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it's not play button


I hate everybody who vote bad only because they are jealous of someones hard work or just voting bad for fun...

someone is hard working several days and then some idiot comes and vote bad?? why? only for fun!!!

vote good if it's good - vote bad if you think it's bad, BUT DON'T VOTE BAD WITH NO REASON!!!

people who upload their creations here are working for free and their only reward is when people give them credits with good vote and good comments

Group goal is to change this site, idea is:
"when someone vote bad he must send msg or comment to autor in which he says why he is voting like that... so autor can improve or fix his creation"

another(maybe better than first)idea is:
"to add sugestion page to every upload and then when someone votes bad he must write his opinion
but there might be authors who dont want this so in page where you edit your upload it should be one checkbox with label "use sugestion page for bad vote""

join if you think same

Created:Apr 9 2008
Changed:Apr 15 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 It seems I found out a reason

 by GFORGX on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%
NoteFinder Team

See: http://linuxboard.org.ua/?x=entry:entry080807-121233

With best regards, GFORGX
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 Re: It seems I found out a reason

 by AlexeyK on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%

yeah... And what to say else!

Alexey Kouznetsov
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 Re: Re: It seems I found out a reason

 by drxnele on: Aug 8 2008
Score 50%

kill google :)

made in Serbia
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 Re: Re: Re: It seems I found out a reason

 by evod on: Aug 18 2008
Score 50%

google is not the problem, it is the voting system itself.

the url of the screenshot even includes a session id, the voting system therefore accepts several votes for the same project with the same session id.. this is clearly a flaw that can be fixed by the opendesktop-team.

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 Stop posting on gnome-look

 by Zgegball on: Aug 9 2008
Score 50%

Hi all,
I think that your group is an excellent idea... So i would explain you why I hesitate to post new theme for gnome on gnome-look.
My stuff had many good vote when i post it. But each update comes with many bad votes.
And never a bad comment or suggestion, just a bad vote without explanation...
So I've the impression that I work for nothing. And maybe I'll stop posting stuff on gnome-look

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 Re: Stop posting on gnome-look

 by szerencsefia on: Aug 20 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

This I can confirm. I felt my self degraded down for the work I have added any time when I uploaded my new update, apparently the updates many time included bug fixing. Per my understanding if a theme gets better it should go higher in rating but it seldom happens.
On the other hand I can understand when the theme got major change therefore the 'funs' of the previous version could possibly vote it down. But hard to believe that at 2-3-5 or even 10.000 downloads the voting should go down after a new update.
You also said right when mentioned not to upload a new design. I have made my own website where I can analyze the traffic and its source but without getting bad votes. I know I create good stuff and I love to share with others, that's why I create them. If this reason is taken by not proper voting, then I have to post on my own and link that place from ...-look.org. I know some other old fellow not anymore posting because of the mentioned reason.
Dear ...-Look.org!
It is time to do something about it, otherwise you can lose many of good designer who can drive traffic to your website, thereby benefiting you by advertising income!

Home: http://szerencsefia.webs.com/
WhoIs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SzerencseFia

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 sugestion page

 by dilomo on: Aug 17 2008
Score 50%

The idea of sugestion page is the best way to stop this bad voting just for fun!

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 Good and Bad are ratings

 by Fri13 on: Aug 17 2008
Score 50%

I still think that the many of artists takes it too personal if someone press the "Bad".

The voting system is currently bretty accurate and gives good start for new work there. But there is technical problem what someone brought up, google might add a link to work as button "Bad" and site visitor automatically so on votes it. That should be fixed.

I dont know is this somekind race who is TOP1 or in TOP10 or what. If people just does not like your work, they can freely press the "Bad", it can not be demanded to not press "Bad" if there is something what does look good. Same goes to "Good", there is no reason to not press it if it looks nice, otherwise we should say "If this is not extremely great work by your opinion, do not press Good".

The 1-10 or 1-100 ratings are same as current 1-100% rating, only difference is that current % way starts from 50% and it can go as easily to 30% or to 90% as it would go with 1-10 or 1-100 stars rating what starts from 1. Now many artists just feel bad because first they see it's 50% and then it goes to 48% and to 42%. But they would be happy if it would go from 1.0 to 3.8 and then to 4.2. But in both situations, even that work would be 4.2 (42%) rating and would not get to 9.x (9x%) the other way just makes artis/developer to feel bad, while other makes she/him feel better.

KDE4 is here to konqueror desktops ;-)
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 Re: Good and Bad are ratings

 by ElTimo on: Aug 22 2008
Score 50%

I think you misunderstand how math works. If a rating goes from 1.0 to 3.8 to 4.2, that means the rating has gone UP, and that more people are starting to like the item. If a rating goes from 50% to 48% to 42%, that means that the rating has gone DOWN, and that less people like the theme.

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Re: Good and Bad are ratings

 by ElTimo on: Aug 22 2008
Score 50%

And plus, leaving an anonymous bad rating doesn't help creators who might want to actually IMPROVE their creations, instead making them just feel bad and not want to post anymore.

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 by calimo on: Aug 20 2008
Score 50%

Problems (for me):

- bad / good is wrong. It should be "like" / "don't like".

- there are plenty of things we don't like. If I want a yellowish wallpaper, I'm going to find all pink and blue ones "bad". But leaving a comment to say "I would prefer it in yellow" on tons of wallpapers would be horribly time consuming and pretty useless.
Maybe this is not the best example, but I think it would soon be tiring to always leave a comment.

PS: this is a user's point of view.

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 Re: Disagree

 by ElTimo on: Aug 21 2008
Score 50%

I have to say +1 to that.

"Good" and "bad" are almost entirely based on opinion. That's why I refrain from voting either way on anything, unless the quality of the work is clearly very bad or exceptionally good. I really think the "like/don't like/neutral" system would be better, if just because it provides a more accurate description.

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Gnome Idol

 by marcaemus on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

Anyone reading this would think that artwork is only posted to win some sort of competition and that the artists were some lot of needy kids looking for parental approval.

If you're that frightened of public opinion, go hide under a rug.

I'm gonna keep using the good and bad links exactly as I see fit. I haven't got time to comment on every bad vote - fix the theme, that's your job not mine.

But anyway, I'm using other sites more now for artwork. This incessant whining has put me right off gnome-look. Good artists already have their own sites and there are the other well known theme sites.

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: Gnome Idol

 by drxnele on: Aug 25 2008
Score 50%

i started this group because i am programmer not artist... and if someone votes bad because my program e.g. has a bug... that's no good... it would be better to say "you have bug here" and then I fix it if I can...

made in Serbia
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 Re: Re: Gnome Idol

 by linuzoid on: Oct 8 2008
Score 50%
LinuzoidsArt Galleries

I'm a computer graphic artist, and if someone votes bad I would like to know why, that way I can fix it or gain a different perspective on my art for the next time.

As long as your using Linux, who cares, to be prejudice is to be ignorant.
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