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Evolve KDE


KDE Icons

Score 79%
Evolve Air
Evolve KDE

Downloads:  34355
Submitted:  Feb 13 2009
Updated:  Jul 16 2012


Hello my KDE friends!
This project... did not died - within version 5.0 of our awesome desktop environment there will be a release of complete set which I am working on.

16.07.2012: a little bit more taste...

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 by Podstavsky on: May 7 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

Thank you Gomez. I appreciate that!
I'm sorry I didn't upload the finished wallpaper and two, new, hope nice icons - I'm at home without the data of Evolve.

Be patient - next update on Sunday!

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 Re: :)

 by gomezhyuuga1 on: May 7 2009
Score 50%
Fedora Blogger Network Member

Nooo! I can't wait XDD
I am impatient waiting for the new wallpaper, sure you do a great job ;-).

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 Nice, but...

 by thehayro on: May 19 2009
Score 50%

Nice Idea!
But i think it's too futuristic.
It's just my opinion..:)
To tell you the truth, i don't like dark themes as well and dark icons would be the tip of the iceberg..


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 by gomezhyuuga1 on: May 21 2009
Score 50%
Fedora Blogger Network Member

As always, you are do an excellent job!!!

Thanks for the icons and for the svg files :D.

Continues that ;).

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 by Podstavsky on: May 21 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

Oh - thank you - you're always writing with compliments :) Sometimes criticism is very very important - I can change those scribbles with somebody's opinion. Well - thank you anyway my friend :)

PS: in progress are icons for GLUON project dridk's started. The revolution is comming!

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 by lesserdevil on: Jun 3 2009
Score 50%

I think the work you have done is outstanding. I understand the difficulty of putting together something so massive as an entire set of KDE icons by yourself. There's so many things I'd like to do and don't have time to do by myself.

I wish you had a complete set though, because your work looks fantastic. I'm one of the people who will be following your updates. I'm very poor so I can't help you out, but if I had extra money I would definitely donate to show thanks for your efforts.

Thank you.

We laugh because it hurts.
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 by TheRob on: Sep 1 2009
Score 50%

...well f**k me sideways... if you don't
get the good votes with this I don't
know what it takes to please the crowd!

It's genius, everything, from the color palette
to the shapes, details...

personal question, I know you do a lot
of stuff in inkscape, but did you actually
pull that off in inkscape, if so...
you are not only a genius, but you are
not of this planet :D

I'd actually want to help you it's just
that my stuff isn't nearly that kinda
quality so....

anyways, this is very good, honestly.

Just stick to the same kinda shapes and
color palette as you have done this far
I'm sure this will be huge!

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: damn...

 by Podstavsky on: Sep 1 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

It's just an impact of watching the environment in dormitory (OMG :D ), especially the light effects of some materials... Of course I've decided to continue the Air style by KDE artwork team - so that's the same colour palette and overall look.

Robert - I'm still using the Inkscape - it's a powerful program that waits for unleashing the abilities by not informed group of users.

I'm happy you've decided to support me :) Your icons & ideas (also graphic talent) are great!

You're thinking about quality of Evolve - it's very simple style. This parameter comes from many hours of work I've spent @ building vector objects. And sometimes (as you know) the idea is better than a proper looking icon, but boring.

Now I'm out for some hours. Take care and it's really nice to hear from you again!

With best wishes from free Poland, Podstavsky.

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