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openDesktop.org improvement group

hive 01

Hey there,
in order to improve and to optimize the usability and user experience, we have decided to investigate in improvements and additions of new features and functions to openDesktop.org. Important for us are our users out there. Therefore, we decided to ask you as our community to bring your ideas or wishes in so that we can collect them and implement them.
Which features do you think could be improved? Where do you see potential for further usability optimizations? Are there any functions or features that you're missing? Or do you know annoying bugs which bother you? Propositions for usability improvements are also welcome!
You can find a user group where we collect everything. It's also a place where we can discuss several propositions and concepts. So come on and get involved. We're looking forward for your ideas.

Created:Jul 30 2009
Changed:Jul 30 2009
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 Runner section

 by JanGerritJose on: Aug 5 2009
Score 50%

There are some runners for KRunner on kde-look.org,so there could be a section "Runners".

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 Re: Runner section

 by jalpaka on: Aug 9 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

ok, good idea! although i hope to see more krunners upstream in plasma (see also on plasma roadmap, they want to integrate more krunners...)
best regards, jal

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 Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by Emdek on: Aug 7 2009
Score 50%

For some days I can see very big lags, for example when I get notification about comment sometimes I need to wait hours to see it on site and have opportunity to answer to it, very annoying. One time when I got notification about comment in group I could see it on gnome-look but on kde-look it appeared one hour later...

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by novomente on: Aug 7 2009
Score 50%

Maybe the site is under never ending heavy construction. :) Lot of work to do here.

But when using KDE application for getting new themes from kde-look.org, it's quick. I'm not sure if it connects to the same server as web browser.

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 Re: Re: Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by Emdek on: Aug 8 2009
Score 50%

I meant that they cache too much and don't update this cache enough fast. ;-)
But today it works much better, when I post comment I can see it directly after redirection, yesterday it would be invisible for some hours...

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Re: Re: Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by jalpaka on: Aug 9 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

caching is a very complicated topic (and i'm no expert at all). afaik cache gets updated every 10min or so...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by Emdek on: Aug 9 2009
Score 50%

Yes, it is not so easy to make cache that improves performance without creating problems. ;-)

But it looks that this was probably temporary problem, now it works fine again. :-)

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Smaller lags - sensible cache

 by Emdek on: Aug 17 2009
Score 50%

And problem comes again...
Now again we need to wait ages to see updates or send comments, this creates situation when users send multiple duplicated comments or updates content unnecessary...

Life is unfair...
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 Filtering in Knowledge Base

 by dtritscher on: Aug 10 2009
Score 50%

Just a simple usecase:
User Joe is an experienced KDE user and wants to help other KDE users. So he goes to the Knowledge Base and displays all unanswered KDE questions.
Joe can't do this at the moment ;)

If you go to unanswered questions and select type "KDE", the page is reloaded with action="knowledgebase".
When applying a filter, the action should not be changed. The page itself aparently can handle this, as you get the wanted result, when you fidle around with the parameters in the URL.

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 Re: Filtering in Knowledge Base

 by jalpaka on: Aug 11 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

yeah, there are still some (small i hope) bugs in there. should be fixed in a few days/week(s). thank you!

cheers, jal

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 Re: Re: Filtering in Knowledge Base

 by jalpaka on: Aug 18 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

should be fixed now, isn't it?

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 Better visualization of votes

 by Emdek on: Aug 17 2009
Score 50%

If we want still use current not ideal voting system it should at least have better visualization. ;-)
Now it shows only percent and counting method is really unclear.
My proposal is to show bar with numbers, amount of total votes, bad votes, good votes and current percent. And don't show 50% when there is no votes.
Additionally, old votes from before month or more should be removed and user should have possibility to vote again or change valid vote before end of that period.
I can create mockup or working HTML code.

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Better visualization of votes

 by Emdek on: Aug 18 2009
Score 50%

One more thing, voting on own content should be disabled.

Life is unfair...
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 Improved mail notifications

 by Emdek on: Aug 18 2009
Score 50%

I have some ideas for improving mail notifications when someone post comment under yours or when you have activated message notification for content or group.

First, no duplicated notifications.
When you have both options enabled (Notify me via email of responses to this message.) and standard message notification then you get two emails for one comment (with different subjects and at different time...). There should be only one message.

Second, no notifications about own comments.
If you have message notification for content, then you will get emails with notification about own comments too.

Third, better subjects for notification emails.
This should be always something like: New comment for "content or group name etc.": comment title.

Life is unfair...
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 Hightlight Group posts

 by novomente on: Aug 19 2009
Score 50%

When visiting Group only latest comments are listed. What if somebody adds a post to the thread at the beginning of Group?

When visiting Group it could list latest posts while other are hidden - viewed by opening the thread tree. Similar to folder tree in file manager.

More here: http://gnome-look.org/groups/?id=224
post: Tags in discussions

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