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is gnome 3.0 specs the way to go


This is what i think, gnome 3.0 plans shows what gnome users don't what.. a dictator OS , that doesn't allow any customization.. When i moved to Linux i chose gnome because of its customization power, i missed a few things but being a developer myself i made my best to bring these things i missed to gnome.
Gnome 3.0 will bring gnome-shell... hope to "revamp the user experience" well i speak for myself but i don't need a new user experience especially when that means not being able to change window-manager ,not being able to use applets , docks, widgets .... we need stable gnome desktop with polishments..

Gnome developers should actually get in touch with what users want...

Created:May 11 2009
Changed:May 15 2009
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Membership:everybody can join

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 I didn't expect...

 by ElTimo on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

Such an uneducated group name from someone as renowned as yourself. First of all, gnome-shell is still in a PRE-ALPHA STATE! All of the features haven't even been implemented yet, or even thought of for that matter. Second, if you don't like gnome 3.0, use KDE (or xfce, or fluxbox, or fvwm-crystal, or windowmaker, or any other windowmanager/desktop i missed). Nobody is forcing you to use gnome 3.0. Third, I would think that the gnome devs would learn from KDE's mistakes and continue to support the 2.x series, even if it's just for minor bugfixes and performance improvements.

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Re: I didn't expect...

 by Whise on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

I really but really hope that you are right, that all this is still alpha planing and that it will be better thought of..

-i may be a bit harsh but one thing that i dont remove from my comments is that official gnome developers are out of touch with the gnome community, i have always thought this , why not as k the comunity what they want???

Check out my Screenlets here


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 already tried it?

 by jalpaka on: May 15 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

hi Whise,
did you already try the newest release of gnome shell?
i recently read about it on lwn.net. i think that at least zeitgeist could become really cool and innovative.


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 Re: already tried it?

 by DreadKnight on: May 25 2009
Score 50%
Freezing Moon

Too bad the devs didn't implemented stuff from akonady/nepomuk so both gnome and Kde would have shared info. Gnome doesn't gives a fuck about KDE, so the multitude of desktop environments for linux that pop-out now and then only make linux worse.

We need a single DE that's like a toolkit so you can built your own workspace as you wish. KDE is going that direction.
Let's make it fast, stable, secure, polished and with plenty of features and it's going to be win-win situation for everybody.

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 Re: zeitgeist

 by novomente on: May 26 2009
Score 50%

Yep. Zeitgeist is very good feature in searching and organizing documents. It's a pity that it will come to users after Windows 7 promotional searching ability. Linux should have been first. :)

Looks like now we can write apostrophe to comments directly. I'm so wondered. I'm You're We're jajaja great :)
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 by d0od on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

This is getting like facebook where people are resistant to change. You can't stand in the way of progress all your life or nothing will progress.

There's a popular saying that if you let the public design a Porsche you'd get a replica of a Volvo...

Sure our needs and ideas are important as end users, but not everything people want is necessary or vital. Docks are a great example of this - sure they're great now, but how about thinking outside of the box and creating something better than a dock? As is, the current desktop set up is about 15 years old and docks were merely a way to organize shortcuts with a few added features thrown in.

We need to think beyond what we use now and create a desktop environment that is relevant to now and to users of now and not hold it back and keep it 'as is' just so a minority don't have to adapt or learn a new interface or because a few people are moaning that they won't be able to use current GTK themes/screenlets/'legacy' apps with a new version. As great as screenlets are, they're merely providing services/features/data that should, in modern computing, be integrated into the desktop anyway.

It's this thinking that forces windows to be stuck in the past. We can't go backwards into the future...

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 Re: Arrgh

 by ElTimo on: May 16 2009
Score 50%

I agree with you. You really can't stand in the way of progress. However, it's not just a minority of users that want the desktop to stay how it is. I for one can attest to that, although I do agree that some change is needed.

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Just wondering

 by jameshardy88 on: May 18 2009
Score 50%

Ok i know next to nothing about the future gnome releases, i always look forward to the big changes we get as advancement and being as cutting edge as possible is pretty much what linux is about in my opinion. However i am a little concerned by this message. Im hoping that i have got the wrong end of the stick but are you saying that in gnome 3 they are intending to make it so that users will not be able to make and implement their own themes? We will have a more windows style approach with only a few default themes? In short Gnome-look will become all but obsolete!?

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 Re: Just wondering

 by Apopatos on: May 20 2009
Score 50%

I very much doubt it coz like that Gnome is gonna die with so many cuztomizable desktop environments out there and the devs know that pretty well...

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 What is good or bad?

 by metalheart on: May 25 2009
Score 50%

Well noone can say what is good to change and what should stay as the way is allready working (if it's working, don't fix it). There will allways be some people who won't like the decision whatever that may be. But ... as proven in many cases, until you see it in action you just can't tell if is good or not.

See compiz for example, is not a big deal, is beatiful but not everything is usefull so after a few days of wobbling windows around u decide to enable just a few plugins that are really usefull. Same case here. They should build a simple report system and keep an eye on it. See what people wants after a few months of alpha testing

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 Try GNOME Shell

 by novomente on: May 25 2009
Score 50%


Seems like it is impossible to create note without being member (except replies). I just want to add this link:


Here you will find how to install and run GNOME Shell without harming your installed system.

It will take at about 15 minutes to do it and you can try Shell yourself. I do not know whether it will finally look like this, but give it a try and you will see it in action.

Anybody know how to write apostrophe without backslash to comment?
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 Re: Try GNOME Shell

 by DreadKnight on: May 25 2009
Score 50%
Freezing Moon

I tried it already and i think the design is crap. I don't care about virtual desktops that much. Even if it's pre-alpha, it's very 'hardcoded' and doesn't have room for customizations and if it will, it's going to be same thing as KDE4 more or LESS.

I think gnome-shell will be a waste of time in the long run, no mean any disrespect to the developers, but KDE4 is the next best thing, I'm sure of it.

It's enough freedom that you have a choice for not using windows or mac etc and you can use a completely free/open source desktop; we don't need chaos in that now, do we?

What linux needs is to polish up KDE4, make it usable, fast, stable, have features and it will all be good for everybody ;)

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 Re: Link to GNOME Shell

 by novomente on: May 26 2009
Score 50%

I didn't meant to write any opinion I just wanted to add that link for anybody interested in this discussion. But after a first look on GNOME Shell I decided adding a comment.

So I tried GNOME Shell and although I wouldn`t drop GNOME 3 to trash, I had very similar feeling as you. The Shell looks not nice, but that can be changed until final version. I cannot see the programing part - in analogy the engine of a car. So I concentrated on what is important for user - in analogy the wheel and lever.

And that has some ideas but not many. The thing about desktop is really good, but I am afraid that GNOME 3 developers concentrated only to this. The ideas are drag&drop application directly to the one of desktops, switch among desktops, drag windows among desktops, adding a desktop etc.

But that's where it ends. Starting apps is long - many clicks (and also clicks on very small parts like small text "more..."). The dock with favorite application and recent documents - is that replacement for icons on panel (seen in today GNOME 2)- for me not very good solution.

Moreover the Shell itself is looking like be developed for wide desktop screens. How about notebooks and other platforms. Will they have it's own Shell? How it will look like?

I cannot write about customizing, because I cannot find anything to customize if it is there. If it is not then GNOME made a jump back.

I was looking forward to KDE4. When it came out I was wondered how developers did great work on usage of KDE - simple, quick. The bad part was unstability and painful switch from KDE3 to KDE4. So I agree with you. KDE4 may be the future desktop while polished as you said (if GNOME will look like this).

How to write apostrophe to comment? ' - " - ` - \' - /' - [apostrophe] - I don't don`t don\'t know :(
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 Re: Re: Link to GNOME Shell

 by DreadKnight on: May 26 2009
Score 50%
Freezing Moon

Well, i switched to KDE 4.3 (Kubuntu Karmic Koala) last night and i love it. It's way faster/snappier and Kwin's desktop effects just work with blender and games like Warcraft and such now. Woohooo!

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