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it's not play button


I hate everybody who vote bad only because they are jealous of someones hard work or just voting bad for fun...

someone is hard working several days and then some idiot comes and vote bad?? why? only for fun!!!

vote good if it's good - vote bad if you think it's bad, BUT DON'T VOTE BAD WITH NO REASON!!!

people who upload their creations here are working for free and their only reward is when people give them credits with good vote and good comments

Group goal is to change this site, idea is:
"when someone vote bad he must send msg or comment to autor in which he says why he is voting like that... so autor can improve or fix his creation"

another(maybe better than first)idea is:
"to add sugestion page to every upload and then when someone votes bad he must write his opinion
but there might be authors who dont want this so in page where you edit your upload it should be one checkbox with label "use sugestion page for bad vote""

join if you think same

Created:Apr 9 2008
Changed:Apr 15 2008
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Membership:everybody can join

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 by XeiaieX on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

i agree 100% with everything you said in the group description.

XeiaieX - www.SameStuff.cjb.net - XL
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 I'm not sure...

 by twrock on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

First, I admit I joined so that I could comment, not that I'm 100% in agreement with the initially proposed solution. I don't necessarily disagree with it either at this point, so "I'm not sure...".

I did have an email discussion with another contributor here (who shall remain nameless unless he wants to say it was him) about the strange rapid drop in the rating on something I submitted. And this was something that had been stable in its rating for some time previously. Since every comment that anyone left me was positive or just suggested something to fix (which I believe I got everything fixed anyone mentioned), I didn't understand why the rating kept dropping even though it seemed to me that fixing something should make it better, not worse. Honestly, I didn't know what to think about it, and could only guess as to why it was happening.

What I really wanted was some constructive feedback from people who didn't like it. But none came, so I just shrugged my shoulders and gave up on expecting anything like that.

In the end, I do what I do because it is something that I personally like and couldn't find it elsewhere. If I put it up on G-L and someone else likes it enough to download and use, that's great. I can feel like I've contributed something back to the community for all of the benefit I've gotten from using all this great opensource software. So I'm less concerned about the rating than I am curious what might be improved about it. But still I would hope that people who rate it "bad" will let me know why.

All I can suggest is that if you like it enough to use it yourself, go ahead and offer it. In the end, if people are downloading it, at least someone thinks they want to use it too.

(I should note, however, that if you are uploading "yet-another-bikini-babe with a Ubuntu logo for a belly button" wallpaper, you probably shouldn't complain about bad ratings without comments.) ;-)

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 Re: I'm not sure...

 by drxnele on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

no ubuntu babes! i am uploading programs(screenlets)... and almost every comment is positive...

made in Serbia
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 Re: I'm not sure

 by twrock on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

Sorry, drxnele, I did mean to imply that I thought you were uploading "ubuntu bikini babes". I know you aren't. When I said "you", I just meant anyone in general.

It's been an interesting discussion so far. Thanks for starting it.

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 Re: I'm not sure

 by twrock on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

Sorry, drxnele, I did not mean to imply that I thought you were uploading "ubuntu bikini babes". I know you aren't. When I said "you", I just meant anyone in general.

It's been an interesting discussion so far. Thanks for starting it.

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 Re: Re: I'm not sure

 by twrock on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

(Wow, I am really out of it tonight! Please ignore the first post where I forgot the very important word "not". After hitting the send button, I noticed it and tried to cancel, but too late!)

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 Re: Re: Re: I'm not

 by drxnele on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

no problem :)

made in Serbia
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 Let us fix this

 by falco101 on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

This is an excellent topic and many of you have very good ideas and opinions on this subject. I believe that this entire site needs a re-vamp. This site has grown exponentially over the past few years and can no longer adequately handle the amount of uploads that this set of sites have reached. It has been a struggle for me to keep my work in the 80+% range, (oddly enough it is near impossible to get 90 and over) ratings fall over time and almost never go up. After you hit about 70% your work falls into the abyss of random crap posted on this site and is never seen again. The rating system is just one of the many things on these sites (kde-look, gnome-look, ect) that needs change. For the artwork websites there are so many wallpapers in so many different styles that it is near impossible to sort through them, content on this site is so unorganized it is hard to sift the the gold from the dirt, we need a new rating system, (the five stars and comments on 1 and 2 ratings seems to have the best hope of working) and a 'crap management' system (anything with a rating of 30%, or some other low ratting, and lower will be automatically deleted) and a new way of organizing content, for the artwork sites organize wallpapers by type (scenery, abstract, distro specific, portrait, animal, ect) a nice feature to have would be to have a theme color browser like on the opera theme site, so you can see individual themes listed by color (the artist would choose the approximate dominate hue of the theme, maybe several colors), and we need some restrictions on what can be posted on each individual site (the click a button idea might work, the work will then be logged for review by the admins and will be moved if deemed appropriate.) I believe that by working together we can present a solid and working system to the admis for proper review, and hopefully implementation. I encourage everyone to stop complaining about the current system and work on creating a new one. I have a feeling that the discussions in this thread have the potential to revolutionize this site. I look forward to hearing all of your ideas for a better, fairer, more organized set of websites for the gnome and kde community.

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 what's going on?

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

1)You have set the bar too high for "good" what's wrong with 40% -60% rating? Five star rating would suck even more - go visit youtube.com too see what I mean.

2)You can't see the content below 20% rating.

3)Voting should stay anonymous for many reason I won't list here.

4)People rarely vote at all, this is not gnome/kde-look.org phenomenon. Example:
views: 81,945,020
votes: 300,859
- about 1 vote per 272 views
... and you want feedback for every negative vote ... wait how about feedback for every positive vote also? You got to know what people actually like alongside with things that can be improved.

5)Sharing ideas about how gnome/kde-look.org site can be improved in a "hate group"? That will revolutionize this site for sure ... also see 6)

6)It sucks that in order to comment on the "hate of imaginary enemies group" (yes, you can't even estimate how many 'downvoters for fun/of jealousy' there are - one? 100? 1000?) you got to join them first. So here is one idea how to improve this site.

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 Re: what's going on?

 by drxnele on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

i changed name of group... but name isn't important... we want to upgrade community to a new level... where all members can participate in developing...
why people don't vote on youtube? because they don't care about video, they watch it and thats it... but here is talking about art and software they use.. and their participation in these projects...
so I welcome everybody who tells me what is wrong with my stuff so I can improve it... this can be only better for community

made in Serbia
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 Voting systems

 by szerencsefia on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Well, you all said right.
In fact there is 2.5% of the population who try to suppress the rest.
But the destruction they cause gives hard time to 80% of the population - when others have to make up the damage what cause by the 2.5%.
Just think of this; how fast a "robot" coded by one suppressive guy for "fun" could vote down - within minutes - your theme because it was too popular or just the guy did not like it?!
Based on previous ideas I think two concurent voting systems would serve well the needs.
a) Artist voting - for those who comments and this'd require login.
b) Open voting - for anyone who wants to vote but nt registrated. This voting could have IP filtering to avoid repeated voting from same IP address <btw: technical details need to be worked out>.
The author could then analyze what voting is real for him/her and beside the improvement potantial (in criticism) could come from other artists.

e [SzerencseFia]
"Real power can't be given, it has to be taken!" - Godfather

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 Re: Voting systems

 by code933k on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

That's a good idea, but have you asked the admins so that this is not the actual way the system works?

Indeed, I think that the IP filter is there and an IP bypass for those really skilled in cute robots isn't so complicated...

Instead of jumping on policive ideas I think it is best if the people defend the best works as a community.

If the good goes bad "the 80%" should get it good back again, I don't think that's a big effort. I wonder why some old good themes never surpass 92% ...

i.e. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/nuoveXT+2?content=56625

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Voting systems

 by TheRob on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

Glad to see you back code933k!

hope you have your internet connection
up and running, I agree with you on
the voting policy, I think that is the
way the voting works atm (not sure tho).

How is titanium progressing btw?

checking daily on the titanium page if
there is any changes ;D

Best regards!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Voting s

 by code933k on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

Didn't touched it since some time ago...

Tough I am currently doing some checks to my system, something isn't working right. I think that I have exceeded the booting/rebooting rate too much (2-5 secs) :p

Whatever, yeah, I got the connection so I'll:

1.) relax myself
2.) drink some Whiskey
3.) Make a simple page in my highload server so that the file can be uploaded without too much troubles.
4.) make a script for rolling the PNG theme
5.) Put the link here
6.) Send you and email ;)

So I think it will be there tomorrow or lately today. Pretty buzz... Cheers.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting s

 by TheRob on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%


I c, I absolutely hate when the computer
breaks the contract! (isn't working right)

Hope you get it working man!

I really appreciate what you are doing!



PS. drink whiskey after you fix the comp ;-)

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Voting syste

 by szerencsefia on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Regarding Open Voting: I did not asked admins but I supposed voting works the way with IP filtering or something similar as that'd be very logical.
For me personally the only opinion that counts (beside mine ofc ;-D) is the one that comes from trustable source.
Artists, designers, coders, etc. are creating future with all piece of their works and whether people like it or not when the 'end product' is released the future has been created by.
Minimally tree kinds of category of artists, designers, coders, etc. we have in our community.
a) Folks that create their useful staff and release with the purpose to help others and nothing more.
b) Folks that belongs in category a) and additional they challenge to be the ONE (or first). They also play for acknowledgement.
c) Those who belongs to non of the above defined.

e [SzerencseFia]
"Real power can't be given, it has to be taken!" - Godfather

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 Re: Re: Re: Voting s

 by code933k on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

Agreed! The problem is that the site becomes confusing for the new (or alien) people if they find a lot of bad stuff rated 100% (giving the wrong impression of: GNU/Linux = Crap) while good stuff goes away or the authors become unwilling to contribute his work.

I don't want to start a flamewar but Ubuntu, for example, is the most used distribution because ratings brainwash the people... not because it's faster, well planned or more stable.

As you said, current works are an outline of future tendencies. Moving to the future, "originality" and quality depends on most of us.

PS:// Most people with the finest stuff has gone as far as I know.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Voting syste

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

Yes I think we all should go vote BuuF-Deuce-iconset into first place, what? You disagree with me?
Look at the number of downloads for nuoveXT2, higer-rated ones have less downloads - that's how it works - people who download it early are less likely to dislike it, people who download later may be influenced by high rating and expect something too good - so they downvote in "slight" disappointment and so on ... design gets "old" quickly, people are looking constantly for something new (look at general wallpaper rating). Most things will fade into the void as time goes by, some things become classic.

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 Re: Re: Re: Voting s

 by code933k on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

I don't get what you are trying to say. Indeed I prefer logical/argummentative language to retorics.

Whatever, I like Buuf too. It could be the theme that I like the most, so what?

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Voti

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

first sentence was in responce to (hope you figure out now; and no - this is not in a mean way that you are stupid or something - I know my english is a bit clumsy):
"think it is best if the people defend the best works as a community"

the rest was "an attempt to explain why nuovext2 rating is below 90%"

besides - life would be boring without some rhetoric

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by code933k on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

Me robot... Got it ;)

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Voting systems

 by Newmooon on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

I completely agree with what you have said.

Reply to this


 Re: Voting systems

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

I sincerely hope these numbers are figurative, otherwise please back up your claim.
And no, open voting is _bad_ because of people not giving a shit why you voted bad for ubuntu ass, they will downvote your stuff in turn. Life is hard & uncharitable.

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 by Genius314 on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

I think a good way to keep people from voting down is just to remove the good/bad buttons altogether. Instead, there should just be an "I like this" button. That way, scores are measured by how many people like it.

Reply to this


 Re: Yeah

 by drxnele on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

I like your idea very much... but it needs to have some feedback for "don't like" so artist/programmer can know what to fix and improve

made in Serbia
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 Re: Yeah

 by code933k on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

I like your idea, if that succeeds among the people I can make a public poll so that the people of KDE-look.org take rid if they will !

Indeed that simplifies the whole process a lot while keeping some balance between the works.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Yeah

 by Newmooon on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

I like your idea, its pretty good I think that if people don't like something they can tell it with comments.

Reply to this


 Re: Yeah

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

I sincerely hope these numbers are figurative, otherwise please back up your claim.
And no, open voting is _bad_ because of people not giving a shit why you voted bad for ubuntu ass, they will downvote your stuff in turn. Life is hard & uncharitable.

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 Re: Re: Yeah

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

oh crap this WRONG REPLY, SORRY!

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 Re: Yeah

 by knowheretorun on: Apr 16 2008
Score 50%

Make up your mind already if this group is about the lack of any useful feedback or bad votes in general. It would be harsh not being able to bury ubuntu chicks or copyrighted art under "gpl". In the end even with "good voting system only" there is a way to separate uploads by rating.
Think things through before leaving another emotion-driven comment about what you don't like here @...-look.org (this group is not loosely defined about things you dislike - http://kde-look.org/groups/?id=62 - it has well defined definition "don't vote bad without letting the author know why").

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