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Evolve KDE


KDE Icons

Score 79%
Evolve Air
Evolve KDE

Downloads:  34355
Submitted:  Feb 13 2009
Updated:  Jul 16 2012


Hello my KDE friends!
This project... did not died - within version 5.0 of our awesome desktop environment there will be a release of complete set which I am working on.

16.07.2012: a little bit more taste...

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 by DarkNon on: Feb 14 2009
Score 50%

Nice style! Little question. When you finish work on icons, will they ported to kde3? It would be very nice.

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 by Podstavsky on: Feb 14 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

I think there won't be a problem, but their appearance will be quite different.

Anyway - I promise the port for KDE 3 :)

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 by giucam on: Feb 16 2009
Score 50%

The're absolutely beautiful!! Great work!

I can't wait for a first set of them!

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 A W S O M E

 by kozer on: Feb 17 2009
Score 50%

they re awsome!!!!!i cant wait for this set!!!!is it in good way to be released?

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 Thank you!

 by Podstavsky on: Feb 18 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

In a near future I'll be need some good artists to build them faster. The set will be out I think in 3-4 months. But very excelent... Thanks for the motivation. I need more opinions about what can I chcange. Next preview with some of them (for desktop picture pasting and probing) will be out in next few days.

Best wishes - Podstavsky.

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 Re: Thank you!

 by schollidesign on: Feb 18 2009
Score 50%

"In a near future I'll be need some good artists to build them faster." So you must shout loud ;) I can't help you for example - this style it's too high for me. I know my limits :) But I hope you will find some manpower helping you ;)

I heart, in summer, a decision will be necessary what should be default in KDE (4.5 ???)! Oxygen or Air? For me it's not important if Oxygen or Air is default by the first "boot/start". Important is that both are implemented by default for choose ;)

Poland peoples are very talented ... I'm glad that group of peoples had decided for doing this project. Thumbs up and best wishes for the future ... dla całego zespołu!

do widzenia, schollidesign

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 Re: Re: Thank you!

 by Podstavsky on: Feb 18 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

1. So you must shout loud ;) I can't help you for example - this style it's too high for me. I know my limits :) But I hope you will find some manpower helping you ;)
You cannot say "It's too high for me". The main problem is how much work will you spent on doing them and the question: can you feel it? After written mail to Nuno Pinheiro, he gave me a tip: the icons can't be overdone, because after scalling to smaller resolution whole illustration will be not sharp and particular blurry.
I saw the theme you've made schollidesign - i don't like the ubuntu colours - but on KDE it's a new dimension :D The Human-O2 is simple but good-looking. Really like it. Some icons included there are awesome. If there is no problem for you - I'm simple asking: can you help me developing Evolve? :) It will be a great, glow set.
The reason of making the Air style is not competing with Oxygen. So why did I start? Because Oxygen is very conservative and sometimes boring. The desktop in my opinion must be elegance, smooth and have style but also colorful there, where it's need. Some Oxy icons are awesome and the style is beautiful, but after few days sitting on it you are searching some icons that will help your desktop be more... I don't know. I can only feel it :)
2. I heart, in summer, a decision will be necessary what should be default in KDE (4.5 ???)! Oxygen or Air? For me it's not important if Oxygen or Air is default by the first "boot/start". Important is that both are implemented by default for choose ;)
Nah, stop it! :) Thanks for the recognition by the way. It depends only on community how the Evolve KDE Air will look. I can see a huge time need if the style is developing by one person - for ex. by my own. So every good idea is very precious.
3. Poland peoples are very talented ... I'm glad that group of peoples had decided for doing this project. Thumbs up and best wishes for the future ... dla całego zespołu!
For now there is only one person working on this style. Me. So the more people will help the faster the theme will be release.

Cordiales saludos!

do widzenia, schollidesign

Auf Wiedersehen :) Podstavsky.

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 Re: Re: Re: Thank you!

 by schollidesign on: Feb 18 2009
Score 50%

"Poland peoples are very talented ..."

Here is my argument :D



... and you ;)

My mother is from Poland, too :)

<--- They can helps you maybe? Asking don't costs nothing. The communication should be easier, too ;)

"can you help me developing Evolve?"

I can help you where I really have talents ;) More in a PM ...


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 by robakpiotr on: Mar 6 2009
Score 50%

Hi. This is totally superb. When will it be ready?;D

Kiedy będzie gotowe?:D

Pozdrawiam, Robakpiotr

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