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KDE CDEmu Manager


KDE Service Menu

Score 81%
KDE CDEmu Manager

KDE CDEmu Manager

Downloads:  3813
Submitted:  Feb 21 2009
Updated:  Jan 12 2013


KDE CDEmu Manager is a simple frontend for CDEmu.

It provides a little manager window that gives you an overview of your virtual drives and allows you to mount and unmount images.

It also includes a KDE service menu for mounting images directly from Dolphin/Konqueror (which is what most people will want to use).

Images can be unmounted like any other media through Dolphin or the Device Notifier plasmoid.

How to install:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
make install (as root)

Running CDEmu on the DBus system bus is deprecated. Starting with version 0.4 support for the system bus has been dropped.

Translations and feedback are welcome.


Currently following translations are available:
German, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish


Changelog from 0.4 to 0.5:
* Updated for CDEmu 2.0 (thanks to ava1ar for the patch)

Changelog from 0.3.1 to 0.4:
* Updated for CDEmu 1.4.0

Changelog from 0.3 to 0.3.1:
* Fixed MIME type definitions to include new libmirage types
* Made the kde_cdemu_mount.desktop file compliant to the freedesktop.org Desktop Entry Specification

Changelog from 0.2 to 0.3:
* Added support for the session bus

Changelog from 0.1 to 0.2:
* Updated to CDEmu 1.2.0
* Cleaned up the code
* Improved build scripts

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 could you port to cdemu 1.2

 by kneczaj on: Oct 26 2009
Score 50%

Could you make the cdemu frontend work with version 1.2 of daemon? Version 1.0 is a bit old now.

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 Re: could you port to cdemu 1.2

 by tudor on: Oct 27 2009
Score 50%

I second that :) There seems to be no problem when using cdemu 1.1.0, but it doesn't work with the more recent 1.2.1

Thank you (in advance).

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 1.2 support

 by andhom on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

please add cdemud 1.2 support


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 by nukedathlonman on: Dec 1 2009
Score 50%

This is fantastic & 1,000,000x easier then having to use a command line. Not sure how open to idea's you are, bit would be a nifty feature if down the road could be worked to have multi image mounting - multi images all mounted in the same place, but use a key sequence to change simply change the mounted image.

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 Name change kde_cdemu > kcdemu

 by ssuominen on: Dec 4 2009
Score 50%

I've committed this in Gentoo's Portage as app-cdr/kcdemu because we had already app-cdr/cdemu and app-cdr/gcdemu.

How about changing it for next version?

kde_cdemu (with the underscore) isn't very "handy" to type from command line package managers IMHO

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 Re: Name change kde_cdemu > kcdemu

 by marcel83 on: Dec 4 2009
Score 50%


I originally planned to call it KCDEmu but as it turned out, the name was already taken. There's a KDE3 frontend that goes by that name, although it apparently hasn't been maintained for years. I thought it would be better to chose a new name rather than just stealing the name and causing confusion.

Btw, it's nice to see this in Portage:-)

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 Re: Name change kde_cdemu > kcdemu

 by andhom on: Jan 7 2010
Score 50%

> I've committed this in Gentoo's Portage as app-cdr/kcdemu

Thanks a lot!

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 I can not mount any images

 by vnu007dl on: Dec 6 2009
Score 50%

Just like in subject, when i dlike to mount any image I still get information:
Couldn't mount the image! All virtual drives are in use.
What it is wrong?What to do with this?

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 Nice tool!

 by medo3891 on: Dec 9 2009
Score 50%

Hi. Nice tool indeed.

There's a problem, cosmetic, with kde_cdemu_mount.desktop , it's not compliant with XDG specifications, this should fix it:

[Desktop Entry]

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 Re: Nice tool!

 by marcel83 on: Dec 11 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for the hint. I've fixed it for the next release.

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 Re: Re: Nice tool!

 by medo3891 on: Dec 11 2009
Score 50%

Thanks. :)

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