Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by zolix on: Oct 11 2008
Score 50%

I think not only the downloads are significants.

As I wrote, I used to visit *-look.org galleries just for fun. It is like an exhibition for me. A like to see nice artworks, without downloading them.

Voting is a tool for me to express my positive judgement. I never push button "Bad" if I don't like an artwork, just ignore it simply.

But there is an exception: if an artwork is harmful or untasty then I give a bad vote, of course.

This is my very own practice, I don't know others' habit. :-)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by Fri13 on: Oct 12 2008
Score 50%

I do as you:

If I like, I vote "Good"
If I dont have opinion, I dont vote.
If the material has bad taste or other bad things, I vote "Bad".

To get "Bad" can be material what should not be be seen under 16-18 years old. Or has copyrighted material what is then licensed as GPL, even that material is well known to be owned by subject who would never release artwork as GPL, example of Disney would release wallpaper of newest Pixard animation as GPL.

So "Bad" can be come from me by using wrong license (copyright violation!) or material being "not good". Sometimes when someone has made in 1min a drawing with kpaint something "Ubuntu rocks!" I might vote it "bad".

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 Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by linuzoid on: Oct 11 2008
Score 50%
LinuzoidsArt Galleries

Beautifully said, I will look at my download counter from now on and ignore the good/bad rating. Thank you for sharing your sensible point of view.

Hats off to you skulptor.

Come share with us at cooldesktoplook.com
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 Re: Re: Recreate voting system

 by Ace2016 on: Oct 13 2008
Score 50%

Downloading something doesn't mean that the user likes it, they might like the screenshot, but it might not be as good as it first appeared.

i would like an add to fav system, that way you can add stuff you like to favs. And why just good and bad? why not a star system 1 to 5 stars?

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 by ddragon on: Oct 9 2008
Score 50%

Hi , I desided to drop down all my themes that are "BAD" - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BAD+Glossy_Blue_without_panel?content=90490
because I'm tired to work only for people who sittin' on their PC , and are just FREE CONSUMERS, who think they must deside who's good and bad, without knowin' anything(in other case - they will tell me WHY this theme is BAD - not just click-mans ) .
We don't loose anything - we don't work for money ;)
Let drop down anythin' that is under 50% - in other case - we stay just BAD designers ....
Do you wan every person who look at this site and see your's theme ratin' .... 30% ... to thing you are (we are ) "BAD" ...

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 by Fri13 on: Oct 10 2008
Score 50%

Okay, so it is your opinion that because many user does not LIKE the artwork/application etc by rating it "bad" for what someone has sended to these sites, it should be removed because it has low rating...?

What if you would turn on your filter and if possible, set it to filter all under 50% rating stuff, so you can pretend to be in perfect world where everything gets great ratings.

Mayby we just could "fix" this problem by removing the voting system and just automatically set all stuff as 99%?
Then all artists etc could feel happily that they are doing stuff what everyone likes... problem solved...

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 by ddragon on: Oct 10 2008
Score 50%

Hi, I just want to say, that bad for one is good for other , but tell me if you see theme with 30 or 40% rateing will your oppinion unprejudiced???
Sobeone above gave great idea - Just one button - I LIKE IT :)
That's the way everyone will be happy, because if people like the stuff, they will vote, otherwise - no .
Other suggestion - if someone rate BAD - to write WHY ...
There is the post above that explain this.
And the rate system will be kept as well.

Tell me one reason to post my artwork here if the rate is BAD without knowing the reason WHY?
That's the reason I drop down my theme and I will drop down every theme that is BAD( under 50% ).
Regards to everyone :)

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 by ddragon on: Oct 11 2008
Score 50%

Yes , I agree with you that the download rating is that matter , but...
1st thing we see, when browse the themes are screenshot, name and ... rating.
There are 50-60 .. I don't know how themes dayly, and when usual user looks I thing he'll miss the themes with lower rating (I do so at the begining )
Also I thing, when you deside to download themes, you sort by rating meaning that the most rated are the most beautifull....
Other point : If someone like KDE and don't like GNOME , don't you think that he'll rate BAD every GNOME theme ( or back to front) ?
There are many mean people that do that, believe me.
Or WinBoz users ...
Without reason....
No comment, no message, no reason.
Just ... BAD .
Should I spend 20-40 hours, designing theme that I like, and deside to share it , to see how BAD is it?
I don't think that the people rate BAD are test it, because there are detailed screenshots, and if they don't like it why they deside that the stuff is BAD?
Because they don't like it?
I don't like NESCAFE( as an example ) so do I have to rate it BAD?
I just don't drink it...
Because I know there are people who like it .
Shoul I go now to KDE themes (as an example again ) and rate everything BAD , because I like GNOME?
I can do that.
But I won't.
Because I appriciate the work of people spend HOURS ( even DAYS ) to do somethin good, and to SHARE it with us for FREE.
Yes, the rate system by download is good idea, but HOW will you know that after downloading it , the user will like it?
May be the true is in the middle, but definitely not in "BAD" click.
May be it must be points for rating. 1 poing for download , and 5 for rate ( but there must be only 1 button - I LIKE IT ).
I like very much zolix idea.
But it's right and for download state.
So may be admins must think about the point system.
And the ratings to be transformated by XXX downloads * X points + XXX good rate * XX points.
And I thing that showing the rating ( downloads -OK ) on the browse page is not good idea ...
It makes people influence without seeing the stuff...
Sorry for my bad write english, I hope you understand what I mean :)
Best regards :)

... One more thing - tell me if I'm wrong, but I noticed that every time I update stuff - the rating goes immediately down ...

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 by ZeroPrime on: Oct 12 2008
Score 50%

I agree that the system needs to be changed. It is really frustrating when you see your vote go down and no one is posting a reason for a low vote. I don't think there should be a down vote at all. Let it start at 0 and if people like it they can vote for it.

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