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No More Ubuntu Respins!

Sindustries. org IRC

Aren't there enough already? Just off the top of my head, I can think of ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, fluxbuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu muslim edition, ubuntu christian edition, easy peasy, ubuntu "ultimate" edition, MoonOS, Mythbuntu, WattOS, PC/OS, Linux Mint (plus all of its community editions), and there are plenty more on distro watch just waiting to be added to the list! What the hells the difference? New backgrounds, a copy of the quran? Different themes? Its pretty damned annoying when ubuntu comes out with a release, because then all you see on Distrowatch is seperate new release entries for every single ubuntu respin there is. Sure! Lets change up some themes and add some applications that are no doubt readily available in their apt repos already and make an iso and call it a distribution! Enough already!

Created:Apr 29 2010
Changed:Apr 29 2010
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 irc channel?

 by tw1ggz on: May 20 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Anyone wanna open an ubuntu hate channel on irc.sindustries.org ? :) TheRob and I are trying to get #opendesktop on irc.sindustries.org to take off. Its a nice, reliable server that I pay for. Just imagine, we can all sit there and chat/troll ubuntu in realtime! No more waiting on forums to update! Just install irssi or xchat or something and connect to irc.sindustries.org and find me..my nick is mike there...TheRob is ..TheRob..we are always in the #opendesktop channel..

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 This Group Hit the Spot

 by werevire on: Aug 8 2010
Score 50%

The ubuntu respins are more of a burden than a blessing. The only "distro" that is not just a renaming of ubuntu is Google's chromium. There's more changes between chromium and ubuntu than ubuntu and debian!

The point of open source is not to create as many different distributions/spin-offs as possible, but its to contribute BACK to the community as a whole. Instead of releasing an entirly new ISO file, why can't these new packagers release JUST their artwork, or JUST their cool new program, etc.

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 I agree

 by 71Kr117 on: Aug 10 2010
Score 50%

I made the mistake of installing mint, and now i have all this green crap and community sh** that I don't want. They patched EVERY browser to use their skimmed down excuse for a custom search engine. Now I want to reinstall Ubuntu, but I don't want to reinstall all my apps and put it back to the way it was. . . Stupid Linux Mint, you suck!

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 by openiddoesntwork on: Aug 11 2010
Score 50%

These guys had a Debian amd64 respin, packaged with jackd instead of oss/alsa/pulse, and a kernel allegedly "tweaked" for "real time". Necessary for pro sound users because alsa is such a mess, and Jack supports their Firewire-attached external hardware codecs and other equipment. Debian and Ubuntu out-of-the-box are pretty much unusable by that user base.
So it's more than just themes and browser options, but much less than an independent distro.

Last weekend ubuntustudio pushed out a linux-kernel update that crashed after replacing initrd and before updating grub, and bricked my girlfriend's box. Two hours of fooling with "rescue mode" and a stock ubuntu kernel+initrd and it still wouldn't boot, so we replaced / with Lenny.

Warning, ubuntustudio considered harmful. Or at least inadequately tested.

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 Right, and the RedHat distros?

 by ZackC456 on: Aug 26 2010
Score 50%

I agree that the Ubuntu-based distros are getting old mostly because they offer very little to the table. However, this was going to happen ANYWAY. Look at how many Red Hat/Fedora-based operating systems there are, and they been out loong before now.

Oh right, Canonical is "evil." Bah! Wake me up when they haft to go ageist the USA.

Stay Frosty...
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 Re: Right, and the RedHat distros?

 by tw1ggz on: Aug 28 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Atleast most of the redhat/fedora based distro offer up atleast one thing different from the original such as a different package manager or something of the like. All of these ubuntu respins are just ubuntu with extra packages added...nothing noteworthy about them. Aside from that...you dont often find as many complete idiots running fedora, redhat, centos, etc... that being said, Fedora and CentOS both have their place in the world now since they are free, and RHEL is not. Another thing is, there are far fewer Redhat and Fedora based projects than there are based on ubuntu.

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 by tw1ggz on: Sep 7 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC


irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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