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No Ubuntu Users Allowed!

Sindustries. org IRC

Annoyed with everyone thinking Ubuntu is gods gift to GNU/Linux? Ubuntu fanboism is becoming a disease. This group is dedicated to users of GNU/Linux and all of the *BSDs that know what "a Linux is" and know that FreeBSD is not a distribution of GNU/Linux.

Created:Jun 21 2010
Changed:Jun 21 2010
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 by tw1ggz on: Aug 2 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Hell yea Batman is the shit! I bet George Clooney and the rest that played Batman actually DO know Kate Beckinsale ;)

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 The move towards M$ 2.0

 by marcaemus on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

Just reading OSNews.


To summarise:
"The package is called canonical-census and is installed on Ubuntu machines from OEMs ... The package contains a Python program which pings Canonical on a daily basis so that they can keep track of the amount of OEM machines."

Mr Gates & Mr Jobs would be proud.

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: The move towards M$ 2.0

 by TheRob on: Aug 15 2010
Score 39%

Yup, agree, canonical is just another
company who is after the same thing
ms and apple is : money.

"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!" -Denis Leary
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 Re: The move towards M$ 2.0

 by werevire on: Aug 16 2010
Score 50%

If you look at Kubuntu's "feature page" (http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour) , you'll see Kubnutu mentioned 13 times and KDE is mentioned twice! That's wrong, it seems as though many of the" features" presented in KDE are Kubuntu features. In other words, Kubuntu devs are taking credit for KDE features. I dont think any other distro does that (well maybe a Ubuntu respin). They should present Kubuntu only features and redirect the KDE features to a KDE page. Its kinda what apple did with their "based on UNIX" page.

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 Re: Re: The move towards M$ 2.0

 by envy00 on: Oct 10 2010
Score 50%

How else are they supposed to relate the features that the operating system has without saying it's name?

"Multimedia made easy, with the GNU/Linux based software distribution in question."

"The GNU/Linux based software distribution in question is packed full of fun, productive applications such as Kontact for email, the powerful Openoffice suite for documents and office presentations, the exciting and revolutionary Amarok media player, and much, much more. We're sure you'll enjoy working and playing with the GNU/Linux based software distribution in question!"

While Kubuntu only mentions KDE twice, they go onto explain a number of KDE and qt related programs, two of which I mentioned above (disclaimer: I'm well aware that Openoffice is not part of the KDE compilation or Qt).

If you visit the OpenSUSE 11.3 portal, you will find that in the total article, they also mention KDE a total of 2 times:


However, like the Kubuntu link, they mention, most of the applications that are included with it, most of which are related to KDE or Qt.

If we look at Kubuntu's home page, they make a total mention of KDE twice (however make reference a number of KDE related features, such as Plasma), compared with OpenSUSE's one, and no mention of things such as Plasma.

Kubuntu also mentions that it is based on Debian, and the Linux kernel, and supplies a link to the following:

- The KDE home (kde.org)
- The Plasma Workspace page (kde.org/workspaces/)
- The Linux kernel home (kernel.org)
- The Debian home (debian.org)
- The Ubuntu home (well, since you guys all have such a hard-on for Ubuntu, my guess is I don't have to post a link).

(You can see these links for yourself at http://www.kubuntu.org/)

So, in short, Kubuntu is hardly taking credit for anything, besides the distribution in question, however they do not mention once that they (or Canonical) are responsible for the software that is included in it.

They do however mention that it is "...built by a worldwide team of expert developers." but this does not necessarily mean the Kubuntu developers or Canonical, but rather the KDE, Openoffice, etc. developers as well as the Kubuntu developers.

By the way, the reason I chose OpenSUSE is because it is most commonly compared to Ubuntu in terms of home computing (which is Ubuntu's target userbase).

Hope this information was helpful to you guys. :)

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 Re: The move towards M$ 2.0

 by envy00 on: Oct 10 2010
Score 50%

First of all, Bill Gates no longer works at MS. Please stop trying to sound witty by quoting various comments found in online news articles from six years ago. The man you are thinking of is Steve Baldmer (and yes, that was a pun, no need to start the grammar gestapo shit here)

Secondly, this package is installed only in OEM installs of Ubuntu - yes, it tells you that in the link you posted, whoop-de-do-dah, gentlemen. Break out the pitchforks, it's time for an old fashioned boycott.

If I may clear up some of these murky "facts" in a few quick points:
- You are allowed to opt-out of this at anytime.
- The command to remove this package is included in the documentation of pretty much anything related to the package in question.
- It simply sends a couple of lines of anonymous data to the developers, to see how many people were satisfied with their operating system choice, over Windows, at purchase time.
- If you are on an OEM system with the package installed, you can obtain the source with a simple:

sudo apt-get source canonical-census

- The package is only installed on OEM systems that use the OEM install (rather than the traditional medium), and since that pretty much narrows down the selection to just Dell (Commodore USA doesn't count as they're a minor niche market), who tracks all of their Windows OEM installs anyway, I'd say those statistics mean jack.

What incredible news. Mr Ballmer and Mr Jobs would certainly be...minorly disapointed that they were outdone by such an unexpectedly evil corporation as Canonical, who also burn orphanages and kill kittens when playing Moon golf with their hyper exclusive Mega Evil Buddies Club, and sipping a cold one with Gates and Wozniak (why not? while we're on the topic of people who no longer work at corporations but are taking credit for said corporation's recent evil doings* anyway?)

In response to Rob's comment: how exactly is measuring usage statistics supposed to be making them money? Please explain, as we're obviously not all as gifted as you when it comes to logic and facts.

For those at all curious (and can read python), feel free to get the real facts™ about the source code, here:


(see downloads, canonical-census*.tar.gz at the bottom of the page)

* - I agree that Gates is evil. Wozniak however is not. The Apple II was awesome. My first computer was an Apple IIgs, so to give it the post-retro "evil" label because of the iPhone is just retarded.

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 by tw1ggz on: Sep 7 2010
Score 45%
Sindustries. org IRC


irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 Re: lol

 by LinuxSheep on: Sep 28 2010
Score 50%

What's with the homo-erotic avatar ?
Not to mention the gun lmfao internet tough guy.

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 Re: Re: lol

 by envy00 on: Oct 10 2010
Score 50%


Seriously dude, I think you need to like get out more. They have this awesome thing called sunlight now. Some Vitamin E might do you some good.

Ubuntu may not be my most favourite distro, but we can't all be SUPERRAWSUML33T~HAXXORZZ!!1!0! who spend all their time on 4chan and maintaining their shitty blogs that only like three people read regularly.

And as for all these comments about Canonical only being interested in the $$$ (well actually they were coming from just that one guy, who obviously has social interaction issues as well), why are Red Hat and Novell listed as Fortune 500 companies?

Welcome to the real world dude, money talks, people walk. That's pretty much 99.9% of the IT industry. Even Torvalds is a multi-millionaire. It's pointless douche bags such as yourself that GNU/Linux will always be considered 1%.

Have a wonderful day.

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 by lostintheshell on: Sep 8 2010
Score 41%

My friend says Ubuntu is an ease of use distribution. But when I install it on my friend laptop I can't connect any bluetooth device and broadcom wireless lan. So where is the ease of use jargon came from????

Happiness is created not given.
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 Re: LOL

 by LinuxSheep on: Sep 29 2010
Score 50%

Rim Job

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 Re: Re: LOL

 by lostintheshell on: Oct 7 2010
Score 44%

Keep it coming.

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 Preaching to the Disinterested

 by marcaemus on: Oct 13 2010
Score 38%

This seriously seems like the wrong place for people to come in and extol the virtues of oobu. Perhaps they don't actually understand what this group's about or can't read titles, whichever occurs first.

Having finished my LFS build I'm going for KDE4.5. kde-look seems eminently more civil with almost no idiots posting wallpapers of soft porn branded with the oobu logo.

Got a bit sunburnt here the other day. Even in Melbourne.

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: Preaching to the Disinterested

 by lostintheshell on: Oct 15 2010
Score 38%

lol u tell em my friend.

sit down ooboo! lol
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 The Heart of the Matter

 by marcaemus on: Oct 18 2010
Score 50%

Repost from 'ubuntu haters' group

To quote Bradley Kuhn:

I've written before about my deep skepticism regarding the true motives of Canonical, Ltd.'s advocacy and demand of for-profit corporate copyright assignment without promises to adhere to copyleft...

Read the full article here:

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: The Heart of the Matter

 by lostintheshell on: Dec 31 2010
Score 50%

Good one.

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