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- Group .- Group members (166) . 

it's not play button


I hate everybody who vote bad only because they are jealous of someones hard work or just voting bad for fun...

someone is hard working several days and then some idiot comes and vote bad?? why? only for fun!!!

vote good if it's good - vote bad if you think it's bad, BUT DON'T VOTE BAD WITH NO REASON!!!

people who upload their creations here are working for free and their only reward is when people give them credits with good vote and good comments

Group goal is to change this site, idea is:
"when someone vote bad he must send msg or comment to autor in which he says why he is voting like that... so autor can improve or fix his creation"

another(maybe better than first)idea is:
"to add sugestion page to every upload and then when someone votes bad he must write his opinion
but there might be authors who dont want this so in page where you edit your upload it should be one checkbox with label "use sugestion page for bad vote""

join if you think same

Created:Apr 9 2008
Changed:Apr 15 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 Thank you for this

 by Dlinx on: Apr 11 2008
Score 50%

Thank You for making this group I don't know what people feel when they vote bad, now let's hope an admin can make it possible. We really like to get good votes, but if they just vote bad and don't say nothing about what was wrong with the work, you can't do something to improve it.

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 This group

 by Mojomahn on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

is fantastic! I really believe that this group will have a positive influence on the open source community and the quality of the art here.

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 Logging votes

 by Newmooon on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

Maybe logging votes for registered people would be a good thing. If I vote bad someone the author knows that I voted its work bad, and can ask me some explanation.
This also would prevent people for voting bad (or good) a lot of times.

I hope that the admins will change this system.

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 Re: Logging votes

 by drxnele on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

I had another idea...
to add sugestion page to every upload and then when someone votes bad he must write his opinion
but there might be authors who dont want this so in page where you edit your upload it should be one checkbox with label "use sugestion page for bad vote" or something like that

made in Serbia
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 Re: Re: Logging vote

 by Newmooon on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

When you say "and then you must comment your bad vote" there is a problem. How can you be sure a person is not writing on the comment textbox only "badvote" or "your work suck" ?
Imagine someone who votes you bad and has to tell you why, they don't write it now, I don't think they'll write it only because they must do it. They'll write something like "bad" or " ".
Allowing vote only for registered people and logging this vote telling the author who had vote him bad, prevent this people from giving a bad vote without giving an explanation. The author know who had vote him bad, and you can't vote if you're not logged. So if you vote bad the author could contact you asking "why?".

Sorry for my English.

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 Re: Re: Re: Logging

 by Luttermann on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

A combination of logging votes and abandoning the idea of »bad voting« i think could, if not solve, then at least help.

If you upload something to this site you care about what make in you're spare time, and most users would properly like to get a bit of appreciation... So what i think would work is to have the choice to vote »good« or »comment«. Logically you cant force users to write constructive comments (at least until real AI have been invented) but you can force them not to vote bad...

- Luttermann
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 Re: Re: Logging vote

 by Newmooon on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

When you say "and then you must comment your bad vote" there is a problem. How can you be sure a person is not writing on the comment textbox only "badvote" or "your work suck" ?
Imagine someone who votes you bad and has to tell you why, they don't write it now, I don't think they'll write it only because they must do it. They'll write something like "bad" or " ".
Allowing vote only for registered people and logging this vote telling the author who had vote him bad, prevent this people from giving a bad vote without giving an explanation. The author know who had vote him bad, and you can't vote if you're not logged. So if you vote bad the author could contact you asking "why?".

Sorry for my English.

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 Re: Re: Logging vote

 by fish95 on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

that's a really good idea

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 Re: Logging votes

 by greyhat on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

im sorry but, this is the most stupid intelectual farting group iv ever seen around.

People vote bad because the overall design quality here in Gnome-look has gone down like a missile and most because of these "Wunduws" freeks that slap half-naked girls with a ubuntu logo on a trade mark windows vista background and call it ubuntu ultimate! this is outragius!!!!

this is moking with the real good and true designers! i know how hard it takes to make something, the design conception, mastering the tools, the idea of the scketch, etc... i know that, because i do some design as well, but beliave me, design is NOT for everybody, and thats because making things look good is something that only some can do, NOT EVERYONE, and thats exactly why you have bad votes!

DESIGN IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! i mean, i see ridicilus posts here with vomited design and i really dont understand why admins or moderators dont banne these people and these designs, its what i call visual polution! and i dont want to see it because i have that right!

so if you really have an idea of your own, not microsofts, nor ubuntus, nor something allready made, make that effort and i encorage you, if not please dont even post it!

"Group goal is to change this site, idea is:
"when someone vote bad he must send msg or comment to autor in which he says why he is voting like that... so autor can improve or fix his creation"
join if you think same"

this is the most ridicilus thing iv seen in the past 2 weeks.

How about this:
Before you or any other member have something to post, they must pm everybody in the forum sending a screen shot of the work so it can be voted before is even posted so we can keep this site junk free also elevating the high standards that we once had. This way i garantee you will only have good votes!

so, to finish my time with this ridicilus points of view, i just want to tell you please think before copying someones design and before posting junk in this site.

the moderating and administration of this site will soon start to take care of all this points, im sure of it.

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 Re: Re: Logging votes

 by TheRob on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

"don't imitate - innovate" <-exactly!!

I'm all with you there man!

I know the numbers of posts have gone
up a lot recently... but the overall
quality as you said has gone down...
however, there are some really good
artwork here with a very low voting.

as for the ubuntu chicks wallpapers
I think we don't see them as often anymore.

I really enjoyed reading your "suggestions"
on improvements to this site ;D

But I really do think that the really
good artists here don't get their stuff
rightfully woted all the time either,
so I thinkwe do need a group like this
to let people know that it means a lot
to the artist (I just read about someone
being so pissed off he is considering
taking down his stuff just because of
bad votes, which would really suck), I
myself don't take too seriously on
the voting (but it's a lot of fun), but
I see that for some people this really
means a lot.

best regards!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Logging vote

 by rowancompsciguy on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

I don't think anyone here would disagree that there is bad stuff that gets posted to these sites. And I don't think anyone would disagree that these works should be voted bad. However, I think what people are saying is that they would like, and deserve, a reason for being voted bad. There are a lot of hard working people out there that do get voted bad without reason and it's extremely demotivating.

This rampant bad voting without reason does a couple of things to hurt the open source community. One it quashes the spirits of people who are just starting out and posting things that they've worked really hard on and it keeps them from having the desire to get any better. Second, there are veteran people here who do great work that refuse to post things here any longer because they are voted down for no reason.

No one here is saying that people need to vote good all the time. No one here is saying that they can't handle criticism. Quite the opposite. We're saying criticize us with words, not just the click of the bad button. It helps people to make more frequent and better contributions to the community.

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 Re: Re: Logging vote

 by drxnele on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

this is nice idea too... this pre voting... but it will be still complicated who will vote good, maybe someone wil again vote bad for just for fun and then hard work burn in fire, the easy way it will be to say what is wrong and then to improve it...

made in Serbia
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 ReRe: Logging votes

 by Mezomish on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

Concerning desing, may be you are right, man. Sometimes I can't say why I dislike this or that design (btw, in this case I will not vote at all, but someone possibly will).

But what can you say about programs? If you don't like any program, you always know WHY you don't like it. Missing feature, annoying bug, something else....

But, as I already said, my program was 81%, now it's 77%, but I have ZERO new messages (either here, or at sf.net bug tracker).

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 by TheRob on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

Well, voting bad on something good is just
plain wrong :D , that is so clear it doesn't
have to be said out loud... however, there
is one thing that's been bothering me about
the voting system, the thing that when
I really love someones work (like for
example when a wallpaper like this:
shows up or a theme like this:
(just to name a couple) I really do feel
like "good" is really an understatement,
I feel like there should be like an "awesome" button
for these occasions ;D.

So my proposal would be to implement
like something like the imdb has, only
with 5 stars so that when something
really awesome shows up I (and others)
will be able to vote it the full 5 stars!

I don't know , this might be a little
off topic, but anyway, that is something
I've been thinkin about!

sorry if this offends anyone in some way!

I think the fact that we have a voting
system to begin with is really great!

Nice to see the users here actually care
about the voting :)


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Voting.....

 by rowancompsciguy on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

That's another great suggestion. Sometimes "good" and "bad" just aren't enough options so if someone doesn't like one little detail of the work, they may vote bad when on the whole, the work is actually good. I think this idea of having a multiple star rating (5 works for me) in conjunction with making comments mandatory for bad ratings (maybe for 1 or 2 stars) may be good enough of a system to present to the admins.

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 Re: Re: Voting.....

 by DanRabbit on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%
elementaryos .org

I like the star rating system as well.

The only draw back is sorting out the highest rated page. if there are 30 people who have 5 stars, who gets to be on the first page?

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 Re: Re: Re: Voting..

 by rowancompsciguy on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

I would say that it should sort by stars and then by downloads.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Voti

 by Newmooon on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

Older themes have a lot of downloads only because they're here from 1914 :)
I think that ordering by downloads is not a good idea maybe orering by downloads/time but I'm not sure it is a good idea too... some hybryd maybe will work well

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 Re: Re: Re: Voting.....

 by TheRob on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

I don't think we would see even 1 post with
5.0 stars.... (as we don't have a 100% good)
I think the highest would be like 4.5 or


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Voting.....

 by Newmooon on: Apr 14 2008
Score 50%

A good voting system would allow to vote a theme (wallpaper, program, ...) for its beauty, but also fo its usability, or accessibility.
A good system has to provide a way to say "your work is good and beautyfull but the link sometimes don't work" or something like "your work is good and I appreciate it but I don't like the colors"

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 Re: Voting.....

 by drxnele on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

nice... I like it too :)

made in Serbia
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 Re: Voting.....

 by 5er on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

I like good/bad rating better.
And when there are star ratings, I usually just use 1 if it's bad and 5 if it's good, lol.

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 fck it...

 by drxnele on: Apr 12 2008
Score 50%

my best uploads were this morning 81%(digital clock), 76%(wireless) and 81%(netmotitor)... now they are 78% 74% and 79% wtf... grades of these 3 never was below 78% and look now... I HATE THEM!

made in Serbia
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 Re: fck it...

 by Fri13 on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

That rating falling is very normal. It's always the avarage value of rating. And because not everyone are on this site on same time or not even on same week, those ratings can go up or down easily by correct rating (one person cannot affect 1500 persons vote much!).

Current voting system is working one. By default every new art/app gets 50% and not 0%.

The "bad" vote should always be used for good reason, just like good vote too, not just telling "Great work, keep up!" Even that someone makes great and working application or artwork, it might not be good because it might have something wrong on it!

Yes, it would be nice to know WHY and it should be told but we cant force things like that.

What I would like to see is a "report unauthorised material" or "possible copyright infringement" button for reporting to the admin that material shoudn't be here. And same time there should be a button for "Wrong site"!

We have lots of problems here about contect. Like kde-apps.org site is made for KDE applications. Not for Qt apps what you can use on KDE. There should only be a KDE apps what integrates to KDE itself. But still there are those pure Qt apps like ManDVD or Manslide what ain't KDE apps and those should be moved to qt-apps.org site!

KDE is made for users by users....
What can you give back to others?

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 pissed off

 by drxnele on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

Iam shure that somebody vote my stuff bad because of this group... in last two days my stuff grade downgrade by 10% wtf??
if this continue I will delete my profil and all uploads too... I didnt learn for my tests for collage these days because I programmed screenlets and I fail some tests because of this.. and now some mfck idiot vote bad???!!! If you think it's so bad MAKE BETTER!!!

made in Serbia
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 Re: pissed off

 by TheRob on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

Yeah I hear you!

I c this voting business has really gotten
you upset.. Personally I don't see why all
the fuss since your stuff is (in my opinion
highly voted).

I know it's a major pain in the ass if
you have worked your ass of on something
and people don't give a flying f**k about
it(however, that is not the case), personally
I do not use screenlets but I checked your
stuff out and you should be proud of what
you have done man!

Personally the thing that matters for
me when I make something is that I am
happy with it myself, if I post something
that I'm happy with and people vote
it straight to h**l and give me shit about
it I don't actually give a crap....

Really man... You shouldn't take the
voting so seriously, since as long
as we have a voting system people will
vote good stuff bad no matter what!

Anyway, I would hate to see you delete
your stuff because of some 14 year
old pricks just having fun :)

...whatever... chill man!

Best regards!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: pissed off

 by drxnele on: Apr 13 2008
Score 50%

thanks man... I talked with my local comunity members and they convinced me to not delete my stuff and that this crap about bad/good is irrelevant... thank you all

made in Serbia
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